Haircuts for medium hair without styling: varieties and tips for choosing

Modern girls are increasingly complaining about the lack of time, as they work a lot. Sometimes in the morning you don't even have time to style your hair, let alone some super-fashionable hairstyle. But everyone wants to look beautiful and stylish at any time of the year. Therefore, many are trying to make a haircut that is easy to care for.

Haircuts for medium hair without styling are relevant for those modern women who want to change their hairstyle, however, do not dare to make drastic changes. In search of inspiration, you can consider several options for haircuts for medium length hair at once. They can be both more complex and simple, then it will take a minimum of time to care for them. In this case hair in the morning is enough just to comb.
Plus, no styling cuts allow you to avoid braiding your hair or tied it in a ponytail. This is good because you do not need to be afraid if the braid or tail gets tousled and you have to completely redo your hairstyle. It will also help save money on the purchase of varnishes or mousses.
Plus, your hair will be healthier as you don't have to style it all the time.

Advantages and disadvantages
In addition to all this, haircuts for medium hair without styling have many advantages:
- there is a huge field for experiments;
- women's hairstyles do not require special care and a lot of time;
- this hair length can suit almost all girls or women;
- depending on the choice of hairstyle, it makes the girl more romantic or, conversely, impudent;
- hair will always remain healthy, since no curling irons or chemicals are used during styling.
There are practically no downsides. The only drawback is that some of the hairstyles are very difficult to style and therefore it will be difficult to cope with them on your own.

To choose a haircut that does not require additional care, you first need to familiarize yourself with the varieties.
This haircut is more suitable for those girls who have thin and straight hair... In addition, this hairstyle is suitable for all face types as well as for all ages. Young girls choose her because she emphasizes their youth and beautywhile older women are more elegant. The only problem is that curly hair is difficult to style.

It is also worth knowing that this hairstyle has several varieties at once. For example, layered bob suitable for those with very thick hair. Smooth transitions make the hairstyle more elegant, even thin hair looks gorgeous in this case.
But the asymmetrical bob, thanks to the flowing strands, will help to hide all the "imperfections", for example, protruding ears or too high a forehead. Therefore, those who are not very happy with their appearance can choose just such a hairstyle.

This haircut option is clear geometric lines and a length that accentuates the gracefulness of the neck. This hairstyle always looks very beautiful and stylish - both with bangs and without it. For styling always just comb your hairto make them smooth. A haircut like this is best for women who fit in with generally accepted beauty standards.
But if there are even small flaws in the appearance, then this will only emphasize them. The most popular is the asymmetric square.

A classic haircut is a little rounded bangs... On the back and on the crown, the strands are much longer than around the face. It is more suitable for girls with not very bright facial features. Such a hairstyle immediately allows you to visually reset several years... However, such a haircut requires very frequent correction... Therefore, you will have to spend a lot of time with the stylist.

This hairstyle is very popular among Hollywood stars. You can style your hair with a regular comb. The cascade will make even very rare hair thick and beautiful. It is more suitable for girls who have rectangular or oval face shape.
You can make many variations of a haircut such as with regular bangs and asymmetric or torn... However, before deciding on such a hairstyle, be sure to take care of your hair. They must be healthy, otherwise all the flaws will be visible.

This haircut is suitable for those representatives of the fair sex who have a long and graceful neck, as well as the correct line of the cheekbones. It can be done on hair of any length.... To do this, the hair is simply cut along the entire length, and quite short. Only the strands on the back of the head remain a little longer.

This model of haircut was presented to the world by Christian Dior. This is very stylish and elegant hairstyle at the same time... The clarity of the lines, as well as the thick bangs, make the face shape very soft. However, on curly hair, it will be very difficult to achieve crisp lines.
It is best suited for those with fine hair. In this hairstyle, the outer curls are slightly longer than those on the inside. This adds volume to the haircut. Well profiled cuts make the image of the girl more modern.

How to choose?
To look beautiful and unique, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the rules and features that are used to select haircuts. You can choose a hairstyle according to the type of hair or face, as well as age... Then the hairstyle is suitable both for going to a restaurant and in everyday life.
By hair type
To those girls who Thin hair, it is best to choose a haircut that will add volume to the strands. It can be both asymmetrical and layered hairstyles... And, conversely, for owners of too thick hair, you need to choose haircuts that will not weigh down the hairstyle. For naughty curly strands, you should not do too short a hairstyle, as the hair after drying will appear visually much shorter. Also worth abandon thinning, because this will only add fluffiness.

By face type
For owners oval face you can choose any haircut. In addition, experts, on the contrary, recommend opening your face, and not hiding it under your hair. For those who have round form faces, haircuts with several layers of strands are suitable. In addition, they should be voluminous at the crown.
Girls wide jaw it is best to choose asymmetric haircuts. But for owners with the shape of the face, slightly resembling a heart, layered hairstyles can be done. In this case, the volume is not needed from above.

According to the age
Age also plays a big role in choosing a hairstyle. For example, for young girls best to pick natural and not so strict hairstyles... In addition, if the haircut is very short, it can also add age. And here for a little older women it is better not to choose too frivolous or very extravagant haircuts. For ladies after 50 years haircuts are great short or medium length.

How to care?
After any haircut, you will definitely need hair care.
- Wash hair best with warm water. Be sure to apply the conditioner of the same line.
- To dry hair you need a regular towel. Do not use a hairdryer, as it dries out the curls. It is better to shape the hairstyle on wet hair.
- In addition, you can use different masks or oilsthat are rubbed directly into the scalp.
- For those who are not limited in budget, such an option as various regenerating serums.

Beautiful examples
Medium length hair is the best choice for a modern girl. This hairstyle looks like fresh and feminine, and does not require special care. Choosing a haircut that doesn't require daily styling makes life easier. Fortunately, the variety of such hairstyles is very large. Therefore, every young lady can find an ideal option for herself, suitable for her shape, face type and even mood.
To choose a beautiful hairstyle for medium hair, it is better to take inspiration from examples and take a closer look at how the hairstyle looks live.
One of the most common hairstyles among modern girls is "bob". She looks equally good on very young girls and older ladies. Hairstyle adds volume to hair and makes the image more lively and modern. Taking care of such a hairstyle is very simple, so even busy girls will like it.

One more proven option - This is a classic bob haircut. Although many believe that it is only suitable for girls with medium length hair, this is far from the case. Beauties with shoulder-length curls can also afford such a choice.

If you want to add a little brightness to the image, then you can opt for such a comfortable and original hairstyle as "gavroche". The haircut looks very original due to the fact that the hair at the back of the head is cut rather shortly, and the main length remains. Turns out pretty interesting contrast, which many people like.

For information on how to make a beautiful haircut that does not require styling, see the next video.