
All about resilience

All about resilience
  1. What it is?
  2. Types of people
  3. Levels
  4. Why is it important?
  5. Diagnostics
  6. How to develop?
  7. Psychologist's advice

If a person can hold back the blows of fate, he will always be successful. People who calmly respond to stress are almost always admired. This is because they are in control of their emotions. This behavior enables them not to make mistakes. And as we know: the fewer mistakes the subject makes, the more successful he is.

What it is?

In psychology, it is believed that stress resistance includes personality traits that allow an individual to survive the effects of nervous stress without any particular harm to health. Resilience to stress implies resistance of the human psyche to the effects of stress.

Nervous strain is considered quite normal. It is very common in modern life. We can say: stress includes such components of behavior that allow a person to react to a negative factor in time and adapt to it. Thus, the subject can easily return to normal without much damage to health.

So there is a definite benefit to stress. Is there any harm? Of course have. Stress causes irreparable damage to a person's health if he does not have sufficient mental stability. Such a definition as resistance to stress prevents a person from acting too impulsively. Nevertheless, if he is too inhibited, then he will become indifferent to everything that happens. And this factor will badly affect his social life.

Not all people have good stress resistance, but only those who have certain traits in their character. The skill to predict future events allows a person to predict the outcome of a case.In this way he prepares his psyche. At the same time, the response to stress decreases. If a person can combine several types of activities at once, then this skill leads to the least labor costs. As a result, the subject is less nervous.

If a person has already been able to survive severe stress, then the next time he will react less to such a negative factor. A person should be aware that his activities can cause stress.... This means that the motivation to fight makes it possible for him to become a stress-resistant personality. A self-confident subject has a healthy self-esteem. Therefore, such an individual can withstand criticism from the outside, and even the most severe blows from the outside.

Life principles have a certain impact on the human psyche. If a person seeks to overcome obstacles, looks positively at the world around him, then he is not afraid of nervous overstrain.

And also stress resistance depends on temperament. There are melancholic, sanguine, choleric and phlegmatic. Each species has one or another resistance to stress.

Types of people

So, we already know that endurance is influenced by many factors - this is the type of temperament, and the motivation of the individual, as well as other criteria. There are types or types of people in terms of resistance to stress. A separate species has a certain reaction of the organism to the above considered negative factor. Any kind is subject to change.

Let's consider these types in more detail.

  • Stress-resistant... This category of subjects is considered very vulnerable. If a nervous overstrain occurs in their life, then they panic and begin to behave inappropriately. Such people try not to leave their comfort zone. They live in their own world, where there is stability and regularity in business. As soon as something extraordinary happens in their life, they lose self-control. As a result, these persons cannot control themselves, and stress destroys their psyche.
  • Stress-trained... These subjects have the following advantage: they can adapt to delayed negative changes, and even get used to them without much effort. If sudden negative events occur in their life, then they begin to get out of the rhythm of life, and then fall into depression.
  • Stress-braking... Here are their characteristics. These subjects are distinguished by strong activity in their activities. Therefore, they can safely endure negative changes. In addition, such individuals are characterized by instant adaptation to diverse changes. They react to them promptly, since their nervous system is able to withstand even a very strong nervous strain.
  • Stress-resistant... Such people have the greatest resistance to stress in their character. Their psyche is practically not subject to destruction. Stability is not inherent in such individuals. They despise her. Therefore, these subjects are capable of experiencing constant stress loads. Moreover, such negative factors do not affect their health in any way.


In this matter, everything depends on many factors.

  • From the physiological characteristics that a person received at birth.
  • From the behavioral characteristics of the individual. For example: one person tends to be irritable or angry, while the other likes to joke and laugh.
  • Self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • From the conditions in which a person carries out his activities.
  • From the one who surrounds the person: good or bad people.

Depending on personal qualities, three levels of personality stress resistance are distinguished. We list and describe them.

