Haircut "Italian"

"Italian" is a hairstyle, which, despite many new fashion trends, is not going to give up its own positions and for many years continues to be one of the most relevant. And all thanks to her versatility, as she suits women of almost all ages and types of appearance. There are many variations of the fashionable "Italian" performance. It also provides for many styling technologies that allow you to create a stylish everyday and unforgettable festive look.

History of appearance
Almost everyone knows about the charm of Italian ladies, as well as about their southern "hot" disposition. But, in addition to the fact that these women are very sensitive to the health of their skin, they also devote a lot of time to caring for their hair. And this is understandable, because a spectacular haircut reveals the enchanting individuality, temperament and charm of each of the fair sex.
A haircut bearing the consonant name "Italian" was invented by one of the Italian hairdressing masters. This hairstyle quickly gained wide popularity and love of fashionistas around the world. "Italian" to this day continues to enjoy success with a significant part of the female population.

"Italiana" originated in the middle of the twentieth century and became very popular almost throughout Europe. Since then and until now, the "Italian" has undergone many modifications, thanks to which it has become even more in demand and relevant.
This haircut is very similar to the classic cascade hairstyle.The difference lies only in the length of the cutting step, so only an experienced master can determine the clear difference between these hairstyles.

Advantages and disadvantages
"Italian" is a hairstyle originally from Italy, the popularity of which has not diminished over time. Haircuts of this kind have always been appreciated by fashionistas around the world. "Italian" is perfect for lively representatives of the fairer sex who prefer feminine and seductive images.
"Italian" has not lost its popularity for about 50 years. And this is quite logical, since its main advantage is the versatility of the style, which is perfect for women of any age group. Thanks to such a haircut, any woman will look impressive and sophisticated.

In addition, this hairstyle is suitable for almost any type of appearance: it will not focus on the disadvantages, while emphasizing all the advantages.
A characteristic feature of this haircut is to give the hairstyle a step by visually shortening the hanging curls. "Italian" is distinguished by an elegant frontal look. The haircut goes well with the bangs. In a word, this hairstyle is multifunctional, suitable for a large number of the fairer sex, does not require complex styling, and also has a large number of different options.

The haircut in question has many positive aspects.
- Doesn't require continuous grooming. Such a haircut does not need a monthly correction by a stylist, and this will save its owners from wasting money and time. To keep the "Italian" "in shape" it is necessary to regularly trim the ends (it is enough to carry out a similar procedure 2 times a month) in order to provide the hair with the opportunity to grow faster.
- Short, medium and long hair - "Italian" will suit all types without exception. One has only to turn on the imagination and trust the experience of a professional stylist.
- "Italian" looks great with absolutely any style of clothing. The versatility of the haircut allows a woman to feel comfortable in every event of her life, whether it be a daily trip to work, a meeting with friends or a big celebration.
- "Italian" makes it possible to hide the "cons" of the appearance. This haircut is suitable for women of absolutely all ages. It can help smooth out rough facial features, hide expression lines, pimples and other aesthetic imperfections.
- A similar haircut is easy to tuck into a ponytail or bun. This hairstyle has no restrictions on the use of various styling techniques. Girls who adore periodically to radically change their style have every chance of making their own choice directly on the "Italian" as the most optimal haircut for themselves.
- It can give unprecedented volume to sick, weakened, thin and rare curls. In addition, the "Italian" helps to cope with unruly hair, which is constantly tangled.

Who is it suitable for?
Experts identify several basic principles for selecting the type of "Italian" depending on the structure of the hair follicles and the oval of the face.
- For women with a face in the shape of a triangle, stylists recommend, by thinning the hair at the chin, to “align” the imbalance of the face.
- Girls with round faces need to create a haircut in chaotically arranged strands. This technique will help to visually round the face.
- Ladies with a round face can make a classic braid, thereby giving their appearance a "flair" of sophistication and mystery.
- For girls with elongated faces, you can add some rounded lines to the face using the created splendor. In addition, the "Italian" will help "soften" the harsh facial features.

Depending on how old a woman is and what the structure of her hair is, the ideal hairstyle length, the degree of splendor and the best styling method are selected for her.
Now we need to figure out how "Italian" is in harmony with the bangs.
"Italian" is an incredibly unique haircut, because it looks amazing with any bang shape. For example, oblique or ragged will mask a sloping forehead, "soften" rough cheekbones and give the features of the appearance a touch of cuteness.

