Haircut "page": features, advice on the selection and method of styling

It is simply impossible not to fall in love with a page haircut at first sight - it always looks stylish, perfectly retains its shape, is quite simple to style and is appropriate in any situation. Such a practical hairstyle enlivens the image very much, adds youth and freshness to it. This haircut can be done for almost any hair length. But before you make it for yourself, you should still carefully study all the nuances.

The page haircut has existed in the fashion world for more than one century, and this is not surprising. She got her birth back in the Middle Ages, in Europe, however, at that time such a haircut was popular among men. As time went on, the views on fashion trends changed and the time came when women began to wear trousers, and the "page" became one of the favorite women's hairstyles. The fashion for the page hairstyle came to us from France, which has always been famous for its daring fashion trends, and now we are watching how this hairstyle has become a favorite not only for young and brave, but also for women of mature age.
In the classic version, the page haircut has the shape of a semicircle, but at the same time the back of the hair has an almost even cut of the edging, which gradually passes to the strands on the sides.

This hairstyle for women is traditionally done with straight bangs on medium length hair. After styling, when all the strands of hair are twisted inward, the "page" looks like a kind of hat.Today, deviating from the canons of the classics, the technology of making the "page" exists in various versions - it can be found both in a short variation, when the length of the hair covers the ears, and on elongated strands. Even the shape of the bangs is allowed in any form - in a semicircular, elongated or beveled design.
To make a haircut look good, it is done on smooth and even strands, the "page" looks especially beautiful when the hair is rather thick. Curly, unruly strands of fine and porous hair are completely unsuitable for this classic hairstyle. Despite its seeming simplicity, the "page" requires high professional skills. But the result is worth it - the hair after such a haircut lends itself very well to styling and literally falls into place on its own. Clear and well-defined hairstyle lines can sometimes even give the impression that a lady is wearing a chignon - the hair is so incredibly perfect.

The technology for performing haircuts for long hair is as follows:
- the hair is moistened and divided into the backs of the head, first vertically into two parts, and then each part is divided horizontally;
- now you need to make layer-by-layer cuts, and each new cut is made several centimeters higher than the previous one;
- having worked in this way the entire back of the head - they go to the zone of the side strands - the cut angle is chosen depending on the desired length of the strands on the face and correlated with the point of the lower cut of the edging;
- now the hair needs to be well combed from the very top of the head and check the smoothness of the transition from the edging and temporal strands; stray hairs are trimmed;
- the ends of the hair can be profiled with special scissors to give them volume.
Important! The above is the procedure for performing a haircut without bangs. If a bang is needed, then it is isolated from the total mass of hair and cut to the desired length.

Advantages and disadvantages
In the modern version, the "page" began to be performed on hair of almost any length, taking the classic version as a basis. Thus, women who want to get a comfortable and feminine haircut, but do not want to lose the length of their hair, may well carry out their idea. There are some opinions that the haircut is outdated and uninteresting for a long time. These misconceptions can be quite easily dispelled if we evaluate all its advantages, namely:
- the hairstyle allows execution in the presence of hair length from the earlobe to the shoulder blades;
- as a result of a haircut, the hair looks thick, and the hairstyle looks voluminous;
- a well-made haircut does not need correction for a long time and perfectly retains its shape after simple styling manipulations;
- “Page” helps to correct the shape of the face and, depending on the length of the strands, can soften the sharp angles of the cheekbones or the pronounced jaw line;
- if the haircut is made as short as possible, then it can emphasize the beauty of the neck or focus on the smooth lines of the chin area;
- "Page" is universal not only in the variety of forms, but also in that this hairstyle is equally good both on weekdays and for a particularly festive atmosphere, perfectly combined with a business outfit or evening dress.

A page-style haircut, despite its merits, has the following limitations, the essence of which is not in the technique of execution, but in the high-quality structure of the hair and the shape of the face:
- the hairstyle will not look beautiful if you have naturally curly hair and are difficult to style;
- the structure of the hair, which has an uneven color or damaged split ends, will completely deprive the hairstyle of its attractiveness and charm;
- "Page" is well suited for slender girls, and for those with a round face or large cheeks in combination with a double chin, it is better not to do such a haircut, so as not to further emphasize these features of their appearance.

Still, the page is a charming wonder of retro hairdressing.The hairstyle looks decent at any age, and it is suitable not only for adults, but even for children.
Moreover, already among modern adolescents, the haircut is becoming more and more popular - the classics never go out of style.

How to choose?
When choosing the shape of a haircut for women, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the shape of the face and the type sets the tone for the whole image, which means that the hairstyle must be harmonious for this. It is worth considering which form of "page" is best suited for the given conditions.

