How to get rid of bad thoughts?

Any person is periodically overtaken by negative thoughts. This is fine. But sometimes disturbing reflections become constant companions of life, haunting the individual hourly. The subject lives in fear. He mentally expects a bad outcome of events. The concept of reality is distorted.
Causes of negative thoughts
In the head of an impressionable person, disturbing thoughts may appear related to their own health or worries about loved ones. Often obsessive thoughts come to mind before going to bed. The subject is unable to fall asleep due to endless thoughts that poison the joy of existence. Most begin to regret missed opportunities. Gradually, a kind of vicious circle is being created.
In addition, many people tend to constantly reflect on their own mistakes. A person begins to replay some of his mistakes in his head 10 times and reason about how he should have done. The subject is irritated, suffering. A bad thought, like a splinter, sits deep in the head.
The reason for this behavior is usually self-doubt. Considering himself a failure, the individual ceases to wait for a favorable resolution of the situation. He feels his complete powerlessness in the circumstances.

The personality traits of a subject who perceives the world around them in gloomy tones can be formed as a result of improper upbringing or due to problems in communicating with peers. Sometimes scary thoughts come from panic attacks or attacks. Fear breeds negative thinking.
Exaggerated feelings of guilt are often the cause of negative thinking.The more a person scrolls disturbing thoughts in his head, the more he feels his own guilt. Regular replaying of the situation has a destructive effect on the subject's nervous state. It is necessary to learn a lesson from this situation, after which the movement should be continued.
Sometimes a person is scared to take an important step. He begins to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the upcoming event: a wedding, a change of job or place of residence, the birth of a child. In meditation, more and more doubts appear. Terrible thoughts constantly creep into my head, do not give rest either at night or during the day.

Why are they dangerous?
Often, pessimistic thoughts attract fears and bad deeds. If a person is convinced that he is surrounded by evil people who are only looking for ways of sophisticated bullying, then the subject begins to select means of revenge on his imaginary offenders.
Most often, the problem is exaggerated and distorted. A person begins to expect some kind of trick and trouble. He loses the ability to make the right decisions. Bad thoughts do not always lead to dire consequences, but they often interfere with focusing on an important problem, adequately assessing a certain situation. They exhaust a person, lead to despair and despondency. The subject programs himself in advance for an unsuccessful outcome.
Uncertainty about the development of future events makes a person hostage to his own fears. Sometimes a subject, even a very strong spirit, cannot cope with his bad thoughts. His hands give up, he feels complete depression, helplessness.
If you do not relieve yourself of anxious reflections in time, you can become depressed.

Scary thoughts often lead to outbursts of irritability and aggression towards others. The person makes attempts at solitude. Negative thoughts eat away at the heart and mind. There is a destruction of oneself from within. Anxious thoughts can lead to the development of neurosis.
Obsessive bad thoughts tend to materialize. If a person often thinks about an unfavorable outcome of events, then he can attract him into his life.
For example, the subject is afraid of contracting a dire illness. He winds himself up, and after a while the diagnosis becomes a reality.

How can you be distracted?
Pessimistic thoughts should not take over consciousness. You need to learn to switch your attention away from negative thoughts.
- The first step is to understand the nature of anxious reflections. Most often they are caused by unconstructive feelings of shame or guilt. Calm your mind. Set yourself up to love the people around you, to help those in need. Contribute to a better environment.
- The more interesting things a person has, the less time is left for unproductive thoughts. A worthy deed gets rid of a depressed state. There are disadvantaged people who are in a more dire situation than you. Help them. Take care of stray animals. Don't forget about your pets too. Dogs and cats can significantly reduce the level of depression, distract from anxious reflections.
- A far-fetched problem can be forgotten when meeting with friends and relatives. Walking together, watching a movie, common hobbies cheer you up. Sitting in a cafe over a cup of tea relaxes a person, clearing his mind of sad thoughts. Cozy and warm atmosphere helps to recharge with positive emotions. You can switch your anxious thoughts to cooking. Mint tea with honey is a good distraction from disturbing thoughts.
- Always try to drive away bad thoughts. Their deliberate exile reduces the number of repetitive reflections, relieves the mind of unnecessary worries and unnecessary worries. Learn to focus on all of your actions. Focus on showering, brushing your teeth, eating breakfast, working.During any activity, do not let bad thoughts occupy your mind. As soon as you catch yourself thinking unpleasantly, immediately switch your attention to your actions.
- You should stop winding up negative thoughts in your head. Don't create more problems. Find ways to boost your self-esteem. Get distracted from your own shortcomings, focus on the strengths of your person. Deal with questions as they come up. Breaking one big problem into several parts makes the task easier.
- You can fight anxiety through mindfulness meditation. Get some privacy, take it easy, take a comfortable position on a chair or on the floor. Cross your legs, place your hands on your hips. Listen to your breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. For the period of spiritual practice, it is necessary to forget about all the problems. Focus exclusively on breathing. Transfer any thought that comes up in a positive direction. Begin meditation at 5 minutes, gradually increasing the period of the meditation technique. Daily relaxation accompanied by relaxing music has a tremendous effect when all perception and consciousness are completely turned off.
- Anyone can distract themselves from sad thoughts by watching comedy movies., humorous TV shows or funny videos. It is best to accompany this process with walking on a treadmill to rid yourself of a passive lifestyle. When you advertise, try to do a series of physical exercises.
- Good classical music is a great way to get rid of the constant running of negative thoughts in your head. A relaxing melody helps to return to positive emotions, to find inspiration. It significantly reduces stress levels. Music with a rhythm of 60 beats per minute synchronizes the waves of brain activity, contributing to the relaxation of the body.
- Moderate use of the Internet allows you to relax and escape from sad thoughts. Chat with friends on social networks, read interesting articles, watch various videos.
- Don't forget to read exciting books or magazines. Choose lightweight literature that can distract you from anxious reflections. In the process of reading, your vocabulary is replenished, your cognitive skills increase.
- Any physical activity distracts from the most unpleasant thoughts. They can help relieve stress and anxiety, so go for a run or gym. Take up aerobics, gymnastics. Sports activities have a beneficial effect on psychological health. The level of anxiety is markedly reduced.
- Exercise in the fresh air is especially distracting from sad reflections. If there is an opportunity to work in the garden or in the beds, be sure to take advantage of this. Grow vegetables, ornamental flowers and trees.
- Traveling is one of the most enjoyable ways to distract yourself from sad thoughts. Acquaintance with new cities, different countries easily gets rid of any bad thoughts. New acquaintances, numerous excursions charge with positive energy. Anxious reflections lose their relevance.
- Add pictures, solve puzzles, solve crosswords, sudoku and scanword puzzles. These actions allow you to organize the thought process.
They are great at distracting from disturbing thoughts, as they require concentration.

