Short women's haircuts without styling: features, pros and cons, tips for selection

Since modern young ladies work no less than men, not all of them have enough time to do beautiful styling or makeup. Therefore, almost everyone wants to quickly solve the problem of unruly hair. And here a short haircut comes to the rescue, which does not even require styling.

Short women's hairstyles without styling are the best option that suits girls for every day, and also emphasizes their beauty on holidays. In addition, almost any of them looks stylish and well-groomed if done by professional stylists.
A low-maintenance hairstyle is a great option for busy ladies of all ages.

Advantages and disadvantages
Short haircuts for women have both pros and cons. First, it's worth familiarizing yourself with the benefits.
- Care is easy and simple. Short hair that doesn't have to be styled is great for all seasons. In summer it will not be so hot, and in winter they will not wrinkle even under a hat.
- With this hairstyle, you can change your image almost every day. One has only to comb her hair in a different way, and the girl will look either very romantic or very impudent.
- This haircut is very convenient for going to the gym.

However, despite all these advantages, short haircuts are not for everyone. Not every girl can look feminine with them. In addition, in order to grow long hair again, you will need to wait more than one month. And also for girls who adore "curls", it will be very difficult to style them and put the curls in order.
In addition to all this, such a hairstyle requires quite frequent visits to the salons.After all, the hair will need to be cut constantly so that it does not interfere.

There are many haircuts for short hair: from voluminous, which will help girls with thin hair, to those that, on the contrary, allow you to make your styling creative.
One of the haircuts that suits those girls who don't like to style their hair at all. It will suit almost everyone. The only exceptions are those with curly hair, who usually have to tinker with styling a strand every morning.
For those who have very thin strands, a multi-layered bob is best suited, where it is supposed to cut hair in layers: from long strands to short. In addition, such a haircut will allow you to thin out too thick hair a little. This hairstyle is perfect for going to a restaurant and for creating a casual look for a girl.

This hairstyle is suitable for those of the fair sex who are too busy and have no time for styling. The master cuts each strand separately, while pulling it well, but the temple area is shaved. This combination makes the hairstyle very fluffy and airy. Everything looks creative.
In addition, such a haircut retains its shape for a long time, so frequent visits to the master will not be required. It is enough to do this 2-3 times a year, because even after regrowth the hairstyle looks neat.

This hairstyle is a bit like a cascade. However, there are still some differences. The haircut turns out to be creative. The master here can also experiment a little with bangs, making it either regular or oblique.
Recently, she has become quite popular among both girls and men. Indeed, with its help, you can correct the appearance, making it more attractive and very fashionable.

This hairstyle takes the leading place among those haircuts that practically do not need any styling. Its distinctive feature is considered to be the different length of hair on the back of the head, as well as graduated curls along the entire face.
In addition, "Rhapsody" is perfect for owners of curly hair, which is much more difficult to style.

The haircut is suitable for girls who are quite brave and self-confident. This haircut involves the thinning of all zones, due to which the hairstyle turns out to be somewhat even playful.
For frivolous styling, just comb and then tousle your hair a little. But for those who prefer the classics, you can lubricate your hair with styling gel and just comb it.

For those girls or women who want to look more sophisticated and charming, a pixie haircut is suitable. She especially suits those who have small facial features.
Such a haircut is a combination of shortened temples and nape, which are complemented by a lush top. Most of all, this hairstyle is suitable for women over 50. She makes them look younger and more beautiful.

This hairstyle is suitable for those girls who have a beautiful neck, as well as the correct cheekbone line. In addition, it is possible for all age groups. A distinctive feature of this haircut is the slightly elongated strands on the back of the head. Their length will directly depend on the girl's preferences.
In addition, this hairstyle can be complemented with bangs.

How to choose?
The choice of hairstyle depends on many factors that must be taken into account when making any haircut.
By type and color of hair
The first thing to look at is the type and color of your hair. So, for straight and liquid hair, a haircut with one length is ideal, so that you can create volume. Besides, for better styling, you can do the graduation.
For fluffy and lush hair that does not fit well and does not hold its shape for so long, you should take a closer look at options such as a cascade or a square. But for straight hair, it is best to choose a bob or also a bob.In addition, the bangs can be made oblique and slightly elongated.
Hair color does not play a role in choosing a haircut for both brunettes and blondes. Therefore, you can choose any one you like.

According to the age
Age category also plays a role. There are certain rules for choosing a hairstyle, although not every woman will be able to agree with them. To begin with, it is worth noting that any haircut and styling can be suitable for young girls. After 30-35 years, girls may experience the first hair problems, for example, the first gray hair or a change in the hair structure itself. Therefore, many people prefer to say goodbye to long strands and do a short hairstyle that suits their type.

After 45 years, women need to emphasize their attractiveness and hide flaws and age characteristics. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to haircuts such as a cascade or a ladder. They will help hide any flaws that have appeared, as well as focus on the woman's merits. A haircut with straight bangs will look very "fashionable".

The age category of women after 55 years old can experiment a little with their appearance. That is, to choose an image for yourself that will only add beauty, and not vice versa. Women with a pixie or gavroche haircut will look much younger. For more creative ladies, you can make them catchy, with side bangs or with different hair lengths.
In addition, grooming short haircuts takes very little time. It is enough to comb your hair and you can go about your business.

By face type
Probably, the main criterion is the choice by the type of person. After all, that hairstyle that is suitable for overweight girls will look completely inappropriate on skinny ladies.
So, for girls with an oval face type, you can choose any haircut, even the most unusual among them. But for the owners of a round face, choosing a hairstyle will be a little more difficult. A haircut with a voluminous crown and shaved temples is best suited. This will make it possible to stretch the face a little. In addition, you should completely forget about straight bangs.

Girls with a heart-shaped face can afford to choose a variety of haircuts. The only thing worth considering is that the hair must be no longer than to the chin, while the bangs must be combed to one side.

For a rectangular shape, you need to choose haircuts that will visually expand the temples, as well as the cheekbones. In addition, in this case, the forehead and chin, on the contrary, are better covered.

For a square type of face, you need to choose haircuts that are more voluminous and airy. Here it is necessary to slightly round the forehead and chin in order to visually stretch the face.

Beautiful examples
Even having done a hairstyle for short hair, you can always look stylish and beautiful, as well as even stand out among your colleagues or friends.
Such haircuts are suitable for those girls who want to stand out from the crowd. She makes the image very cocky. The hair is cut almost along the entire length of the head, and they remain longer at the back of the head, giving volume to the hairstyle.

This haircut is suitable even for young girls. She add some naivety to the image, and at the same time freshness and playfulness. Such a haircut will open the neck as well as the chin, therefore, when choosing this, it must be taken into account. In addition, such a hairstyle does not require special care, it is enough to comb the hair.

This haircut is suitable for women of all ages. For example, for young girls, it will add some personality, but for more mature ladies, it will allow you to immediately drop a few years. The bangs must be short and cut in a semicircle. In addition, such a haircut allows you to hide some defects.

To summarize, we can say that short haircuts for women without styling are suitable for women of different ages, as well as for different hair types.Each of them has its own characteristics, so it is worth choosing based on your preferences.
For information on how to make a pixie haircut without styling, see the next video.