Haircuts for thick medium length hair

An important part of any look is a haircut. A wide variety of women's hairstyles offers modern fashionistas unlimited freedom of choice. We will devote the article to popular haircuts for thick medium-length hair.

The integrity of the image and attractiveness will depend on the correct choice. There is an opinion that almost any haircut is suitable for owners of thick and lush hair, but this is not the case.
Taking care of such hair is more difficult and painstaking. This also applies to styling. These factors must be taken into account when choosing a haircut.
The ideal option is a simple and at the same time stylish hairstyle that does not require a lot of time and effort to style.

The next feature that is inherent in thick hair is the weight of the curls. The master needs to arrange the strands in such a way that they look great even under heavy weight.
The main tasks of haircuts:
- shaping the hair;
- facilitating the care procedure;
- design of a neat and attractive appearance;
- change in the shape of the face.

A properly chosen and styled hairstyle will look great throughout the day, attracting enthusiastic glances from others.
Specialist recommendations
Professional stylists and hairdressers advise girls with lush hair not to be afraid of short haircuts. It is not only stylish but also practical. After reincarnation, the visual image will acquire chic and elegance. And also the care of curls will be noticeably easier.
Women with curly hair can also decorate themselves in this way. If you are afraid that after a haircut, the strands will stick out and look bad, then do not worry. If you choose the right hairstyle, taking into account the shape of the face, the result will be excellent. A short haircut for curly hair will create an original look.

How to choose the right hairstyle?
The experts highlighted the main aspect that should be referred to when choosing a haircut. Remember that there is no single recommendation regarding this issue. It all depends on individual external data and preferences.
There are several main types of face that influence the choice of haircut.

A pointed bob is an ideal choice for women and girls with a square face shape. This is a classic version, the relevance of which does not dry out.

In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to other hairstyles with shoulder length hair. If you want to give the image softness and tenderness, arrange the strands in the cheekbones with a ladder or a cascade.

Haircuts that are too short can emphasize the special square shape of the face more, so it is recommended to refuse them.
Bangs and volume in the temple area will look organic. Wavy curls flowing along the cheekbones will add originality and femininity.

With this shape, a standard elongated square is great, only if you do not make a cut with a straight line. To make your face look more elongated, you can cut the long bangs. A neat volume in the area of the crown will help to visually change the shape of the face. Those who value brightness and expressiveness choose coloring.

Neat and delicate curls will help soften the angularity of the triangle shape. It is advisable to wind the hair from the middle of the curl, and not from the roots. If you wish, you can only shape the strands at the ends. A long bob will wonderfully soften a pointed chin. When choosing a short haircut, you should focus on the option with bangs.

This is the most versatile and most practical face shape in terms of hairstyle selection. In this case, stylists give complete freedom and recommend experimenting with different styles. The most common options are considered: a bob, both elongated and short, a haircut with asymmetry, feminine curls, a cascade and bob of various lengths.

Laying methods
It is not enough to choose and style a new hairstyle. If you want to look great with your new haircut, you need to learn how to style it correctly, especially after shampooing. This procedure takes a lot of time and effort, which is already not enough. Moreover, it is necessary to develop the skill and experience to properly handle the hair.
It is possible to free yourself from unnecessary trouble if you turn to the master with a proposal to perform a haircut that will not require special care.
Consider 5 options for haircuts for thick hair of medium length, styling which does not require a lot of effort.
The first thing to note is haircuts. pixie style... To give the hair the required shape, just a little fixing agent (varnish, foam) is enough. After washing, it is enough to comb the hair using a special composition. And also you do not need special styling tools. A regular hairbrush should be sufficient.

The group of simple and at the same time fashionable hairstyles includes cascading haircuts... The peculiarity of this style is light negligence and liberty. Even without styling, you will get a fluffy and voluminous shape, especially considering the density of your hair.

Bean considered one of the ideal haircuts for thick strands. The hairstyle looks great at medium length and does not need professional care. A practical and fashionable option for every day.

French haircut has a second name - lazy haircut.This is due to the fact that its attractiveness persists even as the hair grows back. As for styling, it is not necessary at all.
It looks expressive and impressive hairstyle "rhapsody"... The hair is shaped during the haircut. The only rule for an excellent appearance is periodic correction in the cabin.

Features of styling lush hair
Lush, thick and wavy hair lends a feminine look, but for a neat look in a particular hairstyle, the strands must be pacified. For styling, special cosmetics and tools are used, such as irons and hair dryers. The first option is considered more convenient and simpler.
Consider how to properly carry out the work.
- Before starting, be sure to apply a composition that protects against high temperatures to the curls. Next, preparations are used to smooth the hair.
- The first to process the strands near the face, smoothly moving to the area of the crown.
- With an iron, pass along the entire length of the hair from roots to ends.
- For maximum smoothing, work on small strands.
- It is advisable to iron on each curl only once, but if you set a low temperature, the procedure can be repeated.
- After completing the work, fix the result with varnish.

General care tips
So that thick hair pleases with beauty and strength, they need to be properly cared for.
- Use warm water during washing.
- Be sure to comb them before water treatments. Use a natural bristle comb.
- The shampoo is gently applied along the entire length. Do not rub the composition heavily into the skin.
- Choose formulations that are formulated specifically for lush hair.
- Rinse the strands thoroughly to clean them of shampoo and balm particles.
- When using masks, massage your scalp gently. Improving blood circulation has a positive effect on hair health as well as overall well-being.
- Monitor the condition of your hair and visit beauty salons periodically to restore its structure. This is especially true for girls and women who love coloring.
For information on which haircut to choose for thick hair, see the video below.