Youth haircuts: features, types and tips for selection

In the recent past, the appearance of the general mass of adolescents did not differ in any way from each other. Of course, not counting the rebellious children, who created vivid images for themselves in order to stand out from the rest. Such teenagers came up with extraordinary costumes, dyed their hair in bright colors and complemented their hairstyles with unusual accessories. Since then, the position of the majority has changed dramatically. Now ordinary ponytails, pigtails or hairstyles are no longer interesting. Every girl wants to present herself in a bright, daring style. Boys' preferences range from classic haircuts to chaos on the head.

As is commonly believed in modern society, young people are people in the age group from 15 to 25 years old. At the same time, adolescents begin to look for their individual image and style much earlier, from about 13-14 years old. As they get older, they start to go to all kinds of extremes. This applies not only to actions, but also to style. Young people are not afraid to experiment with their appearance, to try something new, out of the ordinary. Therefore, it will not be difficult for them to create an individual and bright hairstyle on their head.
If you think about it and take a closer look, then there is no big difference between youth haircuts and the hairstyles of the older age category of people. There is just a small fine line, namely the color reflection and the uniqueness of the additional creativity. The requirements of youth hairstyles are in the search for their inner self and in how to present oneself in the surrounding society. A modified variation of creative haircuts for older people is just an emphasis on an established image. Do not forget about the convenience of everyday wear.
Each individual youth haircut is performed using a special technology and has a sufficient number of advantages.

In addition, there is a specific list of common characteristics that tells about the inherent advantages of such hairstyles.
- Creative... A bright and catchy hairstyle does not oblige to pay special attention to the dress code, since in the life of a teenager, a strict appearance exists only for visiting educational institutions, for example, school or university.
- Saturated range of shades. Bright hair colors allow you to stand out in the crowd and attract the attention of others, due to which self-esteem rises and the inner self of a teenager is affirmed.
- Lack of standards. This refers to the individuality of each individual person.
- Fashion... Despite the desire to stand out among the gray mass, every teenager tries to follow fashion trends and, when creating a special hairstyle on his head, follow fashion trends.
- Unisex... This characteristic emphasizes the equality between girls and guys, allowing the stronger sex to wear long hair, and beautiful ladies to have their hair cut like boys.

Youth hairstyles do not have to be bright and stand out. On the contrary, they can radiate elegance while still looking like a fairly conventional cropped bob cut. The desire to present oneself to the outside world in a bright and even extreme style can be considered a certain stage in the development of a teenager's individuality, but nevertheless, the main requirement of young people is the attention of people.
Do you think that only girls are interested in the constant change of style? In fact, many young guys are much more likely to visit a hairdresser than the fair sex. Modern men are quite sensitive to their hairstyle. When choosing an interesting haircut model, such characteristics as the brutality of the image and at the same time the neatness of the styled hair are considered, but the hairstyle should radiate creativity. According to this description, it is considered very relevant haircuts with shaved temples, as well as trimming small curls at different lengths, even highlighting is possible.

As for girls, their desire to look bright and stylish is considered a completely natural desire. Every female nature wants to present herself to the world around her in a vivid way, with unusual makeup and stylish clothes. In these combinations, a suitable haircut is very important. To the great delight of the fair sex, hairdressers can offer a huge number of options for special hairstyles. Among the wide variety, each girl will be able to choose the most relevant haircut model, ideally combined with the style used. At the same time, you can constantly be in search of a new extraordinary image.
By the way, haircuts for medium and short hair are in trend this season.

Fashion trends
Each individual youth hairstyle, distinguished by a creative manner, of course, will attract huge attention of those around it. However, the constant change in fashion trends, respectively, frequent changes in the image and hairstyle can lead to unpleasant consequences for the hair itself. But it is at this youth age that the structure of the hairline is distinguished by its natural beauty, it is enough to correctly style the naughty curls.
For the current season, the most relevant options for thick and elongated bangs. That is, no cuts and shortening, the bangs should match the length of the curls. For hair prone to curls, a cascade haircut is most suitable. Its main feature is the ability to naturally curl the curls in the direction indicated by the comb.Among other things, this season has again appeared hairstyles with pile. In this styling option, it will look most advantageous to cut a ladder with a parting. The bouffant will add volume, especially to the root areas.

