Short women's haircuts: types, features of choice

The stereotypical notion that a real woman must have long hair is a thing of the past. Nobody speaks about a short haircut already "like a boy". Women began to cut their hair en masse during the First World War, and the famous rebel and women's rights activist Coco Chanel accidentally brought short haircuts into fashion when she once burned several strands of her hair over gas.

The advantages of short haircuts are obvious at first glance: they do not require long washing and combing, they are not hot with them in the summer, in winter, the curls do not stick out from under the cap, and the ends do not split due to frost. ...
In addition, they are also economical: less shampoo and care products are consumed at a time, and refreshing and dyeing such a haircut in the salon is usually cheaper than cutting long strands.

But, deciding on a short haircut, the following points should be considered.
- Short-cropped hair will usually start growing rapidly and your new hairstyle will tend to lose shape quickly, so you will have to visit the salon almost every month to keep it tidy.
- Even the shortest female haircut needs regular, almost daily styling and volume, otherwise it will easily turn you into a "gray mouse".
- Short hair exposes all the features of your skull. Deciding on an extremely short hedgehog is recommended only for girls with an ideal head shape.
- It will be very, very difficult for you to grow long curls again. You will have to go through a difficult transition period (usually it takes up to six months), when it is already difficult to style your hair, and it is still impossible to tie even an elementary ponytail.But it all depends on what kind of haircut you decide on. If it is a stylish bob or page, then the hair regrowth process can be completely painless.
- It should not be forgotten that in order to look more natural and beautiful, a haircut takes several days to grow slightly. This period usually takes from three days to a week. Therefore, if you decide to change your image for a certain date or event, then you should visit the hairdressing salon in advance.

An interesting and very useful rule of "5.7 centimeters" was derived by the famous British stylist John Frieda, and with its help, any woman, standing at home in front of a mirror, can accurately determine whether a short haircut is suitable for her.
To do this, arm yourself with a pencil and a ruler, stand in front of a mirror and place a pencil to your chin, and a ruler with a zero mark to the tragus (small outer protrusion) of the auricle so that the ruler and pencil form a right angle. Next, fix the value on the ruler with your finger at the point of intersection with the pencil, subtract it from the ear and see - if this value is less than 5.7 centimeters, then you can safely cut your hair, if more, short curls will not suit you.

Fashion trends
This season, short hairstyles for women are more relevant than ever. The variety of models and images created with them will compete with long curls.
If everything is new - just a well-forgotten old, then the trendy novelty of the current season is the pixie haircut with all sorts of variations.
For the first time, this haircut came into vogue back in the 50s, and Audrey Hepburn shone with it in the movie "Roman Holiday".

She has now relegated the short bob to second place, although it still maintains a leading position among trends. Round haircuts for girls "under the pot", "under the page", as well as "garcon" and "gavroche", which give their owners French sophistication, have returned to fashion again.

Daring asymmetry is gradually becoming a thing of the past, and professional stylists are increasingly giving preference to correct geometric shapes and volume, obtained due to all kinds of haircuts, steps, shaving and unusual coloring. The use of a clipper for a woman's haircut is now becoming no less relevant than for a man's.
The eighties and disco are again at the peak of popularity, so ladies with short hairstyles on naturally curly curls or with a light perm will look unusually stylish and bright.
The main trend that many masters observe, and which have to be reckoned with, is that the more resolute and freer a woman is, the shorter and more extraordinary hairstyle she is able to afford.

There are a lot of types of short haircuts, but still they can be conditionally divided into several large categories.

Timeless classics of haircuts for short hair is square... Initially, a classic square was called a simple haircut at ear level, with a highlighted straight bang. Today, another variation of it is more relevant - bob-bob. This is a neat haircut, usually without or with long bangs, to one side, with curls lengthened in front and gradually shortening towards the back of the head. The front strands usually end at the level of the chin, and the shortest ones cover the seventh cervical vertebra.
This season, a bob-bob haircut with a tousled effect is especially relevant, when deliberate disheveledness is added to the curls during the styling process.

