Haircut "Italian" for medium hair: features, tips for choosing and styling

Some haircuts live unchanged for decades. Others fade into the background over time. And after a dozen years, they again return to the peak of popularity, having seriously changed. The second option includes the "Italian" hairstyle. Since its inception, it has changed significantly, but has not lost its relevance to this day.

The haircut was originally conceived for medium length hair back in the 1970s by master Arland Tossi. He presented his creation to the whole world by making a famous haircut to several movie stars at the 1980s festival in San Remo. From that moment on, he woke up extremely popular and famous. And thousands of women around the world wanted a haircut like that of Romina Power and Paolo Chiara. The famous stars of the screen did not lag behind ordinary women.
Thanks to the creator and the place of the festival, the name "Italian" was assigned to the haircut. Another lesser known name in professional hairdressing circles is "Aurora". Often the "Italian" haircut is confused with another cascading haircut similar to it, but professionals easily distinguish them from each other. The cascading haircut has sharper transitions and clear contours, Hair is cut in steps all over the head. The "Italian" haircut is smoother in terms of the difference in the length of the strands. Only the temporal locks and hair in the forehead are cut shorter.

A dynamic and youthful haircut provides for a good professional thinning of the ends of the hair, which ensures ease of styling. There is also a male version of the Aurora haircut.Now it is performed for different types of hair: short, medium and long.

Advantages and disadvantages
It is difficult to talk about the shortcomings of the hairstyle, which she practically does not have. It can only be noted that when performing on long curls, more careful styling will be required.
But you can dwell on the benefits in more detail.
- Chief among them is the versatility of the "Italian". It suits women of all ages, with any type of appearance and build. This is especially true for options designed for short to medium hair.
- You don't have to dye your hair extreme colors. The haircut looks great on natural color and gray hair. Although complex coloring will give the hairstyle a special charm.
- The peculiarity of the haircut does not imply frequent visits to the hairdresser, which is very convenient and inexpensive, both in terms of time and money. You can visit the salon once every 2 months. If the ends grow back, the hairstyle will not lose its charm from this, and the hair will not lose its volume. For easier and more comfortable styling, you need to visit your master regularly. Especially if "Aurora" is made for short hair.
- Different options for this haircut come with and without bangs, they do not go out of fashion. It allows you to create a feminine look, stylish or romantic, depending on your mood.
- Hair cut using the "Italian" technique looks beautiful, does not require a lot of styling products and time for care.

How to choose?
An experienced master will help you choose a hairstyle for different hairs. If you have not yet acquired such a stylist, it is worth remembering the basic rules that will help you choose a haircut for a harmonious look of the face oval and the ideal style in general. It is worth considering age characteristics, lifestyle and nuances of appearance, emphasizing its advantages and removing some of the shortcomings from attention.
First of all, it is worth deciding on the type of hair and texture. It is believed that the ideal haircut "Italian" is for the hair of residents of southern countries, which have natural waviness by nature. However, curls can be created using curlers or long-term styling.

The modern version of the hairstyle assumes a haircut "Aurora" for straight hair. Moreover, their length and structure, thickness are not important. The peculiarity of the haircut will help to emphasize the natural beauty of the hair and give the desired effect to the image and volume of the hair. According to the type of face and age, you can choose a haircut with or without bangs.

By hair type
For wavy hair, any type with an average or maximum length possible for a given hairstyle will be ideal. Do not be afraid that curly hair will tangle or look messy. The problem is solved by the use of a special cutting technology by the master. In this case, the strands are slightly stretched and cut with lengthening. Individual naughty curls can be treated with a little mousse.
For straight and smooth hair, even the thinnest, this hairstyle is also successful. Medium length with its variety of styling options should be preferred. Hair can look different every day: stylish, youthful or romantic. If necessary, you can trim asymmetrical bangs with graduation.

Owners of thick hair can afford absolutely everything.
Both the most extremely short haircut options "Italian" and the longest hair are suitable for them. The only caveat is that you have to tinker with styling long hair. Although a high-quality haircut and regular visits to a beauty salon solve this issue.

