Long thin hair: features of care and styling

If just a few years ago, the fair sex fought with curls, straightened their hair, trying to remove the volume of their hair, now more and more girls and women are trying to return the volume, and with it the naturalness of the curls. The main reason for this is thin or thinning hair. It is especially difficult for owners of long hair. How to properly care for such curls, choose a haircut for yourself - read in this article.

Long thin hair is characterized by an almost complete lack of volume. They do not hold any styling well, they are often confused. They are brittle and light. Such curls do not tolerate any impact on them. Despite all of the above, thin hair is not a cause for sadness. It is enough just to choose a suitable haircut and follow some recommendations for caring for it.
Most modern stars have sparse hair, which is the result of frequent exposure. Nevertheless, this does not prevent actresses and models from looking great.

Care rules
The best comb for these curls is with natural bristles. It not only minimizes hair trauma, but also massages the roots to stimulate growth. It is not recommended to brush with metal or plastic products. It is undesirable to do fleece on thin hair. Then they can get confused even more.
Masks containing castor oil will help to grow hair. They are best done daily. Masks of kefir and rinsing with various herbal decoctions also have a positive effect on thin hair.For washing, it is best to use shampoos high in keratin and protein. They strengthen this type of hair well.
It is also recommended to dye the curls with henna, as it thickens each hair, giving the hair volume.

Choosing a haircut
There are a number of hairdressing recommendations for owners of such hair.
- Choose the optimal length. Do not grow too long hair of this structure. To the tips, they will become more and more thinner. In addition, the longer the curls are, the more they will get confused. Please note that thin curls can be well-groomed. It is only important to understand the measure of hair length.
- Choose haircuts that add volume to your hair. Generally, the shorter the hair, the fuller it will appear. However, there are a number of haircuts that do not require a short length. These are long bob haircuts, swag haircuts and others.
- Simplicity of haircuts. It should be not only visually simple, but also easy to style, since thin and sparse hair does not hold the styling well.
- Try to get to a professional who is a professional in creating layered haircuts. It is important to understand that this is not the same as a cascading haircut. The latter will not look the best on fine hairs.

I would also like to note the importance of the shade of the hair. It is noticed that light shades are more suitable for weak and thin hair. It is not recommended to completely discolor the curls, as this will lead to their further injury.
Better to do bronzing, ombre or other gentle types of lightening. In no case should you paint everything in one color. Dark colors contrast with the scalp color, which can visually make the hairs look even thinner.

Stylish hairstyles
One of the most famous ways to quickly and beautifully style thin curls is to dry them with a hairdryer after taking a shower, bending your torso forward. However, it must be remembered that a haircut is always the basis for good styling. Another well-known way to style hair like this is to lightly fluff up the curls with the help of mousse, creating a "slight mess" on the head. Such styling will add volume to the roots, visually make the hair even thicker.

It is not recommended to use too many different products when styling. Use only products that are light in texture. For lovers of bright looks, you can try to braid a sufficient number of small braids and go to bed. Overnight, the curls will acquire the desired volume. In conclusion, I would like to note that an important factor in strengthening such curls is full and high-quality nutrition.
The adoption of a complex of vitamins also significantly and almost immediately improves the quality of the curls.

For problems with fine hair, see below.