Characteristics and features of the choice of silver cutlery

Silver cutlery has always been appreciated not only as an attribute of luxurious life, but also as an effective, beautiful way of serving. Today, the purchase of silverware is again becoming popular. Even a small serving item made of this metal gives the table aristocracy and grace.
A set of silverware is a very valuable and original gift for any occasion.

Dishes made of this noble metal began to spread in our country only in the 18th century, and the first imperial service was made for Tsar Peter the Great in 1711. After this event, silver becomes a must-have for rich homes. The services consisted of many items: vases, caviar dishes, samovars, trays, forks, spoons, plates. But the services for a certain number of persons (6, 12) were valued higher. Sets for tea, table, coffee, wine purposes were created from silver.

It was the silverware that acquired the family status over time and was passed on to descendants. In the same century, the tradition of giving a silver spoon to an infant was born. A dessert spoon was given to a young high school student upon admission, and upon graduation from the high school - the dining room. Noble families collected silver, its quantity determined the status. Over time, silverware became more and more valuable. If the family got into a difficult situation, they tried not to sell the silverware.

In the Middle Ages and later, dishes were made of pure metal, but now they are made of 925 or 800 silver. This digital sign shows the percentage of pure silver in the alloy. Modern serving rarely includes samovars or silver trays, but spoons, knives, forks are purchased quite often. Cutlery is created according to sketches on stamping equipment. First, the silver is rolled out to the desired thickness and perfectly smooth surface. Then the serving items are stamped with a press, at this stage the planned ornament appears.
After the device is cut down and goes through many stages, it is polished, polished, decorated.

Dishes as a gift
Today it is rare to find glasses and plates made of silver in home setting. Production is somewhat different from pre-revolutionary, such a variety, as before, is not in demand in modern life. The most common are cup holders, forks, spoons, knives, and children's sets. Only occasionally does the family buffet adorn a silver coffee pot or teapot. In any case, the presence of a set of such dishes is considered exquisite, emphasizing the status of the hostess. Therefore, silverware is in great demand as a gift. If you want to present a really valuable and original gift to a young family, for a housewarming party or an anniversary, you can safely consider this option.

For weddings and anniversaries, sets of a large number of devices are most often chosen, for 10 or 12 persons, for a housewarming, you can limit yourself to a set for 4 - 6 persons. Separately, we can single out a set for 1 person, that is, for children. This is the only old tradition established in the modern way - to give a baby a silver spoon on a tooth. If you do not know how to please a young mother, donate a set of silver dishes for the first use. Typically, it consists of a child's spoon, fork and knife. Nowadays, many manufacturers create real works of art with cartoon characters, animals and birds that attract little ones.

Advantages and disadvantages
Silverware has many benefits. Among the main advantages:
- aesthetics, effective appearance of serving, having such dishes means having a good taste;
- status, the ability to create traditions of inheritance of dishes;
- long service life, especially with proper care;
- silver has many properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body, perfectly purifies water;
- practicality, you should not put the devices in the far drawer, the more often you use silver spoons and forks, the better;
- a reliable investment of money, these dishes will not break or deform.
As for the shortcomings, the cost of the set is considered the most significant. This valuable acquisition far exceeds the cost of cupronickel or stainless steel products.

How to choose?
The first purchase is the most responsible, you cannot buy such things in unverified places, especially when it comes to antiques. When choosing silverware, pay attention to the following nuances.
- Try. This is the most important criterion for choosing silverware, so before purchasing, evaluate what kind of metal was used in the manufacture. Of course, the lower the sample, the lower the quality of the instruments. The price depends on this, the higher the sample, the higher the silver content, the more expensive the product. It is recommended to use cutlery of 925 assay value and above when serving, if the sample is lower, then the product is of a souvenir plan.
- Ornament, carving. Another criterion of value is the presence of engraving, patterns, drawings on metal. The more of them, the more seriously invested labor and the more expensive the product.
- Uniqueness. Determines the prices and exclusivity of the dishes, the most expensive is the author's. Everyone is pleased to have a device that no one else has. Products of industrial mass production are cheaper, as they are manufactured in a whole batch. But this does not mean that the quality of such dishes is worse.
- Antiques. The most expensive type, the purchase of which is very difficult if you do not have special experience. A written examination must be attached to the product.Assess the item for damage, as time is ruthless, scratches and dents may be present. Remember that restoration work is very expensive and can ruin the thing.
- Brand. This is not only a test, but also authorship, the name of the manufacturer, a trademark. By this sign, you can calculate the time of manufacture, the authenticity of the antique. However, an additional assessment should be carried out beforehand, as the brand may be fake.

In order for the dishes to please you and your household with their aesthetic appearance, it must be properly cared for.
- Store it in a cool place in a box or case, in covers. Such measures will not allow dust to settle, affect the temperature of the metal, and other external manifestations.
- Keep silverware separate from other items. Remember that silver is quite vulnerable and easily damaged.
- For the same reason, devices should not touch each other during storage. Choosing such a gift, make a choice in favor of sets with covers and cases, this will ensure ease of storage.
- Do not keep silver in cardboard or paper packaging. Also avoid silk and rayon fabrics, otherwise the silver will darken.
- The use of hand cream and other cosmetic products can leave stains on the silver.
- Use silverware for serving, not for cooking. For example, a knife made of this metal is not suitable for cutting meat.
- If the product has enamel, you need to handle such devices very carefully - it is very fragile. It is enough to drop it on the floor to damage the enamel.
- Do not stir viscous foods such as honey with silver spoons.
- It is not difficult to wash silver dishes, but only by hand, a dishwasher will not be useful to you here.
- Wash utensils made of this metal immediately after use with any kind of detergent. Then you should wipe it dry and put it in covers.
- If you notice a light bloom - it's time to clean the silver, polish it, do not wait until it completely darkens. In this case, cleaning will not require a lot of time and serious effort.
- Dust is removed from the devices with a soft cloth. In no case should it scratch the product.
- Silver is polished, as if stroking, in a circle, using special means. This should be done regularly.

Despite proper care, silverware can darken. Cleaning will help to restore the previous appearance to a dull product. It is carried out using various means. You can buy the appropriate product in a jewelry store, where they also buy special polishing fabrics: felt, velvet, suede.
For home cleaning, you can use ammonia diluted with water.
In the next video, you will find silver cleaning at home.