Exercises for a positive attitude
Don't try to hide from negative attitudes. Admit your problem. Look for ways to solve it. You need to do various exercises at least 3 times a week for half an hour. Any experience is meaningless. It is necessary to let go of all unpleasant situations, old grievances, quarrels, quarrels.
- List the problems that have plagued you. Write down all your grievances and negative thoughts in detail.Then tear a piece of paper into small pieces, burn it, and spread the ashes over an open field with the words: “I am freed from tension and fear. Only peace and harmony remain in my soul. "
- Negative thoughts can be removed with a positive attitude. Creativity enhances cognitive flexibility. Creativity inspires, helps to adequately solve any problems. Draw, dance, knit, embroider, create masterpieces, sing, ride horses or bike. All the exercises related to the development of creativity will allow you to live a joyful life. They can help clear the worrying thoughts out of your head.
- It is very important to forgive people for their insults. First you need to tune in to a positive mood. Relax, close your eyes. Then imagine on a lighted stage a person who has offended you at some point. Try to drive out hostile attitudes towards him from your soul. Think back to a good event associated with this subject. He smiles at you, and you are glad to him. Imagine yourself in his place. Keep a nice image in your head, forgive him. If you do this exercise every day, then the resentment will dissolve completely.
- You can get rid of bad thoughts by journaling. Record bad memories that come up immediately. Then close your notebook and do other things. Shift your focus to everyday life. Writing down unpleasant thoughts helps bring repressed feelings to the surface. Once transferred, the insults are cleared from the mind after being recorded in the diary.
- A good exercise, “Look Fear in the Eyes,” can help you control negative emotions. Reproduce a frightening situation, but immediately find a positive anchor that will give you confidence and lightness. A person needs to go through his fear, overcome his own fear. He must block bad thoughts, reprogram his brain for a successful outcome.
- Exercise "Switch" involves disguising your own fears under the guise of a switch. As soon as you colorfully present all your disturbing thoughts, immediately push on the imaginary switch. Block out unpleasant memories in your head.
- With the help of the "Breathing" exercise, you can completely throw all negative thoughts out of your head. A good sedative is calm breaths in and out with the mental recitation: "I breathe in courage, I breathe out fear." In these moments one should imagine the insignificance of disturbing thoughts.
Usually finding the right solution to a problem leads to a positive outcome.

Psychological advice
It is necessary to filter all incoming information. Try to think less about disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks, murders, rapes, maniacs. Such reflections create chronic fear for yourself and your loved ones. As a result, a person cannot fully realize his aesthetic and cognitive needs. A subject who does not know how to build a psychological defense, cannot cope with the surging problems and becomes a pessimist.
You can reduce your anxiety with a contrast shower or bath with a few drops of lavender oil. The mood improves markedly, bad thoughts stop disturbing. Interrupt gloomy thoughts with pleasant memories. Dream about an upcoming vacation or an interesting event.
Try to surround yourself with cheerful people. When you are pessimistic, call a colleague or friend. Try not to talk about the problems you are running through in your head. Switch your attention to other events. Discuss other situations.

Enjoy every moment of your life. Get enough sleep, take care of yourself. Give up bad habits. Don't drown your negative emotions in alcohol or drugs.They only complicate the situation, leading the person to excessive fears and apprehensions. Instead of solving the problem, important energy and its own potential are consumed.
Don't be afraid to seek professional help. Timely treatment will teach you how to control negative thoughts by channeling them in a positive direction.