  • Short... With low stress resistance, a person already sets himself up for panic in advance. Such a subject perceives nervous overstrain as something extraordinary. It seems to him that his life is practically over. Therefore, this person loses the ability to analyze his actions.As a result, the person falls into a panic mood, cries and behaves inappropriately. Therefore, such a person soon becomes isolated in her experiences. And then she has psychosomatics.
  • Average... He is the average level. A person with such a level of resistance to stress is able to resist the difficulties that arise. He can even do this for some time. But if the stream of difficulties does not end, then such a subject falls into despondency. However, it should be noted that a person with an average level of stress resistance acts thoughtfully, and therefore soberly assesses the situation. And this gives her the strength to get out of the predicament.
  • High... He is the topmost level. With this level, a person can “keep himself in hand” under any circumstances. Subject practically does not panic, and does not even experience mental confusion. However, these qualities do not at all indicate that the given subject has no feelings and emotions. In this case, everything is explained simply: a stress-resistant person already has a certain experience. Consider the qualities that are inherent in the people described above.
    • They can find their bearings in time and make a decision.
    • They don't pay attention to provocations.
    • They can control their feelings.
    • They can keep their activities under control.

Important to know: stress tolerance levels are quite variable. Over time, a person can become a stress-resistant person, or, on the contrary, lose such an important quality as stress resistance.

Why is it important?

Such a quality as stress resistance can be needed by a person at any time, for example, at work. If the subject has the profession of a teacher, then he just needs to learn to keep his emotions under control. And it is also necessary to remember that stress "awaits" a person at every step. And if this person has a high resistance, then some advantages are inherent in him. He lives in harmony with himself. His inner state is not attacked from the outside. Therefore, such a subject does not waste his energy on unnecessary experiences. This means that this person has a capacity for work and is very successful.

Stress-resistant person has good health... Due to the absence of nervous overstrain, this subject does not suffer from headaches, cardiovascular diseases and much more. Such subjects are successful in their professional activities, as they have the ability to create benefits. They are not characterized by tantrums and depression. This means that these persons are capable of good deeds and even make scientific discoveries.

An adult with a healthy attitude to stress is conscious of positive outlook. This factor gives him the ability to cope with any obstacles that come his way. These subjects can take responsibility for making the right decision because they almost never feel in doubt. If they are wrong, then they draw certain conclusions that help them subsequently act for sure. They can show everyone their level of knowledge. This positive potential allows them to go forward and learn to perform actions that were previously unavailable.


Psychodiagnostics of stress can be carried out using different methods.

  • Questionnaires... This method involves collecting data from the words of the person himself. Usually they take this form: question - answer. Unlike test items, these methods do not have ready-made answers.
  • There are observation methods. This technique provides for obtaining very capacious information about a person. Consent is not required for such methods. Observation includes such actions: the problem is established, the observation occurs, and then the behavioral features are identified. The results are recorded and compared.
  • Tests... Such a study makes it possible to identify qualitative and quantitative individual psychological differences that distinguish one person from another. These techniques include tasks that the subject must correctly complete. With the help of tests, forms of intelligence, human abilities and more are investigated.

Sometimes it is enough to talk to a person, and it becomes clear to the specialist what to do next. Therefore, the method of conversation is also very effective. With the help of a conversation, you can easily get certain information that will indicate a particular problem. The forms of conversation can be different: standardized or partially standardized. In addition, there are also indicators that identify behavioral characteristics. This is why they are called competency indicators. With the help of such methods, it is possible to determine (for example, through interviews) how a person has developed this or that competence in any activity.

Perceptual assessment of the subject allows you to determine the level of stress resistance. How? Let's start in order. An important mental function that is responsible for cognition is called perception. With it, you can easily form a certain image that affects certain analyzers. What is this technique? A person is asked questions to which he must answer "no", "yes", "I do not know." Based on the results, the answers are analyzed and calculated. As a result, a person receives either a high rating for stress resistance, or a low rating.

There are a number of techniques that allow you to determine the level of stress resistance. For example, Psychological stress scale PSM-25. In this case, a person needs to assess his condition. For example, observe yourself during the week. There are no wrong answers in this technique. After the survey, a summary is made. If the subject gains the maximum number of points, it means that his stress resistance has a high level.

However, anyone can use a method such as self-diagnosis and check their resistance to nervous stress. If you are ready for change and take it for granted, then you have a high resistance to nervous stress. People who cannot do this are at risk. If you can tolerate small changes in your life, or you can gradually adapt to the changes, then your stress tolerance level is somewhere in the middle.

If you are completely unprepared for changes in your life, then you are not a stress-resistant person. You need to pay attention to developing resilience.