A haircut like pixie, has a huge number of varieties, and any girl can pick up her own, one and only. In this hairstyle, the hair can be of different lengths on all sides, but the main principle is short, shaved temples, bangs and lush curls on top, which can be styled in many ways.
It is not in vain that Pixies choose creative, daring and decisive natures - with her it is easy to create careless artistic chaos on your head, and at the same time no one will reproach you for being slovenly.

"Garson" is an always up-to-date short haircut, which is still talked about "like a boy". "Garson" is somewhat reminiscent of a pixie haircut, but evenly trimmed strands require neat, smooth styling. As a rule, this haircut retains long bangs on one side and elongated temples. The back view can be very different and depends on the hairline. It can be a straight line, a small wedge, and in some cases, the hair on the back of the head is left quite long.
An important feature of the garcon haircut is that it opens the face, therefore it is very demanding on makeup.

Until the 60s of the 20th century haircut page was considered exclusively male, but for several decades now she has been loved by women and has not gone out of fashion. There are no sharp straight lines in this haircut - the strands gradually lengthen from the bangs to the back of the head and form one smooth line. Such an image advantageously emphasizes a beautiful chiseled neck and can successfully hide the ears, if necessary.
Best of all, such a haircut falls on thick straight hair, it is practical and does not require complex styling, but it is better for owners of hard, naughty and curly curls to refuse it.

The sesson hairstyle is very similar to the page, but the bangs in it are straight and the hair in the back is also cut straight. Sesson requires a high level of professionalism from a master and a firm, trained hand. Freshening up this haircut in the salon is a must at least once a month, but the sophisticated French charm it gives is well worth it.

The Gavroche haircut is named after a character from Victor Hugo's novel Les Miserables. More, of course, it belongs to the category of youth, since its owners become a bit like teenage boys who have no time to deal with hair. For all the seeming negligence, the technique of performing this haircut is quite complicated, and requires the proper level of professionalism from the master, and from its owner - constant care, so that the sharply cut strands of different lengths sticking out in all directions look like a work of art.

Short haircut cap with closed ears and long side bangs, it is very feminine, and is able to create a soft and delicate image.
The haircut hat looks great on both young girls and ladies over 50.

Modern short haircuts are bold and dynamic. The trend of the past years continues, and the technology of their creation is still dominated by "torn" techniques, graduation, layering and other options for creating volume. Particular attention is paid to coloring - color, multicolor coloring is more relevant than ever.
The fashionable trend of the current season is open ears, and it is not necessary to open them with a haircut, you can simply tuck your hair behind your ears.

One of the most stylish and sexy model haircuts is considered Shag, which translated from English means "shaggy". The hairstyle justifies this name, differing in deliberate negligence and disheveledness.
Best of all, such a solution is suitable for thin hair, thick hair will have to be additionally milled. Long bangs with short hair are all the rage.

With shaved temples
A couple of years ago, unusual haircuts with shaved temples were the lot of bright owners of various youth subcultures. Today they no longer look so unusual and defiant, although you cannot call them ordinary and everyday. Two major changes in recent times - they ceased to be exclusively youthful and became available to women after 40, and now it is important to shave not only one, but both temples.
The main rule that must be observed so that a haircut with shaved temples looks harmonious is that the more basic length you leave, the longer the hair at the temple should be.

But shaving the back of the head in the new season is no less important than whiskey. Shaving with a ladder to the middle of the back of the head is in trend, as well as the creation of various patterns: floral ornaments, animals, symbols and hieroglyphs. In terms of artistic design, the creation of such haircuts can be compared to tattooing.

