
Sagittarius woman, born in the year of the Rat

Sagittarius woman, born in the year of the Rat
  1. general characteristics
  2. Finance and career
  3. Love and family
  4. Compatibility with other signs
  5. Health
  6. Talismans and stones

The characteristics of a woman according to the combined horoscope reveals her characteristics most fully. Zodiac sign Sagittarius and Eastern - Rats endow their ward with an interesting, lively character.

general characteristics

Sagittarius is an active and hardworking sign, the Rat does not lag behind him either. Both signs endow a woman with high performance and energy. The Sagittarius-Rat woman is constantly busy with something: she travels, studies, opens a new business, attends seminars and exhibitions. She has a bunch of ideas and plans for their implementation.

Knows how to get along well with people, can please and charm. True, Sagittarius-Rat is overly straightforward, but this does not prevent her from having many friends. After all, she appreciates loved ones and is always ready to provide support and help.

She is changeable, today she is working on a large project, and tomorrow she drops everything and goes on a trip around the world. He has good intuition, feels great people, can guess their mood and thoughts.

But it will not adapt to them, it always has its own point of view.

Finance and career

Many consider these women lucky, from the outside it seems that everything goes into their own hands. But this is not so, everything comes thanks to their hard work without vacations and weekends.

The Sagittarius-Rat woman can move far up the career ladder. Thanks to his hard work, he achieves success in any field. She is especially lucky in creative professions, here she will be able to fully show her brilliant mind and rich imagination.

Our heroine also loves working with money, so the way to the financial sector is open for her. Economist, accountant, investor - these are the professions for the Rat-Sagittarius.They also make smart leaders and public figures.

Sagittarius-Rat is a pragmatist, and for the sake of money he can work hard and hard. The financial side is a priority for her. Savings and thrifty, he carefully calculates all his expenses and saves a small amount to the bank every month.

But this does not make her greedy, she is always ready to financially help those in need.

Love and family

The Sagittarius-Rat woman is lively, charming and sexy. She attracts eyes and wins hearts. Loves flirting and non-binding relationships. He values ​​his freedom and enters into marriage only for true love. But in family life, he can afford a light affair on the side.

To prevent this from happening, you cannot turn the relationship into a routine. Romance is important for her: unusual surprises, joint travel, declarations of love and walks around the city at night. In order for the fire of love not to go out, a man must intrigue and be interesting, this woman must not be allowed to get bored.

Sagittarius-Rat is a born leader, which, of course, is reflected in her family. She does not tolerate restrictions and excessive control from a man. In a family he likes to be the main one, if a man gives in to her a little, he will be grateful to him.

In her children, she loves souls, adores them and seeks to reveal their talents.

Mom Sagittarius-Rat is engaged in the all-round development of her children: she gives them to circles and sections, signs up for various auditions, invites tutors to the house.

Compatibility with other signs

These women develop a good understanding with their own kind. The Sagittarius-Rat man can become an ideal husband for her, but only if the woman allows him to earn money, and she herself will do more housework.

For this woman, men of fire signs are suitable: Leo and Aries. Sagittarius-Rat has good sexual compatibility with them. The fiery man attracts the Sagittarius-Rat, together they will travel and spend time actively. In such a union, romance will persist for many years.

The similarity of interests can be traced with Aquarius. Men of this sign, born in the year of the Monkey, will create all the necessary conditions for the self-realization of the Sagittarius-Rat woman. And with Aquarius-Ox, a really strong and happy union is possible.

Incompatibility in the Sagittarius-Rat woman arises with the signs of Pisces, Cancer and Taurus. Especially if these men were born in the year of the Horse, Sheep or Rabbit. In such a relationship, conflicts are inevitable, an active Sagittarius woman will tire her man, and he, in turn, will not tolerate the pressure and love of his chosen one.


In general, the Sagittarius-Rat is in good health, active and full of energy. He rarely gets sick, but the problem is that he does not like to go to doctors and for a long time does not pay attention to the appearance of pain. Therefore, she is inclined to run the resulting health problems.

The most vulnerable points of the Sagittarius-Rat woman are:

  • hip joints;
  • liver and gallbladder;
  • autonomic nervous system;
  • internal organs in the pelvic region.

Sometimes it works for wear and tear, it has a bad effect on health. Indeed, despite the natural energy, its internal resources are not endless. Sagittarius-Rat needs to learn to relax and disconnect from everyday worries.

Meditation and nature trips with loved ones are recommended.

Talismans and stones

As a talisman for a woman Sagittarius-Rat will do:

  • mouse figurine;
  • arrow-shaped suspension;
  • a figurine of a centaur;
  • candle or lighter.

Certain stones will also bring her happiness. So, the pomegranate will help to fulfill the most cherished desires, the tiger's eye will protect from the evil eye, and lapis lazuli will help strengthen the family and preserve the feeling of love for many years.

Amethyst has a calming effect on an overly active Sagittarius-Rat woman. It restores the nervous system, normalizes sleep, and eliminates anxious thoughts.An unmarried girl is recommended to wear jewelry with amethyst, this stone will help attract an honest and noble man.

You will learn more about the Sagittarius woman in the following video.

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