Haircuts for boys

How to cut a boy with scissors at home?

How to cut a boy with scissors at home?
  1. What is needed
  2. Preparation for work
  3. Simple haircut technique
  4. Volumetric haircut scheme
  5. Haircuts for boys
  6. Advice

"Little men" need to look neat and tidy. To do this, you have to cut or trim your hair at least a couple of times a month. But such regular visits to the hairdressing salon are not always convenient, and this affects the family budget significantly. You can also cut your child's hair at home. The article will talk about how to do it correctly and accurately.

What is needed

Of course, there is no need to equip a real hairdressing salon at home. It is advisable only to prepare some tools and devices that will greatly facilitate your work.

  • It is best to cut a child's hair while sitting. In this case, he will not get tired and will be able to be as still as possible. And to make it comfortable for you to move the scissors, the seat should not be too low or too high. The best option is when the baby's head is approximately at the level of your chest.
  • The back of the chair should not be high so as not to cover the back of the head of the seated person. If the furniture in your home is too low, place 1–2 pillows on the seat. This will adjust the height of your child's seating position to the one that is most comfortable.
  • So that after the procedure you do not waste time sweeping hair from your child's clothes, take care of the cape. Its role can be played by a thin film or an old plastic tablecloth of the required size. You can fix it with stationery clips or household clothespins.
  • Water spray. A regular spray bottle and a plastic bottle will do.
  • Hair clipper. It may be needed to trim individual sections, depending on the hairstyle you choose.
  • Hairbrush or comb with frequent small teeth.
  • Well, the main tool, without which a haircut is unthinkable, is scissors... Here they are best purchased from specialized departments.

The fact is that household or office scissors do not have sufficient strength and sharpness of cutting surfaces. Therefore, they do not cut the hairs, but for the most part break. This complicates the work of the clipper, and the child will give a lot of unpleasant sensations. And the result, most likely, will not be very accurate.

It is also better to stock up on the so-called thinning scissors. They will allow you to give your haircut a certain style.

Preparation for work

Sometimes children, especially those of preschool age, hate the process of having a haircut. Because of this, during each visit to the hairdresser, you have to pacify their tears and whims. Perhaps a home environment will soften the situation a little, and your child will behave calmly.

Inform the boy in advance that you will be cutting him. Give him scissors and other tools to hold. If the child is very much protesting about the upcoming haircut, try to present it to him as a game. Mom or dad will be a hairdresser, and he will be a well-mannered and intelligent boy who has come to have a haircut. You can also promise your child a reward for good behavior, such as a favorite sweet.

You may have another problem while cutting. Children are often very difficult to get to sit still. To distract your baby during the process, turn on a cartoon for him. You can also ask your older sister or grandmother to read him a story.

If the boy is not at all in the mood for a haircut, it is better to postpone it. In a bad mood, he still will not listen to your requests and will not let you have a good haircut.

As for the hair, they do not require special preparation before cutting. It is desirable that they are simply clean.

Simple haircut technique

  • Sit the child in a chair and cover it with a shoulder cover, securing the top edge around the neck.
  • Spray on hair with a spray bottle so that it is moderately wet along the entire length.
  • Ask the boy to tilt his head slightly and hold it in this position.
  • Start with the hair that grows at the back of your head above your neck. Comb through them and separate a small section. Grab it with your fingers and cut the ends to the required length.
  • Take your time when working. Learning to cut correctly with scissors is not difficult at all, the main thing is to act carefully. Visually remember how much you shortened your hair in a lock.
  • When choosing the length of the cut, remember that after drying, the hairs will be slightly shortened. So cut with a "margin".
  • In the same way, separating the strands, make the edging. That is, cut the hair from the back of the head to the ears to the same length.
  • Further, focusing on the already trimmed strands, we remove the length on the upper and side sections of the head. All hair should be visually the same.
  • We cut the bangs at our discretion. Too short will puff up, so it makes sense to leave a strand a little longer on the forehead.

