Haircuts for fluffy hair

Fluffy hair is rightfully considered the most unruly and problematic of all existing types. It is difficult to achieve shine and a healthy look from fluffy hairs, you constantly have to look for new solutions, which is why many girls simply let this process go by itself. But without proper care of the porous structure of such hair, they quickly become thin, brittle and straw-like. In addition, it is more difficult for such hair to find the right haircut. It is about the solution to this problem that is described in this article.

Girls with such curls more than others have to be afraid of frequent hot styling, aggressive root bouffant, wet weather, dyes, perms and other manipulations with hair that are common for modern women.
Maintaining the healthy look of the strands has to spend a lot of resources: connect weekly regenerating masks, strictly monitor the diet, buy herbal care products without parabens. And after washing your hair, it is imperative to apply a balm or conditioner that covers keratin scales, since fluffy hair has many pores, into which negative substances from the outside, for example, pollen and dust, can easily enter. It will also help to avoid the unwanted frizz inherent in light, porous hair.

One of the key decisions in the field of grooming is the selection of a comfortable haircut for your face type and length of curls, in which the hairstyle will not look fluffy, but voluminous.
What will fit?
Owners of lush, beautiful hair often cannot choose the right haircut, so their hairstyles look sloppy.However, today stylists can offer many interesting solutions, from which each can choose the option that suits her.
It is very important that the decision to trim the curls is well balanced and thoughtful, since not every haircut will suit naughty curls. It is necessary to cut so that in the future you can independently maintain the styling at home. It is best if the procedure is carried out using hot scissors - after them the hair does not split longer. This is true for fine fluffy hair, more prone to stratification than others.

When choosing a haircut, you need to focus not only on the structure, but also on the hair color, face shape. However, the factor that determines the main nuances is precisely the desired length.
Long strands
On long curls, smooth cascading transitions will look good. So you can mask the naughty inherent in fluffy curls and give them a lush and at the same time thick look. The most famous and fashionable haircuts for long fluffy strands are "ladder", "rhapsody" and "Aurora".
When choosing a ladder, focus on the front locks that frame the face. It will also look good cascade, in which the graduation is done over the entire head. At the same time, unruly strands will be distributed most evenly, excessive inaccuracy will turn into a specially created light negligence.

If more to your liking "Aurora", the volume will be left only on the vertex due to a smooth transition into a cascade over the entire head, leaving the elongated back part. This haircut, like the classic "cascade", allows for slight negligence, which this type of hair is already prone to.

It will look no less beautiful "rhapsody", outwardly similar to previous haircuts. This haircut involves the imposition of some curls on others in a cascade principle and the creation of curls of the same length in the crown area, which are heavily milled. At the same time, thinning of the ends is practically excluded. Due to the different hair lengths and the thinning of the crown strands, the hairstyle looks more neat.

For medium length hair
For medium-length hair, it is recommended to make a classic "bob" or "bob-bob", which do not require specific daily styling. For shoulder-length curls, asymmetric haircuts and side parting are well suited. With classic styling "Square" it is worth paying attention to the creation of root volume so that the hairstyle seems more lively.
Remains acceptable "cascade", which, if desired, can be supplemented with straight or torn bangs, depending on the type of face.

Please note: the more curls your hair, the longer you need to cut your hair.
Fluffy hair doesn't always mean curly curls, which is even more difficult to deal with. The combination of too short fluffy and at the same time overly curly hair will not appeal to everyone. Therefore, the elongated version of medium haircuts is best for you, while maintaining the crown volume and gradually thinning the strands to the ends. Besides, girls with small curls are not suitable for asymmetric haircuts to the shoulders.

Short length
The most difficult is to cut for short hair, as it is the hardest to care for. If you do decide on daily maintenance of styling short strands, pay attention to haircuts such as Garcon, fouette and pixie.

The classic "garcon" (haircut "for a boy") implies a completely open neck... In this case, all strands are cut to the same length. "Garson" will suit girls with pronounced pointed and medium-sized features. Volume and feminine look "garcon" will give fluffy light hair. The haircut also has an elongated version.

