How to deal with stress at work?

Work can be one of the main sources of stress. Even the most favorable workplace environment cannot guarantee a complete absence of stressful situations.
Causes of occurrence
Stress at work can arise for a variety of reasons. Often it is born of success. In this case, those around them expect the following achievements from the employee. Man himself also demands new achievements from himself. The degree of responsibility and the rate of production increase, and with them the tension grows. Failure can also lead to stress.
Working conditions play an important role. Some are uncomfortable with the inability to retire even for a short time. Sometimes the stressor is unpleasant odors, constant noise, intense heat, poor lighting. Workplace accidents can be a consequence of unfavorable working conditions and therefore heightens stress.
The collective can have a hostile atmosphere and autocracy. Conflicts, the expectation of layoffs or possible dismissal, overloading with urgent work, moving the company to another building, the inability to move up the career ladder, insufficient wages, and the lack of respectful relations in the team are stressful factors. Monotony and routine activities also provoke a stressful state.

Not everyone is able to adjust to changing conditions or employer pressure.
- Management. Sometimes the bosses make excessive demands on their employees. Deceived expectations lead to frustration of the leader, who gives recommendations to the subordinate in a tactless form.Some employers do not know how to separate personal dislike from the professionalism of a specialist. Rudeness, intimidation, and unfounded nagging lead to stress for the employee. You should not attach great importance to this, as a last resort you can change your job.
- Working moments. Workaholism or lack of job satisfaction causes nervous strain. A lot of responsibility also leads to stress. For example, a person may become very nervous when realizing that the fate of a multimillion-dollar transaction depends on his decision. A high-class specialist sometimes begins to doubt his professionalism due to the frequent performance of work duties in an emergency mode. Irregular working hours, too much workload knock the employee out of their usual rut. In this situation, it is necessary to designate a clear framework for work and working day.
- Colleagues. In any team there is a person who wants to shift part of his job responsibilities to a colleague. This problem is not difficult to solve. It is much worse if chronic stress arises as a result of dirty gossip, petty dirty tricks and unpleasant hassles arising from personal hostile relationships. In this case, someone can arrange the persecution of a defenseless colleague. Envy, rudeness, clarification of relationships and conflicts with colleagues are often the reasons for the increase in a tense situation that causes stress.
- Clients. When a visitor makes a claim, he tries to defend his rights. Man craves justice. An attentive attitude towards the client and a sincere desire to help improve his mood. If a person sees that you are trying to understand the situation and do everything possible to resolve it successfully, then he stops using the attack as a defense. Always be polite and considerate. Try to serve the client at the highest level.
- New team. Changing jobs, although it is considered quite normal, but adapting to a new place often leads to a stressful state. When moving to another organization, you have to adapt to unfamiliar conditions. Requirements, tasks and various household items may differ significantly from those that were at the previous workplace. The new environment is a stressor for the newly hired employee. It is very important for him to quickly establish contacts with colleagues and quickly join the team, familiarize himself and accept the existing order there, and equip his workplace.
Try to remember the names and patronymics of all your coworkers so as not to get into an awkward situation.

Feature overview
Workplace stress can be small things and build up over time. Feelings of anxiety and anxiety may arise in the employee for no apparent reason. Some have a desire to hide from everyone, while others, on the contrary, have fear due to the incipient feeling of abandonment and loneliness.
Sometimes obsessive thoughts begin to haunt. There is a feeling of a catastrophic lack of time for important matters. The nervous tension does not subside. The mood changes frequently. Irritation and outbursts of rage lead to conflict. Any achievements and successes do not bring joy and satisfaction.
For most people under stress, memory deteriorates, concentration of attention decreases, sleep is disturbed, sweating increases, headaches and dyspepsia appear. Some lose weight dramatically, others gain excess weight. The circulatory and musculoskeletal systems suffer. A person who has never experienced an allergy before suddenly notices the manifestation of allergic reactions. Some develop mental disorders.

How to fight?
Sometimes anxiety and feelings arise unexpectedly, but more often they accumulate gradually. You can deal with them on your own. First of all, you need to focus on your own reactions and self-control.
Share your thoughts with your friends. Talking about the difficulties that have arisen will help you see the problem from a different perspective. The conversation provides feedback. Then you will stop making excessive demands on yourself and your colleagues. With the support of loved ones, it's easier to get through difficult moments.
Personal stress management begins with realizing that you are under the influence of stress. You cannot get rid of the problem by spreading waves of negativity, disappointment and criticism around you. A positive perception of the world helps to overcome a stressful situation. Try to always elicit responses in your coworkers that do not increase but decrease your stress.

You should behave with restraint with your boss. If it seems to you that his nagging is unfounded, then check with the HR department again about your job responsibilities. Photocopy the instructions to prove you are correct.
Remember that only if you do your job in good faith can you safely object to unreasonable demands. If you are systematically late or allow yourself to be often distracted by extraneous things during working hours, then the dispute may end not in your favor. Know how to admit your mistakes.
Always maintain a business relationship with the manager, do not stoop to sorting out personal relationships.

