Paintings with Swarovski crystals

Outwardly, Swarovski crystals can be compared to diamonds, they sparkle so brightly. Thanks to skillful cutting, the craftsmen manage to create stones of amazing beauty. Such products are used as adornments, in decorating clothes, shoes or other items. Pictures made with Swarovski crystals look no less impressive. The types, features and methods for making such a picture with your own hands will be discussed in the article.

A picture inlaid with Swarovski crystals will be just an ideal gift for any occasion. Crystals from an Austrian company are used to create luxury products. Their peculiarity is in the refraction of light, creating a unique effect.

Professional craftsmen prefer to create such paintings on glass or mirrored surfaces. Since the glass surfaces are transparent, a contrasting background is used to enhance the shine of the rhinestones. Most often, velvet is used for the background.

A painting with Swarovski rhinestones can be composed entirely of these crystals or include images applied with paints.
The peculiarity is that the paint is applied to the inside of the glass surface.

A mirror can be used instead of glass. Using it allows you to make the room visually wider and more spacious. Mirrors inlaid with Swarovski crystals will become an elite element of the interior. Offices, apartments, halls and other premises, complemented by a mirror picture with rhinestones, instantly transform, look respectable.

Skilful craftsmen use Swarovski stones to create a wide variety of subject scenes. There are the following types of such products.
Animalistic paintings, which are images of animals, birds and other creatures.

- Pictures using plant elements. Flowers and trees made of small diamonds look incredibly impressive and bright.

- Variations on a marine theme.

- Eastern motives.

- Landscapes and cities.

- Variations on the theme of space, abstraction.

- Portraits, Orthodox icons.

- New Year's plots.

No less popular are paintings dedicated to a specific event, for example, the birth of a baby or a wedding.

Models with zodiac signs should also be distinguished in a separate category.

Pictures with company logos have recently become in demand. The choice of such a product will immediately raise the company's rating and make it more recognizable.

Those who wish can choose for themselves a whole set or a composition in the same style.

When creating any painting, crystals of different sizes and shapes can be used, their number will also vary depending on the selected sketch and the technique used.

How to do it?
Pictures with Swarovski crystals look extraordinarily elegant and magical. You can create such beauty yourself. Such an exciting activity will allow you to usefully spend your time and enjoy the result of your labor at the end. A masterpiece, created with your own hands, will be appreciated by households, friends and relatives. You can hang such a picture not only in your apartment, but also in your office.

On sale you can find ready-made kits that allow you to create unique works with your own hands.
Needlewomen who are not very familiar with the basics of such a technique should start by creating paintings using ready-made sets.

For work, you should prepare the components of such a set.
A piece of thick fabric with a symbolic scheme printed on it with an adhesive layer covered with a special film.
A key to this scheme, indicating the symbols corresponding to the color of the stones.
The rhinestones themselves, they are placed in bags in accordance with the color.
Tweezers. With its help, diamonds are spread on the surface. If necessary, replace the tweezers with a pencil.
Container for stones.

When creating large paintings, it is advisable to take a plastic organizer with small cells and fixing lids for storing stones. By signing them, you can greatly simplify the workflow without wasting time looking for a particular shade or type.

Schemes can be color or black and white, printed on canvas. To make the finished picture look neat, the rhinestones should be laid out on the surface using tweezers, then lightly pressed. It is important that the crystals are tightly packed.

If you wish, you can make a large-scale composition using a large number of rhinestones, but it is better for a novice needlewoman to take a simpler sketch, for example, making a picture in the form of a tiger or other animal.

That's what it takes.
Choose your favorite sketch depicting a big fluffy cat.
Prepare the frame with glass.
And you also need to take PVA glue.
Rhinestones. Swarovski stones are quite expensive, so some of them can be replaced with cheaper acrylic counterparts.

To get a clearer outline, it is better to pre-process the sketch using a computer program, then print the drawing.
Algorithm of actions.
It is necessary to take the workpiece and place it under the glass, fixing it with tape.
Fill the syringe with glue.
Gently apply a small drop of glue to the glass and glue the diamond on it with tweezers.
Next, you should press the stone so that glue does not begin to flow out from under it. Following the scheme, the rhinestones are laid out further, carrying out similar actions.
Having laid out all the rhinestones along the lines of the drawing, the scheme is removed. To make the picture look more spectacular, it is advisable to put black paper under the glass.
The picture is framed.

You can make such a diamond mosaic without using a ready-made kit. In this case, it is better for the craftswoman to use the scheme from any embroidery.
Necessary materials:
rhinestones, these can be stones left over from another picture;
scotch tape (double-sided).

Before starting work, you need to arrange the stones in the cells of the container according to their colors. Then the scheme for embroidery should be closed using transparent tape.
Gradually removing small pieces of a protective strip of adhesive tape, they begin to lay out the "diamonds" according to the scheme. Carry out similar actions until the surface is completely covered with stones.