"Fouette" means a cropped back of the head. The haircut has a spiral character, that is, it lengthens towards the temples, but the hair at the crown is cut short.Thanks to this, the hair looks neater and requires less effort when styling in comparison with the "garcon".

"Pixie" visually reduces hair volume. The neck and ears, as in the garcon, remain open, the length focuses on the crown, back of the head and in the bangs. "Pixies" are characterized by general negligence. The hairstyle is better suited for girls with delicate features.

Avoid short haircuts for curls with small curls, as it is very difficult to predict the expected length in advance. If you nevertheless decided to experiment, but came to the salon with straightened hair, inform the master about their natural tendency.
Short haircuts on frizzy unruly hair must be corrected at least once every 1.5 months.

We take into account the type of face
The key when choosing a haircut should be taking into account the type of your face. The main types of face are as follows:
- round;
- triangular;
- square;
- oval.

Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.
Holders of a round face need to visually lengthen it, so do not open the side parts of the cheekbones, cheeks, and forehead. Because of this, chubby girls should not cut their hair short: fluffy short strands are very light and will not visually reduce the width of the face. On the other hand, medium to long strands flowing along the sides will look good. Especially suitable for "Ladder" and "cascade", complemented by torn strands.

If you nevertheless decide on a short length, make the strands asymmetrical, and comb the parting on the side. Be one step ahead of nature and indulge your hair with a torn cascade from the top of your head.
Girls with triangular faces should pay attention to their chin when choosing a hairstyle. If it is too massive and long, it is better to create a multi-layered haircut of medium length with the obligatory thinning of the front strands from the cheekbones to the ends. The best option is a "ladder". Owners of short hair should choose a smooth styling with strands adhering to the chin. Long bangs are well suited for such styling, which, if desired, can be made oblique.

On the other hand, with a square face, volume is better to help hide the angularity of the features. Loose side strands of long hair that fall down the side of your face will help smooth out sharp edges. As well as chubby, asymmetry works well here. For short hairstyles, try to maintain a voluminous top and elongated side strands that cover your cheeks.
Cropped straight bangs are contraindicated for a square face.

The oval-shaped face is the most versatile. The only thing a girl with an oval face will have to think about is to follow the rules for cutting fluffy hair. When choosing a hairstyle, you can safely experiment with length and bangs.
However, try not to bend the ends in on long hair, duplicating the natural ovality of the face. Otherwise, follow the general guidelines for fluffy hair.

Styling features
Any styling is preceded by shampooing, in which hard water, which raises the scales of porous hair, is contraindicated. After washing, rinse your hair with cold water. Fix the result with foam or gel, as frizzy hair quickly shaggy without them. Use care cosmetics specifically for your hair type.

Laying each strand separately will help tame naughty curls, avoiding unprocessed areas. It is important to avoid too frequent aggressive styling, and when using a hair dryer, curling iron and iron, always use thermal protection. In everyday styling, avoid too tight hairpins. Monitor the condition of the brush: it should be changed regularly, as the teeth tend to exfoliate and tear the curls. It is best to use a comb made of wood with fine teeth.

It is advisable to fix the ends of short haircuts with a special spray to keep them neat.For fluffy long and medium hair, a variety of braids are well suited: spikelets, French, Asian, basket-shaped and many others. You can make a bun by leaving a couple of side curly strands free. This will create a slightly casual and romantic everyday look. Loose long and medium hair is also desirable to fix with styling products.

Remember that the most sought-after and beautiful hairstyle is your healthy hair. When choosing means and methods of styling, do not forget about this, always make regenerating masks on time and protect your curls from negative effects. So you can get rid of many problems and not resort to radical measures in the future when trying to restore the natural beauty of your hair.
For information on how to care for fluffy hair, see the next video.
Positive video, good advice!
Thanks a lot.
Thanks. Great tips. They helped a lot;)
I liked the article and video very much. Thanks.
Straightened with an iron and became smooth.