Fashionable haircuts for girls 7-9 years old

Any girl wants to look attractive, regardless of age. For young creatures, their mothers are an excellent example of beauty, who spend some time in front of a mirror every day. And for every mother, her child is the most beautiful, so the woman's desire to make her child even more beautiful is not devoid of meaning.

But before you put your ideas into practice, you need to discuss these issues with your child. If up to five years old the baby still somehow follows the lead of adults, then starting from six, his worldview begins to form, since often many children at this age go to school, personifying this as the beginning of "adult" life. And therefore, such issues need to be resolved jointly, because it may be such that the child does not want to change anything in his hairstyle.
Before inviting your child to have a haircut, you should look through either fashionable children's magazines or photographs with examples of fashionable haircuts on your own, and select the most suitable option.

Best haircuts for babies
From birth, children have very thin hair, and until about 5-6 years of age, pediatricians and hairdressers do not advise to somehow influence the structure of the hair, that is, often blow-dry or straighten curly curls. All of this can thin already fine hairs. By the age of six, the child's body is getting stronger, and the hair along with it. Therefore, during this period, you can conduct some experiments in the form of a curling iron, hair dryer, hair straightener.

You can also start experimenting with haircuts.
- The first thing to look at is what kind of character your child has. It's simple - if a girl is mobile and active, then shorter haircuts will suit her.For example, a bob haircut is simple, discreet, but nevertheless very practical and unpretentious. For a fidget, the most important thing is that after the games you can comb your hair with a hairbrush and have fun further.

- Another interesting option can be a page haircut - a good option for those girls who naturally have very thick, straight and heavy hair. After all, the head gets very tired from the severity.
Important: these haircuts are suitable for girls with an oval face shape. There will also be an alternative choice: lengthen the haircut or not.

- Another example is the hairstyle "cap", it is somewhat similar to the previous version, but the hair is cut to the same length, framing the head like a hat, while covering the ears.

The following two haircuts are suitable for those young fashionistas who are not ready to part with their long hair, but want to change something in it.
- A win-win hairstyle for any hair is a cascade. For such a haircut, it doesn't matter whether the hair is long or medium, what kind of structure they have (straight or curly).

- A sesson haircut will very much resemble a page, only in this case the bangs will not have a straight shape, but a semicircular shape, thereby framing the face.

Choosing a hairstyle for girls 7-9 years old
Seven years is the age at which a child begins to live independently. School is the stage that teaches the child to discipline, so any distractions should be minimized. The first thing to look for when choosing a haircut is bangs. The bangs in no case should interfere with the child, get into the eyes and block the view.
For this age, the following haircuts will be appropriate.
- The classic version of the bob haircut. Without a doubt, the haircut is somewhat reminiscent of a "square", but with the change that the length of the hair will be cut to the jawline. And there is no particular need for bangs in this hairstyle. "Bob" looks beautiful and complete even on fine hair.
- For long curls, consider a hairstyle such as "Fox's tail"... The ends of the hair are cut in an arc, that is, the hair on the sides is slightly shorter, and closer to the middle it becomes longer. Such hair looks great both in a loose state and in a ponytail.

At eight and nine years old, young women of fashion are exposed to the trend of fashion like no other. When watching a cartoon or movie, they increasingly want to be like their idols. And there is nothing wrong with that. Often at this age, girls prefer long hair that either falls below the shoulders or reaches the shoulder blades.
The "ladder" haircut is especially popular. It is suitable for all types of appearance, face shapes, hair structure. The hairstyle does not change the appearance much - if the hair was just long and straight before, then it is slightly shortened.

Experiments with bangs can also be attributed here, because if the girl has never worn bangs before, then she will definitely want to try. The bangs can be cut without touching the main length of the hair, or you can radically change the hairstyle. Much depends on the girl's preferences. However, the choice of bangs must be approached responsibly, because it can help to correct the shape of the face. For example, if a young lady has a very high forehead.

For different face types, the following options are suitable:
- if the girl's face shape resembles a square, then the stylists recommend oblique bangs, but you need to cut it so that it does not interfere with the child;
- for owners of an oval or heart-shaped face, a classic, crescent bang or arcuate model is suitable;
- for curly hair, it is best to skip bangs.

For 7-9 years old, the aforementioned haircuts are also a good idea: "bob", "page", "fox tail". Nothing limits fantasy, only the preferences of the child and mother are important. But it is worth remembering that the chosen haircut can very quickly get bored with the child, if not diversified in any way. Therefore, you should choose the optimal hair length if the girl loves braids. On too short hair, large braids cannot be braided, at most, you can pin a hair clip.
It is better to think over all this in advance, and discuss it with the child.

Useful Tips
When choosing a master, you need to make sure that he actually cuts the children. A good master can help in one or another choice of hairstyles. He will select the optimal length based on the child's external data: skin color, hair structure.
Don't forget about jewelry. Any girl considers herself a princess, so she should always have different ribbons, hairpins, bows in her casket for all occasions. After all, this will help not only to diversify the hairstyle, but also will not give the child a chance to get bored.

The main thing is that from early childhood it is necessary to teach the girl to take care of herself on her own. It is necessary for her to comb her hair correctly, carefully pin the hairpins and remove the elastic bands from her hair. All this will help to preserve not only the natural beauty of the hair, but also the appearance of the chosen haircut.
How to make a fashionable haircut for a girl, see the video below.