How to trim your hair?

Well-groomed silky hair is one of the main elements of the charming image of every woman. You need to pay attention to your hair and take care of them in every possible way. Split ends and uneven ends will transform the trendiest hairstyle into something shapeless and add a messy look. Regular hair trimming is not just about improving the appearance of your hairstyle, but also one of the surest ways to improve your hair in combination with other caring procedures.
It's no secret that in today's realities, many of us are constrained in finances, therefore it makes sense to learn how to trim your hair at home. If you successfully master the simple "secrets" of the trimming technique, your spending on trips to professional stylists will be significantly reduced, besides, you will have additional personal time (which, as you know, is also money).

Necessary accessories
If you trim the split ends by just a few millimeters, your hairstyle will transform and take on a neat, well-groomed look. But it only makes sense if the technique is done correctly using good tools.
Convenient sharp scissors are the key to success. Don't ignore this moment! Poorly sharpened scissor blades cut the hair shafts, break them at the cut, and after a few days they begin to exfoliate again.
Best Buy special hairdressing scissors made of carbon steel. You will have to spend only once, but then you will always have a high-quality tool at hand.If this is not possible (they are quite expensive), then ordinary scissors should be sharply sharpened and comfortably positioned in the hand.
In addition to scissors, you will need clamps for strands, a thin comb with wide teeth, silicone rubber bands, a spray bottle with water, a negligee or sheet, a broom and a scoop to collect the clipped debris. It is better to moisturize your hair not with ordinary water, but with a spray with vitamins and keratin.

Preparing for a haircut
The place where you plan to trim your hair must be in front of a large mirror with a good view and well lit. Cramped conditions (small mirror and lack of light) will not allow you to trim your hair neatly and evenly. You will need another small mirror to view the result from the back of your head.
Use a little trick: if you have blonde hair, put a dark sheet over your shoulders before cutting, and if you have dark hair, on the contrary, take a light negligee or sheet. A contrasting color will simplify the process at home, so you can better see the structure of the ends, which will allow you to trim all the damaged part of the hair.

Technique types
Before starting work, define your expectations. It is important to understand that it is difficult to cut long hair at home, and even more so to create a stylish haircut, there is a risk of ruining the hairstyle. The maximum that you can safely decide on is to trim the ends of long or medium split ends with one straight cut or semicircle. Curly, thick and short hair is highly recommended to be trimmed by a professional.
- One slice. This is a classic cut along one horizontal line, with the hair pulled back beautifully and the ends lying flat on the back. At home, such a trimming should be done together with someone close to you (sister, girlfriend, mother) one by one to each other (if necessary).
- In a semicircle. This is a classic trimming method with the cut line forming an oval. Hair looks as natural as possible, its length is gradually shortened, approaching the face. You should not make such a cut for girls with thin, weak hair, as they become more brittle as they approach the face.

Step-by-step instruction
It is easier to trim your hair when it is clean and damp, following the elements of a simple technique.
First, let's show you how to get a horizontal slice line:
- wash your hair and dry it with a towel;
- comb along the entire length of the prepared comb;
- separate the temporal zones, move them to the face;
- part all remaining hair with a horizontal parting at the back of the head to highlight the control strand;
- fasten the top of the hair with a clip on the crown;
- comb the lower control strand, if necessary, moisten with a spray bottle, grab part of the strand in the middle with two fingers, pull down and cut the damaged ends (it is important to keep the strand parallel to the back, without lifting it up), then trim the ends of the strands on the right and left, grabbing them with your fingers with part of an already cut strand and controlling the length of each cut along it;
- gently comb and straighten the trimmed control strand;
- from the upper part from under the clamp, release small strands one by one so that the level of the previous cut is visible, each time gently combing them;
- Align each successive section of hair along the control strand and cut at the level of the previous cut, this way all the hair in the back of the head is trimmed.

Divide each temporal strand into 2 parts horizontally and cut them alternately, starting from the bottom and aligning with the previous occipital strand.
After finishing the procedure, dry your hair, comb it, carefully check the result visually and remove any errors, if any.
You can trim long hair yourself at home on your own, following a simple technique.

With the help of a low "tail"
- thoroughly comb wet hair with a comb along the entire length;
- collect them from the back into a low "tail" in the center of the back of the head and secure at the base with a tight elastic band;
- along the entire length of the "tail" evenly fasten the elastic bands (approximately at a distance of 8-10 cm) for convenience when working with scissors;
- the level under the last elastic at the end of the strand means the place where the cut should be made;
- grab the end of the “tail” under the last elastic band with two fingers, pull the strand well and cut off the truncated ends;
- remove the elastic bands, comb the curls, fold back, view the rear view with a small mirror, correct the oval cut if desired;
- you can leave a deep semicircle, or you can make it softer by slightly removing the length in the middle of the oval.

With the help of a high "tail"
- collect all hair in a high "ponytail", fix with a strong elastic band;
- to obtain the best result, tie the “tail” with thin elastic bands along the entire length every 2-3 cm, while making the last fixation above the expected cut level at the end of the “tail”;
- grab the end of the "tail" between your fingers and cut off the ends in the most straight line, preferably with professional scissors;
- remove all elastic bands, loosen and comb the hair.
With the help of "tails", the cut line will turn out to be a semicircle.
There is an even easier way to trim your own hair:
- make an even vertical parting along the entire head and divide the hair into 2 parts;
- throw the curls first from one side forward, grab them between the index and middle fingers, tighten and trim the split ends, while trying to keep the scissors horizontally;
- throw the hair forward on the other side, connect both parts of the hair under the chin and in the same way trim the ends on this side at the same level.

How often should you trim your hair?
The frequency of haircuts is determined individually in each case.
To maintain the shape of the model haircuts, they need to be trimmed every 2 months.
But if you set out to grow long hair, then first of all you need to provide them with the most correct care in order to prevent them from dryness, brittleness and sectioning. Then, with healthy hair, it will be enough to trim them once every six months. If split ends cannot be completely avoided, you will still have to trim them once every 3 months.

Simple care tips
Hair type is not only something that nature has given you as an inheritance from your parents. Many factors that negatively affect the condition of hair can be avoided a priori, or at least limited their presence in your life:
- insufficient fluid intake (at least 2 liters per day is recommended);
- smoking, alcohol;
- excessive passion for coffee;
- improperly selected care products;
- lack of vitamins (watch your diet);
- various diets and nutritional restrictions (as a result - insufficient hair nutrition).

It is necessary to maintain and maintain healthy hair constantly, and not from time to time, as is often the case with an eternal lack of time. Do not neglect the simple rules of care:
- choose the right hair care products (shampoos, balms, masks, creams) that are right for you - it is better to consult a specialist for selection;
- minimize hot drying with a hairdryer, use a curling iron and an iron as little as possible, and if this cannot be avoided, use high-quality thermal protection;
- Do not rub your hair with a towel after washing, but just blot gently to absorb moisture.
Do not go to bed with a wet head, wait until your hair is completely dry.
Constant care and respect will keep hair strong and healthy, which split a little and do not bother with frequent trimming of the ends, but weak, not entirely healthy hair has to be cut much more often.By practicing trimming split ends on your own, you will learn how to do this for yourself and your loved ones, and saving your family budget and personal time will become a significant plus.

Hair trimming video instructions will allow girls to carry out this procedure without errors.