Lush short hairstyles are obtained, as a rule, on hair that is naturally curly or on curls with a perm. Also, the volume and splendor of the master is obtained through a variety of cuttings on the back of the head or on the top of the head.
- Cascade. This haircut is based on the classic graduated bob with bangs. Strands from the crown to the shoulders gradually increase in length. The volume and effect of graceful negligence is achieved by laying the strands in all directions.
- "Italian". This haircut resembles a cascade, but in gradual, from the forehead to the chin, the increase in the length of the curls is similar to the haircut of the page. But, unlike the latter, each curl and bang is well graduated, which gives her a slightly disheveled look and splendor.
- "Caprice". Haircut with a self-explanatory name. It looks like a reflection of all the every second desires of the master who created it. Moreover, this haircut is simple and unpretentious in styling, since only you decide how it will look today. Curls casually sticking out to the sides, light fleece, uneven bangs and any of your desires - this is the "whim" hairstyle.
- Shaggy. This haircut is a mixture of "Italian" and "whim". It is distinguished by elongated bangs and gradually lengthening, well-milled strands. It looks good on women with irregular or asymmetrical features, a round or square face, a narrow chin or a very high forehead.

How to choose?
Short haircuts are suitable for women of all ages and with any type of appearance. Choosing your own hairstyle is not difficult if you follow a few simple rules.

By hair type
When choosing a hairstyle, you should always take into account the type of hair, this is the first thing that the hairdresser will advise you to pay attention to.
- Haircuts page, bob, bob-bob, "garcon" and any other haircuts where the masters create straight and clear lines perfectly fit on straight, smooth hair.
- Wavy and curly curls work well for many short hairstyles, with the exception of page and sesson, which are based on an even structure of the strands.
- On thin curls, you should create voluminous hairstyles such as pixies, hats or "garcon".
- All haircuts look good on thick strands, without exception, but if the curls are naughty in styling, it is easy to disguise "disheveled" haircuts such as squeaks.
- Gray curls have long ceased to be considered a problem, and women around the world are no longer shy about gray hair. Moreover, in the current season, gray hair is in vogue, and one of the current trends is gray hair highlights. Almost all types of short and very short hairstyles on gray hair look very feminine and elegant.

By face type
This is the second aspect of choice that should also not be overlooked if you want the perfect hairstyle.
- Oval. Any hairstyle is suitable for this type: from a regular square to a daring pixie and the shortest haircuts.
- Round. With this type, it is better to choose asymmetrical haircuts with a lush crown and milled strands that visually slightly stretch the face. Garson, bob-bob and pixie are perfect. It is better to lay the bangs on one side. Haircuts such as page, "sesson" and classic square with straight bangs are not recommended for round face.
- Rectangular. The task of a short haircut with this face shape is to visually reduce the elongated contour and brighten up the high forehead a little, while adding volume on the sides.Round haircuts work best with this: hat, classic bob, bob bob, page.
- Square. With this type of face, a haircut often requires volume at the crown and pulling curls on the sides to soften the outline of the lower jaw. All this applies to a pixie haircut with bangs on one side, as well as a bob bob without bangs or with asymmetrical bangs.
- Triangular or heart-shaped. Here it is recommended to reduce the width of the upper part of the face and add volume to the chin. Visually, an asymmetric or bangs combed to one side narrows the forehead, and the haircut should not be very short - the side strands need to cover the ears and reach the tip of the chin. With this face shape, you should refrain from haircuts with straight lines, especially with thick straight bangs.
- Trapezoidal... To visually reduce the wide lower jaw, the volume of hair in the temporal zone should be increased. Here, hairstyles such as beanies or various pixie options will look best. Very short hairstyles for women with this type of face are advised to avoid.
- Diamond-shaped. With this subspecies, cascading hairstyles will look good, smoothing out sharp features and bringing the shape of the face closer to an oval one. A well-graded bob-square and "garcon" with volumetric styling will do.

