Features and use of self-adhesive rhinestones

A person is inherent in a craving for beauty, therefore, beautiful stones and precious metals have been highly valued since ancient times. Modern realities allow us to satisfy almost any request, especially when it comes to jewelry. There are not enough beautiful stones in jewelry, so rhinestones on clothes and decor items have become indispensable. Thanks to the creation of self-adhesive rhinestones, it became possible to quickly decorate an outfit, add makeup or decorate any product.
The correct choice of rhinestones and the technology of their gluing allow you to get the desired effect.

What it is?
The most valuable and beautiful stone found by man is diamond - an almost transparent material that has a unique shine. After being able to cut it, man created a diamond with many facets that radiate incredible brilliance. The cost of diamonds is very high, so few can buy them. To please the beautiful half of humanity, rhinestones were invented.

Rhinestones are glass or plastic items that imitate diamonds. These stones have facets on the top and a film at the bottom, which allows them to simulate the brilliance of a real gem. Rhinestones can have a different number of edges and different sizes, some products are transparent, but there are also colored options. Due to their low price and excellent external data, they quickly gained popularity and do not lose it to this day.

The popularity of rhinestones has allowed manufacturers to create new shapes, sizes and types of these products. So, sew-on stones, models that can be glued with specialized glue, and self-adhesive products were invented.

The sew-on option is convenient when the decor is needed temporarily, and then it needs to be removed. Cold set rhinestones are used for fabrics that cannot withstand heat. Hot-fix stones have a layer of glue on the base, which melts when heated and sticks to the base on which it is located.

If there is a need to decorate any surface, you can use glue stones, which have a sticky layer at the base and adhere well to a flat surface. Usually, such decor is short-lived, but with careful handling, it can hold on to the product for quite a long time. In addition, these glue rhinestones are great for creating spectacular makeup.
The glue on their base is harmless and does not spoil the skin, it is easy to stick and remove, which makes the rhinestones very comfortable.

The great popularity of rhinestones has made it possible to increase their variety by making these products from different materials. Today on sale you can find:
- acrylic;
- glass;
- metal rhinestones.

The acrylic variety is a lightweight plastic pebble that lightens the weight of the product with them. This variety is the most inexpensive, such rhinestones can be on sheets with a layer of glue already applied, or have small holes with which the decor is sewn to the base.

Glass rhinestones are among the most beautiful, their appearance most closely resembles real diamonds. The composition of these stones can contain zinc and lead in different quantities, which provides a different degree of shine and play of light. There are transparent options and products with different shades, which allows you to select stones for a specific image or color of the material. Glass rhinestones can be cold-set or adhesive, depending on the surface they will be placed on. This type is rarely self-adhesive, since the weight of the stones is large enough, and the fixation will be short-lived. Hot-melt glass rhinestones are most reliably fixed on the fabric surface and stay on it for a long time, providing a stylish decor for any outfit.

Metal rhinestones are made of aluminum, which is lightweight, but retains its shape without deforming under the influence of different conditions. This decor can be of different sizes and shapes. On sale you can find square, round and tapered options. Small rhinestones are used for nail design, large ones are suitable for decorating clothes. Metallic decor usually comes in a variety of colors: black, red, pink, blue, purple, gold, and silver.

What is it used for?
It is not always convenient and safe to wear jewelry, as it is very expensive. To decorate things and objects around a person, rhinestones were created. Due to the wide variety of options for these products, they can be used for different purposes.
- Makeup for models, singers and other personalities who need a bright and memorable make-up. The size of rhinestones can be different, a combination of stones of different sizes looks good. For quick fixing, self-adhesive options are used, if the effect is to last for a long time, then it is better to use eyelash glue. The glue is safe for the face, does not cause irritation and discomfort, therefore it can be used for make-up for adults and children.

- Surface decoration. Self-adhesive rhinestones are suitable for decorating cups, frames for photographs, smartphones and other products. The size, shape and color of such items may vary. On sale there are sheets with ready-made drawings of stones, which are removed from the film and transferred to the desired surface.

- Clothing decor. To decorate a dress, concert outfit, or performance costume, you need to use hot melt rhinestones. Self-adhesive options will not adhere well to fabric, especially if they actively move in clothes.To securely fix the rhinestones on the fabric, either an iron or a special soldering iron is used.
If the fabric is very thin, it is better to use sewing-on rhinestones.

You can decorate a wide variety of surfaces, the main thing is to choose the right fixing means so as not to spoil the base. The service life of decorative stones will depend on the correct care for them.

How to glue?
Glue rhinestones are most often glued to fabric, decorating clothes. In order for the stones to be securely fixed, it is necessary to approach the process correctly. To work at home you will need:
- the rhinestones themselves;
- iron or soldering iron for rhinestones;
- the thing to which the decor will be attached;
- paper or thin cloth to be inserted between the base and the iron.

The workflow looks like this.
- A sketch of a drawing, ornament or other arrangement of rhinestones is made on the fabric. This can be done with a simple pencil or a special marker.
- Lay out rhinestones according to a previously created scheme, make changes if necessary.
- Turn the iron on to the "cotton" mode and wait until it is fully heated. The soleplate of the iron should be free of dirt and stings.
- On the rhinestones, you need to put a sheet of paper or a thin cloth, on top of which it should be carried out with an iron for 20-30 seconds in one place. You can work with steam to glue rhinestones, but it should be turned on when ironing through fabric.
- Check if all the rhinestones are stuck by lifting the piece. If something falls, you need to repeat the procedure.

If there is a special soldering iron for rhinestones, then gluing occurs pointwise, from stone to stone, holding the soldering iron for 5-10 seconds on one decorative element.
This is a more time consuming and time consuming method, but it allows you to make clearer and more beautiful patterns.

The glued stones should be left for a day to dry completely, after which they will not be afraid of socks, washing and other tests, and if something flies off, you can attach a new pebble and glue it in place of the one that has flown off.