In addition, at the height of fashion is located asymmetrical hair cut. The described asymmetry will be especially pronounced on long curls. Styling this hairstyle allows you to reveal the natural beauty of the girl's face. More specifically, the asymmetrical fringing goes from short hair near the face to long strands at the back of the head.
For owners of short hair, there is a huge variety of simple and fashionable haircuts, among which the most extreme is considered Hedgehog... But this option is not suitable for all girls, only for those who have pronounced correct facial features. If there are hints of lush cheeks, then it is better to refuse such a short haircut.

Quite often, girls try to present themselves as a naive and feminine shy woman. In the past, these qualities were emphasized only by pigtails, but today it is enough to perform a haircut on the head. pot... Of course, the name of the hairstyle may be a little scary, but in fact, it turns out an extraordinary image of a young lady.
At the peak of the popularity of the fashion industry is the bob haircut. This season it is something extraordinary. For example, a bright and iridescent hair coloring or pre-made highlights. An asymmetrical bang is also possible. The option with different lengths of curls is in frequent demand, this is when the main strands of hair are cut in a chaotic manner. A new breath has opened in the well-known bob haircut.
It is performed on hair of different lengths, but is most often used on medium curls.

Young people aged 15-16 prefer to create hairstyles on their heads in the form of disorderly chaos.... Similar options can be made from different types of hair of any length and different colors. Disordered chaos allows you to reveal your inner "I", to show the individuality of the individual and at the same time to emphasize the special features of the face. But again, this haircut is not suitable for all teenagers, although this fact does not stop the younger generation.
Having sorted out in general terms with the fashion trends of hairdressing, you can proceed to a more detailed examination of stylish haircuts. It should be noted that a creative style is an extraordinary haircut based on a standard hairstyle.

From the category of short haircuts, special attention is paid to the classic bob. Thanks to the ability to use various modifications, an original hairstyle is obtained, a hat with a shaved head or a short hedgehog with a side parting, shaved in a chaotic manner. A classic bob with elongated curls fits perfectly with the looks of sporty and romantic girls. Moreover, considering that each individual haircut fits with an individual peculiarity.
Particular attention should be paid to the modifications of the thrash-style haircuts. These hairstyles are mainly done by representatives of various subcultures, from ready to emo. Moreover, each individual subculture requires special attention for the style of its representatives. Goths have long black hair. But in some cases, mixing of colors is allowed, for example, black with red or with a white tint. In turn, emo use a pixie hairstyle, dyeing their hair in a variety of bright colors, such as pink, green, or yellow.

The standard hairstyle for punks is a mohawk. In terms of color, it can stand out in bright shades, and its height depends on the length of its hair. Sometimes natural curls are complemented by kanekalon.Standard symmetrical hairstyles have long ceased to be popular, and yet adherents of their own style can step back from fashion trends and create their favorite haircut on their heads.
Fashion trends for the stronger sex have not undergone any huge changes. As before, the increased volume of a part of the hair looks perfect on the crown of the head with shaved temples or on the back of the head, due to which the male image acquires cool elements.

Sloppy styling is in fashion, in which short hair sticks out in different directions, in general, the effect of disheveled hair is created.
For quieter guys, nesting is ideal. More precisely, when the hair is combed and slicked back from the supra-forehead. The trendy highlight of some men's haircuts is the long bangs. It can be directed either sideways or backward, or it can be divided with a deep parting. It is best to use gel as a fixing material. Graduated hairstyles from asymmetric stepped curls look quite bright and creative. And styling with the effect of wet hair will turn any haircut into a unique and fashionable hairstyle.

How to choose?
For young girls and women, choosing a stylish and bright hairstyle, in principle, is not so difficult, the main thing is to decide on the type of face and figure out which hair length is most preferable. Modern haircuts allow you to create extraordinary variations of hairstyles both on thick curls and on rare ones. At the same time, there is no need for permanent styling.