According to the age
There is no age limit for short haircuts.
With the current fashion, women after 30 can safely afford a haircut with shaved temples, and ladies after 50 - an exquisite haircut "garcon" or a hat.
Often, famous actresses and other stars shine on carpets with very short hairstyles and noble gray hair. Of course, creative, disheveled and asymmetrical haircuts with color dyeing are the lot of teenage girls and young girls, but the main principle is that your hairstyle is in harmony with your inner state and the whole image, and not with your passport age.

By season
Each season has its own characteristics, and when choosing a short haircut, it will not be superfluous to think about the weather conditions under which you will wear it at least for the first time. In addition, the fashion for haircuts changes seasons as well as clothes.
- Winter. The problem with any hairstyle in winter is a hat that cuts down on styling. And if in a mild winter a woman can afford to walk with a hood up or in a light beret, then in severe frosts it is unrealistic to save a hairstyle from a dense knitted or fur hat. Therefore, for the winter, simpler, not very voluminous haircuts such as pixie, bob, bob-bob or "garcon" are preferable, which, having removed the hat, can be easily corrected with your hands.
- Summer. For summer haircuts, the rule applies: the shorter the length, the better, especially if the summer is hot and the hair is thick. This is the best time for complex, voluminous styling, bright colors, asymmetries and ultra-short haircuts, up to a hedgehog and a full flight of imagination.
- Spring-autumn. In the offseason, fleeing depression, women more than ever want something bright, new, they are drawn to experiments. But when choosing a hairstyle in the fall, you should think about the impending winter, and the problems associated with it. Spring is another matter, because there are only warm days ahead, and the hairstyle will no longer be afraid of bad weather.

Types of staining
This season, professional hairdressers and stylists continue to give preference to ombre, balayage, shatush and California highlights. With these dyeing techniques, it remains possible to preserve the natural color and complement it profitably, add saturation and mask gray hair.

If you are used to completely dyeing your hair, then it should be noted that in the new season, warm tones are in trend: all shades of red, wheat, chocolate and caramel. It is especially important to diversify the monochromatic coloring with highlights of lighter tones, for example, add glare of wheat or caramel to the chestnut or chocolate color.
Bleached hair, copper and eggplant shades are still considered a sign of bad taste and, moreover, add age to women who choose them.

Beautiful examples
Short haircuts are always elegant and fashionable, and you can make sure of this, looking at interesting and beautiful examples of such solutions.
- Hollywood Wave. This styling is done for retro hairstyles. The Hollywood wave appeared in the 30s, and it looks especially chic on short hair. But you also need to wear it with exquisite dresses, with heels and with your head held high.

- Textured styling. The painstaking work of the master is behind the seemingly carelessness of such a haircut. This haircut is always original, since two of these are not the same, besides, it reduces the age of its owner.

- Short haircut with a braid. Very feminine and unusual styling for a short haircut. This hairstyle is perfect for a festive occasion, and for every day.

- Bob-car with a French braid. The combination of a smooth haircut and a voluminous braid gives the owner of the hairstyle a special charm. This idea would be a great option for a wedding.

- Short haircut with slicked back hair. This sophisticated haircut is one of the easiest to style and many can do on their own. To do this, apply a strong hold mousse to wet hair and dry it with a hairdryer at the maximum temperature, combing it back all the time. This is how you can style your hair cut under a square without pronounced bangs.

- Colored fragmentary staining. Such haircuts always look bright and unusual, and their owners find it difficult to get lost in the crowd. Recently, the coloring of individual strands in different, sharply different colors has been especially popular. Long bangs or temples are often dyed in a different color.

- Gray highlighting. To create such hairstyles, the hair is dyed with gray hair, which allows them to look neat, well-groomed, and at the same time natural. Women over 50 with this hairstyle look very elegant, and are not at all shy about their age and gray hair.

- Short hair with as long bangs as possible. Long bangs tucked to one side and smoothly laid with a short haircut looks very impressive and creates a kind of mysterious fleur around its owner. This is not to say that this is a comfortable hairstyle for every day, but for a party or social event, it is a great option.

You will learn about the pros and cons of women's short hair in the following video.