By face type
"Aurora" is so versatile that it suits almost everyone without exception. It will help to masterfully emphasize the advantages of appearance and hide flaws by visually changing the oval of the face, or distracting attention from age-related changes. At the same time, it is still worth remembering that all the accents decide.There are general rules that should be followed when choosing the "Italian" haircut option. Then it will look the most harmonious for a particular type of appearance and facial contours.
Women with a triangle-shaped face should choose a shoulder-length hair with a graduation and a ladder in the chin area. This type of hairstyle will help smooth out the shape of the face closer to the oval.

For owners of square or rectangular facial features, it is better to choose a carefully designed ladder along the face along its entire length, as well as soft bangs with torn ends, laid on one side.

For girls with a round face, the "Aurora" haircut without bangs is ideal. Additional volume at the crown is achieved by cutting, accentuating the shorter strands at the top. This creates additional volume in order to draw out round lines closer to the classic oval.

A too narrow and elongated face needs careful thinning of the strands at the level of the temples and cheeks. It will be best to style your hair with the ends of the hair rounded to the inside.
For owners of a diamond-shaped face, an asymmetrical styling option is suitable. for medium length or long curls. At the same time, it is advisable to cut a rather long bang.

How to stack?
The styling scheme for the female haircut "Italian" depends on the length and version, type of hair. The determining factor is the setting, the event, and so on. The everyday version of haircuts for short hair does not imply complex styling. It is enough to apply a little mousse in the root zone, and then use a hairdryer and a round brush. A neat and voluminous hairstyle for every day is quite simple.

You can also make a modern version with a slight disheveled option. To do this, you should not pay much attention to volume. You should style your hair a little in a chaotic manner, deliberately giving the strands a different direction. They are accentuated with gel.
Medium hair in a woman's hairstyle can be curled with large curls or light natural curls. You can create a luxurious Hollywood effect, or you can parse the pre-curled hair well with your hands and straighten it slightly. Fix the hairstyle with a little nail polish. Keep the spray can at a distance of at least 30 centimeters from the hair so that the styling turns out to be natural and lively.
There are many evening options for an Italian haircut. It is a low bun and an elegant classic shell with loose side curls at the temples. If age permits, you can even use fashionable weaving elements.

Long hair in the Aurora haircut should be dried, curled and styled in stages according to the haircut. First, styling and volume is created on the longest lower strands. Gradually, when creating hairstyles and styling, you need to move to the crown. When working with the lower curls, the middle and upper curls are usually stabbed, and then released in turn.

Beautiful examples
If you want to refresh your hairstyle, give it femininity and unsurpassed volume, choose the "Italian" haircut. You can stay true to your hair length or shorten it noticeably. The hairstyle is good at any length and suits a wide variety of hair types. She is chosen by thousands of women all over the world. And there are an infinite number of interesting haircut options.
- The haircut looks great even without styling. The texture of the hairstyle and the airy volume of the hair attract attention.

- A bold and very trendy option for short hair with tousled strands and asymmetrical bangs.

- "Italian" is ideal for all types of hair, even the finest. You can keep your natural color or use a trendy dye.

- Average length is considered the absolute leader by most women. It is easy to care for such hair and implement different styling options.

- A haircut always helps to look different: elegant or mischievous, luxurious or unpretentious.But the effect of constant grooming and femininity always remains.

- The emphasis on bangs and torn strands migrated from many modern hairstyles and into the Aurora haircut.

- "Italian" on medium or slightly shortened length is timeless and ageless. She looks equally good on a woman at 25 and 45 years old.

- A haircut perfectly corrects visual defects in appearance and helps to harmonize the oval of the face as a whole.

- Don't be afraid to experiment with color and length, get ready for volume that your hair hasn't had before. A haircut will highlight the natural beauty of your curls and make your look unique.

For information on how to make an "Italian" haircut, see the next video.
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