It is very important for beginners and experienced employees to monitor their breathing during stressful times. Calm and slow breaths in and out can help reduce stress levels significantly. You can do stress-relieving breathing exercises right at your workplace.
- Archery exercise involves launching an arrow from a tightly drawn bowstring. A deep breath symbolizes pulling on a strong string. A powerful exhalation with the sound "puff" should expel all your inner experiences and muscle tension along with the imaginary arrow to which you mentally attached them. Then it is necessary to release several arrows in turn with exclamations: "puff", "puff", "puff". Watch the flight of an imaginary object. Act slowly, take your time.
- The next option is "Breathing Square" - involves performing an inhalation, holding the respiratory process, exhaling and holding the next breath 4 times. Each of these 4 actions is performed sequentially 10 times with a score of 4.
- For the exercise "Energy shower" a secluded place is required. You can hide behind a partition, find an emergency ladder, or lock yourself in a toilet. It is necessary to make 20-30 breaths in a row. They must be accompanied by hand movements. With eyes closed, inhale and exhale through the nose. At the same time, the subject should stand up and raise his clenched fists to his shoulders, as if he is trying to hold the barbell on his chest. As you inhale, your arms are straightened up, while the pollen must be spread out. On exhalation, the relaxed palms fall back to the shoulders. The hands return to their original position again. Then, once again, an active inhalation occurs with the throwing out of the arms upward, followed by a relaxed free exhalation with the lowering of the palms.

You can relieve stress after the end of the working day with the help of meditation. It reduces anxiety and nervous tension.
- To carry out the meditation technique, you need to dim the light in the room.
- Set the timer for 15 minutes.
- Then you should sit on the edge of a chair, straighten your back, tilt your head slightly, and relax your facial muscles.
- Close your eyes and do not open them until the end of the meditation.
- Next, you need to take deep breaths through the nose and exhales through the mouth .. It is enough to make 5-6 breaths and exhalations with mental rejection of all problems.
- Then you have to leisurely walk in your imagination through your own body from head to feet one by one, to feel it.
- This is followed by even breathing.
- After the twentieth breath before the timer ends, reflect on your problems.
- After completing your meditation, sit for a while in silence.
All methods are good for dealing with stress. Listen to pleasant music often. Take a hot bath with sea salt, essential oils, or aromatic herbs. Don't forget to take care of your face. Even applying a cream or mask can help relieve stress.

Prevention measures
- Try to prevent the harmful effects of the stressor. Prioritize correctly. Set aside time for important, but not very urgent matters in the beginning. Then you need to solve urgent, but not too important tasks. And only then move on to non-urgent and not very important work.
- You can resist stress by periodically switching to other activities. For example, before important negotiations, it is recommended to go to an art gallery and admire landscapes and other works of art.
- Remain neutral when discussing the behavior of individual workers. Limit all conversations to general topics. Distance yourself from a conflicted colleague, minimize contact with him. Stress can be prevented by moving to telecommuting. In this case, the employee himself exercises control over the process of his work.
- Adequate strength allows you to stay calm in stressful situations. It is very important to eat well and get enough sleep. Any grueling diets are undesirable. Sports and dancing improve blood circulation, increase microcirculation in blood vessels, relieve various congestion in the body. Exercise can help prevent stress from developing when problems arise.
- Walking every day helps to resist stress. In winter, watch the snow play and enjoy the frosty air. In spring, enjoy the awakening of nature, the swelling buds of the trees, the trills of birds and the babbling streams. In summer, listen to the buzzing of insects, look at fragrant flowers, bask in the sun. In autumn, admire the bright color of the leaves, flocks of migratory birds, enjoy the coolness.
- Take a break from work. Leave all work problems outside the office door. Do not be upset if the boss scolded you or did not pay you a bonus. Remember that it is much more important to take care of your health. Eat natural and healthy foods.

Psychologist's advice
There are some very important points to keep in mind when moving to a new job.
- Never be late for work and do not be late after the end of the working day.
- Don't participate in gossip discussions.
- If the employer does not take measures to improve your workplace, then you can solve the problem yourself. For example, buy a fan, desk lamp, humidifier, or fragrance yourself.
- Write down all the planned activities in your diary. Allocate time for their implementation with some margin, so as not to burden your shoulders with an extra task. If something is not clear to you, seek help from colleagues.
- Keep personal phone conversations to a minimum. People around you should not know that you are doing nothing at the moment. If you have nothing to do, study the regulations.
- The work computer should not have access to personal pages on social networks and to all kinds of games. No extraneous matters should distract from the main work. Tea drinking and snacks at the work table are excluded. Set aside special time for these activities.
It is best, after taking a short break, to go to the nearest coffee shop or a cozy place designed exclusively for this purpose.