By type and length of hair
It is especially important when choosing a hairstyle to determine the structure of the hair. Some of the fair sex have thin curls, others are thick, and still others have curly strands. For each individual hair type, stylists offer different haircut options. Owners too thin hair most often they dream of creating a lush hairstyle, but, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to achieve the desired volume with a fragile structure, especially if the hair is long. Most often, this feature is an innate factor and there is no way to change it. But you can create a thick effect, especially on short hair.
The main thing is to remember that for the chosen model, the haircut and styling should be done directly on the back of the head, due to which the general splendor of the hair arises.

Owners thick hair there are no problems when creating a special hairstyle. Trouble is only during subsequent styling procedures, as it takes too long. A special feature of thick curls is the ability to wear hair loose, which looks very impressive.
But a short haircut on a thick head of hair will seem ridiculous, since even styling will not be able to hide some of the flaws of disheveledness.

Girls with curly hair very often they dream of straightening them. And all because it is very difficult to take care of them. They are constantly confused and difficult to comb. Short hairstyles on such curls will not look very sophisticated. But on medium hair length, you can try experimenting. With small curls, an asymmetrical haircut looks very original. Owners of large curls should pay attention to the well-known ladder.

Interesting that the guys have much less nuance in this matter. Owners of thin hair should not pay attention to voluminous haircuts. Thick hair requires the elimination of airy hairstyles. And for curly hair, the shortest haircut is ideal.

By face type
The shape of the face is one of the main factors in choosing the right haircut. The ideal option is considered oval facesO. Almost every variation of the hairstyle is suitable for this shape. So, the lucky ones with an oval face can consider any haircuts. Square face shape far from an ideal option, especially for the fair sex. It should be recalled that in this case, you cannot choose hairstyles with clear cuts. The well-known bean will look the most original.
Round face is the more common type. Therefore, experienced stylists will be able to immediately choose the most suitable haircut that matches any look. The main condition is the ability to hide flaws.

In case of triangular face type there are no specific restrictions. Layered hairstyles will look best. Rectangular face type quite a rare case, but it is still possible to choose the perfect hairstyle. The main thing is that the hair balances the main proportions on a visual basis, that is, the length of the hair should be short. But if it is possible to do daily styling, then you can create a haircut with an average length.

When choosing a haircut for guys, everything is much easier. Square the face type needs to be softened and slightly stretched, due to which the face will be more oval. In this case, you should experiment with brutal haircuts. Owners triangular faces should pay attention to creative hairstyles that need to be styled with a disheveled effect. For round male type of face, multi-layered variations of haircuts are preferable.
But the ideal oval shape does not have any restrictions, you can do any hairstyle.

How to stack?
When drawing up a new haircut, the initial styling is done in a beauty salon. Subsequently, each individual hairstyle must be styled independently. It is quite easy to style short hair at home. It is enough to wet and dry the hair. With the help of styling products, give it the necessary appearance. With the help of additional cosmetic substances, for example, waxes, varnishes or gels, the hair can be tousled, thereby creating a kind of chaos on the head.
In some cases, it is enough to comb the hair back to present the hairstyle neat, stylish and businesslike.

As for the long hair, then things are much more complicated. Styling should be started while drying wet hair. Using a hair dryer, you need to set the desired direction for the curls, straighten curly hair, then give it volume. In this process of styling, you cannot do without styling products. With their help, you can consolidate the result.

Beautiful examples
There is no doubt that this charming guy attracts the admiring glances of the people around him. His neat, brutal haircut speaks for itself. This styling variation emphasizes the inner core and strong personality. Not much time is spent on daily styling, and the general appearance of the haircut allows its owner to go both to a nightclub and to a business meeting.

Here it is, a prime example of the chaotic chaos accentuated by the wet effect. With a similar way, you can go to any entertainment establishment and even to work, unless, of course, the guy is in a leadership position.

It is immediately felt that the presented haircut was made by the hand of a real professional. A kind of mess is created by styling. The different length of the strands quite subtly emphasizes the dignity of the face of its owner due to the long edging. You can experiment a little with the color scheme.

This hairstyle variation is quite common among teenage girls. Loose curls, trimmed to different lengths, look very creative. The main thing is not to overdo it with the difference in the size of the curls, otherwise the haircut will turn out to be ridiculous.

For information on how to make a short men's haircut, see the next video.