Ladder without bangs: features and technology of execution

A hairstyle that does not lose its relevance is a ladder. This is a hair styling option in which the curls differ in their length. The hairstyle can have all sorts of design options, but in this material we will talk about a ladder without a bang.

Advantages and disadvantages
Fashion always comes back. The ladder was famous back in the 70s of the last century, but it is no less common and loved by women today. This haircut is perfect for evening hairstyles, does not require special skills for everyday styling. Long-haired girls can freshen up their hair, leaving the main length. If you want a daring look - do a haircut with torn strands and a large distance between the steps. If you like a light romantic charm, make a smooth transition to a neat oval on long strands.

Like any haircut, the ladder will look messy on sick and unkempt hair. The split ends of the ladder are visible at once along the entire length. Owners of a short haircut will not be able to make a neat "licked" tail due to the insufficient length of the front strands. Hair that is too wavy and curly is more difficult to style.
Girls with very thick hair should be treated with caution in the ladder: a haircut will add additional volume to the hairstyle. An elongated face due to the option of a haircut without bangs will lengthen even more.

Who is it for?
A ladder without bangs is well suited for girls with a small forehead. The face will visually stretch, excessive roundness or protruding ears will hide behind the flowing strands. Wide cheekbones or jaw, close-set eyes will be masked. Correct styling will hide the excessive angularity of the face.
A ladder is a great solution for girls with a square face, as it will smooth out its rigidity. Narrow and triangular faces will become more proportional due to the front strands and the overall volume of the haircut. A round face will visually lengthen the ladder without bangs.

The ladder will look especially advantageous on girls with sparse hair, as it will visually increase their density. It is best to make steps for owners of straight or slightly wavy hair, since styling will be much easier.
Also, many color schemes are suitable for a haircut. Highlighted curls will allow you to accentuate individual strands, giving the image expressiveness.

Ladder types can be divided according to two criteria: hair length and distribution of strands on the head. With the second criterion, everything is simple: the steps can be located only on the strands of the facial oval or over the entire head. It is worth dwelling on the first criterion in more detail.

On long hair
Such a haircut does not affect the overall length, it gives the hair its shape. On long hair, you can experiment: make large intervals between the steps, giving the hairstyle a torn look, or smooth out the cut line as much as possible, getting a smooth uniform oval. The first rung can start from the jaw or shoulder - the specialist chooses the option that suits your face type.

On medium hair
Better for straight strands. Medium-length wavy or curly hair will need to be blown-dry regularly to maintain a well-groomed look, causing the ends to split quickly.
This option is suitable for girls of different types, because it is able to discreetly mask problem areas. The first rung comes from the cheekbone or jaw line. The higher the ladder starts, the stronger the transition will be visible.

On short hair
The most personalized haircut. Sharp, jagged transitions are preferred. Requires the greatest care and styling with foam, mousse or varnish. The option without bangs should be used with caution and only with a competent master in order to avoid an artificial break in the hairstyle, a feeling of incompleteness.
When choosing a haircut, be guided by the density and type of your hair. There are also a large number of applications on the Internet where you can “try on” different hairstyles.

How to make at home?
Necessary materials for a haircut at home: two mirrors (for front and back view), scissors, a comb with fine teeth, hair clips. The room must be well lit.
Pay special attention to the choice of scissors. The best option is hot, which prevents the formation of brittle ends. In second place are hairdressing salons. If you are using regular scissors, check if they are sharp enough. The blunt tool will make your hair tangle and flake.

The procedure for creating a ladder without bangs must be strictly observed so that the result does not bring disappointment.
- Dampen your hair as cutting dry strands will speed up the section. An exception is the use of hot scissors.
- Divide your hair into 4 squares and secure with clips. When dividing, consider where the parting will go.
- Select a strand from the first sector. The formation of strands begins from the back of the head.
- Raise a section of hair at a right angle to your head and trim off excess hair. Tip: Hold the scissors at a 45 degree angle in relation to the plane of the head (parallel to the fingers holding the strand).
- Cut off the excess hair from each section of the section to the length of the first section. Each strand should be parallel to the previous one. Gradually move from the back of the head to the temples.
- After working through all the strands, comb and trim your hair. There is no need to delay them at this stage.
- Blow dry and style your hair.

On long hair, we recommend trimming the top rung at the base of the neck. On short ones, the upper short step is made at the crown.
A simplified version of a ladder haircut without bangs for medium hair:
- tie the tail on the frontal part;
- cut to the desired length (be guided so that the top step starts from the earlobe);
- let loose your ponytail and trim your haircut.

Tip: Before experimenting on your own hair, practice on special dolls for hairdressers or other people. Cutting yourself is much more difficult - not all specialists succeed in this. Don't save time - it won't pay off if you fail. Don't forget how long you have grown your hair before cutting.
It is better to renew your haircut every 1.5-2 months to prevent split ends.

Styling options
A properly made ladder on well-groomed hair does not require complex styling. Straight and slightly wavy hair is especially easy to style.
Classic styles of ladder styling without bangs: tips inward or outward. For both options, you will need a hairdryer, mousse, foam or other fixing agents, and a brush-brush. The hot air flow must be directed from top to bottom. Do not try to wrap the strand around the brush, but use gentle curling movements, as if brushing the hair in or out. The outward option is more suitable for girls with a face of the correct oval shape, as it will not hide obvious flaws. For triangular and square faces, curled inward strands are suitable.

If we talk about straight ends, then this option is better suited for thick hair, as it visually reduces the volume of the hairstyle. Apply strong fixing agents (gel or wax) to the ends. Blow dry your hair by pulling back the ends. Direct the hair dryer jet from top to bottom.
Daily styling can be done in five minutes: lower your head and dry your hair by directing air from the roots downwards. To prevent the tips from frizzing from the hair dryer, apply foam or mousse to them.

For light, messy waves, blow-dry your curled hair for 5-7 minutes. Fix the effect with varnish. You can also create a messy effect by lightly squeezing each strand of loose hair while drying. The latter option is not suitable for girls with straight hair, as the curls will not keep the desired shape and will quickly disintegrate.
For owners of curly hair, it is enough to apply the foam to the full length and distribute the strands around the face, highlighting the difference between them. It is desirable to fix the result with varnish.

Ladder without bangs allows you to create beautiful hairstyles. Here are some options:
- ponytail or bun with loose front strands;
- a knot of short strands tied at the back of the head;
- for a romantic look, strands curled with a curling iron, hairdryer or curlers are suitable, while do not forget to use thermal protection when aggressively acting on the ends.

Do not be afraid to experiment, change, take a look at your image in a new way. Changing your hairstyle helps to freshen up everyday life, improve your mood, and sometimes radically change your life. Every morning, smile at your reflection in the mirror and remember that you are beautiful.
For information on how to cut a ladder for medium hair, see the next video.