How to develop?

You can increase or develop the level of stress resistance using different methods. There are certain technologies for the formation of such a level. For example, coping strategies (stress management strategy). So, let's take a look at a few methods.


First of all, you need to learn how to relax. You can do this through meditation. Find a secluded place to complete it. Play relaxing music and breathe evenly and deeply. Next, imagine yourself rolling (rolling) "on the cloud." That's great! In this state, you can achieve an increase in the level of stress resistance.


Under stress, breathing exercises are very important. If a stressful situation has developed, then it is necessary to apply the skills of calming breathing. What to do? Inhale and count to 4, then hold your breath and count to 4. Then exhale and count to 4.

Physical exercise

These methods can significantly reduce stress levels. This happens because with the help of them a person is distracted from his heavy thoughts. He directs mental activity to the positive. In addition, any physical activity increases blood circulation.

As a result, you can easily raise the overall vitality.The body will receive the strength to restore all its functions. These components will certainly have a beneficial effect on the higher nervous system. So exercise in the morning, go to the gym, or do regular jogging in the morning.


Such methods and techniques will help improve the general condition of the body and raise the threshold of stress resistance... For example, if you apply electrosleep, then a person will be able to restore mental and physical strength.

There is also medicinal electrophoresis... It is enough to carry out 10 procedures, and the person will feel general and mental relief. In addition, there are also techniques such as pearl-coniferous baths, magnetic baths, color light therapy, acupuncture.

All these activities are aimed at taking a person out of a negative state and improving the resistance of his nervous system to such manifestations.

Exercises and games

There are methods for staying calm. Let's consider them. Exercise "Erase a stressful situation from memory"... To do this, you need to sit up straight and calm down. Then imagine a piece of paper, a pencil, and an eraser. Then mentally draw in memory the picture that caused the stress. As a result, erase the drawn image with an eraser and try to forget it forever. This method will help in personal cleansing.

Another method is "Evaluation". To conduct it, you need to ask the question: "Why am I nervous if I cannot change anything?" By answering it, you will feel clear relief. In addition, you can thus train yourself to resist stress. Example. You are a little late for your interview. Because of what you were flatly denied the job. The employer has not paid you a dime yet, but is already dictating his terms. Should you be upset if your potential boss has very strict requirements? I think not.

Stress management in adolescents is quite difficult. Therefore, they also need to receive training in developing stress resistance. There are various psychotechniques for this. For example, this: Let the teenager give out emotions from time to time. To do this, he can shout or stamp his feet, and so on.

By the way, this method can also be useful for an adult.

Psychologist's advice

Stress destroys from the inside out. Long-term stress can be very damaging to the entire body. Its impact can lead to the fact that a person will not only lose faith in their abilities, but also become disabled. Therefore, you need to train your psyche. The recommendations of a specialist will help in this.

  • Always get enough sleep... This will help your body replenish its strength on a regular basis. Then stressful situations will not be able to cause significant damage to your psyche. Therefore, sleep at least 8 hours a day, and let this sleep be full.
  • Get some rest. Successful people put time management into practice. This technique provides for compulsory rest. In addition, you should indulge in complete disconnection from household and business affairs at least once a year. So go on vacation and turn off all your gadgets.
  • A hobby is the best way to assert yourself and also to stop being nervous. With the help of a hobby, you can regularly get positive emotions. Plus, a good deed will give you a sense of return. And this is very important for your mental state.
  • Eat right... Light food, fruits and vegetables are very important for raising vitality. No wonder they say: "In a healthy body, a healthy mind." If the problems disappear in the body, then the state of mind will be normal.
  • Drop the problems which are not relevant.
  • Stop paying attention to negative things.... For example: on the crush on the bus, on the rudeness of strangers. Do not take such manifestations to heart. Thus, negativity will stop accumulating in your mind. You will then become much calmer.
  • Accept yourself: accept your weaknesses and weaknesses.In addition, you need to realize your own merits. Then you can soberly assess your capabilities if a problem arises in front of you. And such actions reduce stress.
  • Ignore other people's opinions... Know your worth and go your own way.
  • Improve yourself... Sign up for refresher courses. So you will become much more confident in your abilities.

When a stressful situation arises, you will always find a way out.

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