Bulky bangs are an option that professional stylists very often recommend to their clients in order to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes and slightly neutralize certain flaws in appearance.
An elongated bang, made in the shape of an arch, looks creatively with the "Italian" on long strands.

Ultra-short bangs will be an excellent option for courageous ladies who are not afraid of bold experiments, while this solution will add romance to the final image.
A milled bang will add airiness to the look. It visually "smooths" the facial features and emphasizes all its "pluses", puts emphasis on the graceful bend, and emphasizes the shape of the lips. It is not without reason that experts consider such a symbiosis to be the most optimal and universal. This creative solution can add charm to any woman.

Scheme and execution technique
In order for a stylish "Italian" to ultimately have a perfect look, you need to choose an experienced hairdresser. So it will be easier for you to choose the optimal haircut for yourself, which would focus on the advantages of appearance and mask all its shortcomings. However, if for some reason you cannot turn to a professional hairdresser, then you can try to create this haircut on your own.

Before starting, it is recommended to first study some master class (fortunately there are many in the vastness of the virtual network), which will demonstrate in detail the technique of performing "Italian" (in the case when a woman cuts herself on her own).

If, up to this point, you have never had to work with scissors in your life, then an urgent advice to you is to contact the master. Otherwise, you run the risk of severely damaging your curls.
But if you nevertheless decide on an independent transformation, then to create this hairstyle at home you will need the following accessories: a flat comb, clamps, regular and thinning scissors, a hair dryer.

So that the result does not disappoint you, you must strictly follow the execution stages.
- Wash your hair. It is necessary to perform a haircut when the strands become slightly damp.
- Comb the strands thoroughly.
- Make a parting "from lobe to lobe". Clip the hair in this position.
- Select the temporal sections of the hairline and fix them in the same way with clamps.
- Start cutting. Pull the long strands a little along the parting and cut them to the desired level.
- Using the strand-by-strand technique, create the typical Italian layering.
- Align the temporal part with the strand that was shortened first. Next, trim the strands at the back of your head.
- Comb your hair in the front and back. Add piping, volume to the crown, and shape the ends of your hair. Shape the bangs as needed.
- Style with a hair dryer and fixing products.

Laying methods
The technique of laying "Italian" depends on the size of the strands, their structure and the woman's taste preferences. You need to style extremely clean hair, otherwise the finished hairstyle will look sloppy.
Creating a spectacular image, you should put an expressive emphasis on individual strands of different lengths. This technique will give your hair a special charm.

To style the "Italian" was as successful as possible, you should be guided by the basic principles.
- The main condition is the competent use of a hair dryer. Using this device, you need to completely dry the curls. By lifting the strands at the roots, you can achieve more volume in your hair.
- To add expressiveness to individual strands, it is necessary to use a round comb and direct the curls outward while drying with a hairdryer.
- If you need to create a festive styling, you can use curlers or a curling iron.
- With the iron, you can quickly and easily create an effective styling for everyday wear even every day.
- For evening styling, long hair can be pulled back at the back of the head. Short strands that frame your face will add a romantic touch to your look.
- Owners of short curls do not need to be limited only to a strict styling option. The technique of free negligence will also suit them, giving the image features of youthful mischief and girlish sly coquetry.

For men
You may be surprised, however, there is also a male version of "Italian". It is usually performed in combination with a long, filleted bangs. There is a wide demand for men's styling, a characteristic feature of which is the frontal strands back, fixed with wax or gel.
First of all, "Italian" suits young men who have decided on their style or who want to add some new details to their look. As mentioned earlier, "Italian" suits men with almost any type of appearance. In addition, this haircut can focus on the most expressive features of a man's face. However, depending on the type of face, the man will need to choose the most optimal styling option. Chubby representatives of the stronger sex do not need to comb their bangs back, as this will make them even rounder. Therefore, they should leave bangs on their face.
If a man has a narrow face, then an Italian woman with raised bangs will suit him. This haircut allows you to experiment with different types of styling without the likelihood of ruining the image.

Beautiful examples
"Italian" can become a delightful detail of the image of any fashionista, regardless of what appearance nature has endowed her with. This hairstyle is versatile - this is one of its main advantages.

It looks very impressive on wavy hair. "Italian" is improving on the technique of lengthening the curls, thanks to which each strand lies in its place and does not get confused.

For straight hair, "Italian" will help to create the desired volume.

At one time, such world celebrities as Monica Bellucci, Derill Hannah, Cindy Crawford, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lopez, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston, Shakira, Jessica Alba and others preferred the Italian haircut.

For information on how to model an Italian haircut, see the next video.