In this way, you will get the simplest neat haircut. It is well suited for preschool boys.

Having mastered the techniques of trimming and cutting strands, you can make your child more interesting, model hairstyles.

Volumetric haircut scheme

For older boys, the following option may be suitable - shortened hair on the back of the head, with a more elongated and voluminous crown.

  • Spray some water on your hair to keep it moisturized.
  • Tilt your child's head slightly so you can see the back of the head.
  • Comb through all your hair, then part it in half. The dividing line should run from ear to ear through the back of the head. To do this, draw along the indicated trajectory with a comb, making a horizontal parting.
  • To keep the hair from the front and top of your head out of the way, pin it with clips or bobby pins.
  • Separate a small section at the very bottom, cut it to the desired length. Next, shorten all your hair to the parting line you made, focusing on the strand cut by the very first. As a result, the hair on the occipital, lower lateral and temporal parts should be the same.
  • Remove the clips and clips from the top of your hair. Here you need to leave a length of about 2-2.5 times more than on the back of the head and on the sides of the head. We also cut off the hairs in small strands, tracking the length.
  • For a more stylish look, use thinning scissors at the end. Treat the hair on the crown and top of the head with them, that is, those areas that are longer. Just run them along the strands from the base to the ends. These scissors selectively thin hairs for a beautiful “ladder”.

You can use an electric clipper to create this type of haircut. This will greatly simplify and shorten the entire process. With a clipper, the occipital, temporal zone, as well as the areas above the ears are processed. The rest of the strands are cut with scissors to the desired length.

Haircuts for boys

When you master the work with regular and thinning scissors, you can easily not only remove the length of your hair, but also experiment with style. Below are descriptions of popular haircuts for boys of senior preschool and primary school ages (6-12 years old).

  • "Under the pot" - a fairly common hairstyle. She suits boys with straight, not too thick hair. The haircut is distinguished by a rather long bangs and an even cut of hair along a line around the circumference of the head. The length of the "shock" should reach the ears or a couple of centimeters below. The hair on the lower part of the back of the head is cut almost like a "hedgehog" using a typewriter.
  • Elongation of the occipital strand is a very stylish technique. The strand can be braided with a thin pigtail or left loose. In this case, the rest of the hair is cut under the "hedgehog" or slightly longer.
  • Haircuts with a picture very popular among adolescents and transitional boys. With the help of a trimmed pattern on the temporal part or on the back of the head, the "little man" can declare his individuality. Creating the pattern will, of course, take some skill. But with due diligence, you can master this technique at home.
  • Classic "bob" can beautify a boy with correct facial features. Hair length varies and can go down to the chin. But when wearing this hairstyle, you will have to take care of the timely washing of your hair. Otherwise, they turn into drooping greasy curls.
  • Haircut "beaver" is a more athletic version of the "pot". The difference is that this model has long hair only on the top of the head. The contours of the "shock" are rounded as much as possible.


  • For young children, a very fashionable haircut is not so important. Cut the boy so that both he and your hair will not be uncomfortable.
  • Be extremely careful when working with scissors. Make it clear to your child that you don’t need to move your head, turn around, or stand up while cutting.
  • Do not try to cut your baby's hair when he is in a bad mood or, on the contrary, is excited about something. In this case, you will still not be able to cut your hair carefully, and you run the risk of injuring him or yourself.
  • To prevent your child from having a negative attitude towards cutting in the future, be sure to praise him for good behavior. Give positive feedback about his new haircut. Tell him that he looks much more mature and handsome this way.
  • Take into account the type of face and, at least in part, the wishes of the "smallest man" about his hairstyle. Agree, it is very unpleasant to have the appearance that you do not like at all.
  • Do not strive to get a super-trendy haircut for a little boy. It looks out of place and pretentious.
  • Also, boys should not do hairstyles that require styling. The child himself will definitely not do this.In addition, during active games, gels and varnishes will still not save you, and their use significantly weakens fragile thin hair.

For how easy it is to cut your baby's hair with scissors at home, see the video below.

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