Cutlery stands

When all the kitchen utensils, including the cutlery, are in their places, it makes life much easier. To keep this order in your kitchen, it is important to take care of such an indispensable accessory as a cutlery stand. There are many similar products on the modern home goods market, which makes many doubt which option will be the best.
Before buying such a storage for kitchen utensils, you should know exactly what kind of utensils are to be placed in it, what material will be the best for your kitchen or dining room, and for what purpose you need a certain type of stand. The answers to all these questions will be described in detail in this article.

The first defining criterion in the classification of cutlery stands is the purpose for which they are used by the owners. There are two types.
- For storing and packaging knives, forks and spoons. Such a device involves the constant placement of utensils in special compartments, combined into a common form.
- For drying cutlery. Unlike the previous one, this accessory involves temporary placement of kitchen utensils in it so that they dry completely after cleaning.

The second defining feature in the classification of stands is their type of location and the number of compartments.
Horizontal coasters, as a rule, are placed in a drawer of a kitchen set specially designed for them. These accessories can be conditionally divided into several types.
- Classic bunk tray that has two sets of compartments... The first tier is designed to store the main cutlery that is used in the process of eating. The second tier is needed to accommodate larger utensils, for example: for ladles, slotted spoon and other utensils used in the cooking process.

- Folding stand option more compact, since its individual parts can be located above the main container with compartments, thereby significantly saving space. This option is especially in demand for small kitchen areas. Cooking utensils are stacked in the lower part, and spoons and forks in the upper part.

- Modular Kitchen Drawer Stand - a real innovation that allows you to create compartments that perfectly match the size of any kitchen utensils. The partitions of its compartments can be moved so that there is enough space for each cutlery. Unlike those stands, the compartments of which are made according to the standard dimensions of the main devices, this option allows you, by independent modeling, to place in it not only the main elements, but also unusual devices, for example, spoons with elongated handles.

- Horizontal tray perforated used primarily for drying appliances before placing them in permanent storage. Thanks to the holes in the bottom of such a stand, excess water flows down, after which the tray is removed into the drawer.

- Some cutlery organizers are specially designed for wide drawers and allow you to store both large and small utensils on the same tier. This significantly saves space, since it is not convenient for everyone to place both kitchen and dining accessories in two different drawers. The wide compartment for large instruments avoids this inconvenience.

- Indispensable in the cooking process is horizontal spoon holder... In size, it is slightly larger than a standard tablespoon and follows its shape. The purpose of this accessory is to put in a hot spoon during cooking, which is periodically stirred in food. This accessory will help you not to damage or stain your countertop.

If we consider vertical products, then you will notice that most of them are used specifically for drying kitchen utensils, and not for their permanent storage, however, sometimes stands of this shape are used for the second purpose as well. There are several types of vertical devices.
- Pallet option ideal for those who do not like to dry the dishes, but prefer to let them dry naturally. Forks, spoons and other utensils are placed in a vertical compartment, at the bottom of which there are small holes, and the liquid flowing through them falls directly into the pan, after which it can be drained and the dishes removed to the place of permanent placement. The body of such a stand can be open at the sides or closed. Also, a removable compartment divider can be included in the kit for such a stand, which allows you to sort the devices immediately after washing.
- Vertical stand for knives is not used as a drying aid. Usually it is a small device, on top of which there are compartments for knives of various shapes and sizes. To place knives in it correctly, remember that the blades should be located in these compartments, and the handles should be above them for ease of use. The blade compartment can also be transparent.
- If you want to store dry forks and spoons vertically, then the original solution would be to purchase stand with compartments, made like a basket. Its wicker walls will look very unusual in the kitchen and will perfectly fit into some interior styles.

Materials (edit)
Please note that items such as cutlery stands, can be made of various materials, depending on their purpose, as well as the class of the product.
- Ceramic stand Is the most common hot spoon option. Such a product perfectly withstands high temperatures, while it can be made in various designs and colors. This makes it not only comfortable, but also compatible with the style of the interior.

- Plastic dryer or tray for cutlery is distinguished by its affordable price, various colors, resistance to moisture and ease of cleaning. However, the disadvantages of such a product will be its low level of wear resistance and fragility. You should also ensure that such a stand is made only of food grade plastic and does not have an unpleasant odor.

- Wooden coasters found mainly among products such as table knife stands. They can be made from both natural wood and laminated plywood. Despite the rather aesthetic appearance of such devices for utensils, their service life, especially in a humid environment, is rather short, since the stands can deform due to frequent contact with water.

- Metal stands are made of stainless steel and are not cheap, but their service life is much longer than that of other varieties. It is these products that are preferable to use as a tabletop dryer for spoons and forks, since they withstand contact with moisture well. The advantage of such coasters is also their laconicism - they are suitable for many interior styles.

- There are also products for storing luxury dishes, which are most often sold together with expensive cutlery sets. They are distinguished by such features as the use of precious woods as a material, also silk or velvet upholstery and decorative painting.
Despite their very presentable appearance, their service life with frequent contact with water will not be very long.

How to choose the right one?
It is important that some of the nuances are taken into account even in the process of choosing a future cutlery holder. This will help you avoid mistakes and the purchase of a low-quality product.
- If you want to buy a horizontal tray for a headset drawer, then be sure to measure the parameters of the drawer. These include indicators such as length, depth and width.
- Count the number and all types of appliances that you use all the time. The number of compartments in the future stand must match this data. Also, think ahead about the number of tiers you need.
- Be sure to take into account such a fact as compatibility with the interior. It determines not only the shape of the future stand, but also the material from which it will be made. For some interior styles, wooden fixtures are suitable, while plastic will be more organically combined with others.
Please also note that when choosing vertical knife holders, you need to remember that their appearance is combined with the design of the knife holders.

See below for cutlery stands.