How to choose a haircut for thin long hair?

Nature has not endowed everyone with thick healthy curls. Some have sparse and straight hair, which sometimes needs to be tried to "make it look" satisfactory. The main disadvantage of such hair is that it seems sparse, even if it is not. But you shouldn't despair in this case. A beautiful haircut, well-chosen taking into account certain properties of curls and facial features, will help to ensure that visually the hairstyle will seem more voluminous than it really is.

Before the masters, when choosing a suitable haircut, certain tasks are set based on the type of hair. In the case of thin curls, there are only three of them, but their competent solution is the key to a successful result.
- Visual volume - thin hair does not have the required volume and often looks sleek. It is the haircut that is designed to solve this problem.
- Styling - it should be as simple as possible, or there should be no need to do it at all. Since styling becomes almost a daily ritual, you should avoid choosing haircuts that require complex hairstyle manipulations.
- Hair length - for thin hair, it plays an important role, because too long curls can often get tangled. Also, long hair often gives the sleek effect that thin curls suffer. This does not mean that long length is prohibited, but the choice of haircut will need to be approached more carefully.
- Optimal curl color - This is an optional item, but sometimes the hair color makes the hairstyle visually less voluminous, and just changing the tone of the curls can solve the problem.

Perfectly straight hair cuts should be avoided.Such haircuts are extremely difficult to make them look voluminous when there is no volume as such. Therefore, it is better to leave a straight cut for the owners of hair of medium density and more.
There are many options for women's haircuts that are suitable for owners of thin hair. It can be short haircuts, medium-length haircuts, and long curls. The best way to help solve the issue of volume is multi-layered haircuts. Asymmetric and torn options will also cope with the tasks set - their visual negligence will just give the hairstyle the missing volume.

Although straight bangs can often strip the hair of the remaining volume, this does not mean that they are contraindicated for owners of thin hair. You can equally successfully perform on such curls and haircuts with bangs, and haircuts without bangs. The main thing is to take into account all the nuances.

Possible options
Many girls dream of long, silky curls and make every effort to grow them. Owners of thin hair are no exception in this matter. However, they have to resort to a lot of tweaks to make their hair look voluminous. They use bouffants, curls and other ways to change the given of nature, albeit visually.
If you don't want to part with the curls, you should reconsider your views on a haircut. For long hair, it is best to choose cascading haircuts or ladder haircuts. It is these forms that remain fashionable and relevant for many years and will help to provide visual volume. These haircuts may seem identical, but they have their own differences. A ladder should be chosen if you want to create a multi-layered hairstyle without sharp transitions in the length of the strands - they will be soft and not striking. The peculiarity of the cascade is that a sharp transition between strands of different lengths is created intentionally and is an integral part of the image.

You can also add bangs to the look - this is not a taboo. Better to choose oblique or straight, but not very thick. Such airy bangs will only enhance the desired effect. Excessive density is contraindicated, because such a bang will look flat, and will also take away too much strand of hair from the total mass of hair, which can also create the opposite effect.

The Aurora haircut does the best job of creating visual volume on fine hair. A distinctive feature of this haircut is a kind of "hat" of shorter curls. At the same time, the maximum hair length will be preserved, since the cap continues with long curls. Result: The desired length and required volume are present.
An important clarification: in the case of the "Aurora" you need to be careful. Such a haircut greatly affects the appearance of the face, visually changing its shape. Therefore, before choosing this haircut, it is best to consult with an experienced master in order to avoid an unpleasant result.

Haircuts with ragged ends will create the desired casual effect.

Suitable staining
Another problem with thin curls is that they are soft, so they practically do not hold any natural volume. Yes, such hair is easier to style with fixing products such as foams and hair dryers. But not everyone wants to spend precious minutes styling their hair every other day, and sometimes every day.
Coloring can be just as effective as a haircut in combating the lifeless and flat look of fine hair. And in some cases it can be even better and more effective. If you don't want to change your hairstyle, you can start by changing the color of your curls, because the right hairstyle tone or combination of tones can also play an important role in achieving volume.

In addition, a pleasant feature of dyeing is that the hair becomes a little stiffer under the influence of the dye, which also makes life easier for owners of thin hair. Thus, the problem of excessive softness of curls is solved.This effect is especially noticeable when dyeing in light colors, including when highlighting or other techniques when the hair is not dyed entirely.
If the task is to add visually thickening to the hair, it is better to abandon the classic dyeing in one tone. This option will not give the hair the required volume and may even produce exactly the opposite effect. It would be preferable to choose a complex coloring, such as balayazh or shatush.

Both of these techniques are similar. When they are performed, seemingly burnt-out strands appear on the curls, which add visual volume to the hairstyle. Several tones in the hair that shimmer in the light are perfect for this.

Ombre is also suitable for fine hair. The accents on the bright ends are a visual trick: they distract attention from the big picture and leave the impression of a bright and harmonious image. Ombre can be made bright or natural.

You can also do a variety of highlights. Classic, Californian, airtouch - any of the types will look great on thin curls.

Some of the most successful styling options for fine hair are soft curls and flowing curls. They always look airy, voluminous and make even the thinnest strands visually thick and dense.
If, by nature, the hair is straight and there is no desire to create curls on an ongoing basis, it is worth remembering one important rule: it is better to avoid pulling strands with a hair dryer or iron. In addition to the fact that constant thermal exposure can badly affect thin hair, elongated styling negates all efforts to achieve volume. A much better solution would be to give preference to careless and messy styling or small bouffants, for example, on the back of the head.

Examples of beautiful images
- The ragged cascade is the perfect example of a mess on the head that plays into the hands of creating a sense of airiness and volume.

- A multi-tone haircut with light bangs is a great example of using multiple techniques to tackle fine hair.

- Dyeing shatush on long blonde hair visually makes the hair thicker, even if such dyeing is not accompanied by a multi-layered haircut.

- Variants of the "Aurora" for long hair: with a more pronounced "cap" and less noticeable, with or without bangs. This variability allows you to find exactly the option that best suits your face shape and personal wishes.

- Classic ladder and cascade, complemented by complex coloring.

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