By hair type and hair length
- "Page" on straight strands of short length, from the earlobe to the center of the lower third of the face, is considered a classic. It is laid with a hair dryer, twisting the strands inward. The bangs will become the highlight of the image - it can be made of any length and shape. It is worth noting that this hair length in this hairstyle obliges to have excellent facial proportions and a beautiful neck.

- On medium strands, from the cheekbones to the shoulder, the haircut looks good on thick hair. The strands of the face are performed with a "ladder", while the ears in this hairstyle are completely covered with hair. The hairstyle allows for additional visual volume, and also allows you to create a wide variety of styling options.

- Haircut performed for long hairreaching to the shoulder blades looks unusual. Side strands can be styled by bending their ends inward, or, on the contrary, curl outward. The graduated "page" looks especially beautiful on long strands, as this technique thinns the strands, making them light and mobile.

Important! In any case, the image with such a haircut turns out to be romantic and very feminine. In this case, the bangs can be short, elongated, straight or beveled.
By face type
- For round face It is not recommended to do the classic page haircut, but if it is performed on elongated strands of hair and to top off the image, add a bangs beveled to one side, then the proportionality will be visually corrected towards the oval.

- At oval face problems with the selection of a haircut, as a rule, do not exist. For him, both the short classic and the version with long hair are equally well suited. The same applies to the shape of the bangs - preferences will only depend on your desire.

- Triangular face shape, in which it is necessary to correct a high forehead and large cheekbones, it needs medium-length hairstyles, since a short haircut will only emphasize the flaws in appearance. In addition, bangs in this case are simply necessary to veil a massive forehead.

- Face in square shape also requires correction. In this case, in addition to a large forehead and pronounced cheekbones, the problem areas are also massive jaws. To balance the look, the haircut should be done with the length of the strands below the chin line. At the same time, the ends of the hair should be thinned well with thinning, and the crown should be made voluminous so that it visually "stretches" the face.

- Trapezoidal face has protruding jaws, therefore, for visual balance, the page haircut is done up to the earlobe.
By creating volume in the upper third of the face, the hairstyle distracts attention from the problem area, while the face looks harmonious.

With and without bangs
Modern fashion trends allow the introduction of some innovative ideas into the classic page haircut technology. So, thanks to the various forms of bangs, it is possible to create new versions of this hairstyle. Beveled shapes not only correct the appearance, but also add extravagance to the image. Semicircular bangs, merging into one smooth line with the side strands, form a hairstyle in the form of a ball. The long bangs offer a variety of styling options for a personalized haircut.
It often happens that a page haircut is performed without bangs, when the strands above the forehead are parted into two halves and form a smooth line, connecting with the side parts of the haircut.Such bangs can be worn on one or both sides, combed back, or secured with hairpins or a hoop in a certain position.

How to care and style?
The traditional way of styling is to curl the ends of the strands into the hair. This technique does not take much time and does not require any special skills - any woman can easily cope with this task. This style is considered a classic and is suitable for any occasion. In addition, there are page styles that can be used for special occasions. It is necessary to consider step by step what the technique of performing some of them consists of.
- Evening option. Wet hair should be treated with a styling agent, then take a large-diameter brush and, lifting the strands at the roots, dry them with a hair dryer. The ends of the strands can be wrapped inward. You can add rhinestones to your hairstyle or revive it with glitter varnish.

- Romantic image. On well-dried strands treated with a thermal protective agent, a curl is made using a curling iron or hot curler. Moreover, curls can be made both horizontal and vertical. After all the strands are wound, they need to be allowed to cool so that the curl retains its shape longer. Now you need to disassemble these curls with your fingers and beat them. You get a voluminous hairstyle. It can be fixed with varnish and left as it is, or you can stab some strands near the ear with a hairpin.

- Business image. Dry your hair, treat it with styling product, and then use an iron to pull out each strand. Now you need to take an iron that makes the so-called corrugated strands and accentuate some of the side strands of hair. If corrugation does not suit you, you can comb the straightened strands over the forehead back, and remove the side strands behind the ear and fix all this with strong fixation varnish.

Caring for a haircut is simple - it does not need frequent adjustments, it can be updated as the strands grow or at your request.
The main prerequisite for a decent page haircut is clean and healthy hair. Make sure that the ends of your hair do not dry out or split. To do this, do not overuse styling using hot electrical appliances, and also make hair masks 1-2 times a week that contain a nourishing and moisturizing complex. To make your haircut even more expressive, you can use hair coloring. An experienced craftsman will advise you on which strands can be highlighted with contrasting shades or monochrome coloring. Color nuances can very favorably emphasize the edging line or accentuate the strands located near the face.

Beautiful examples
It is worth paying attention to examples of what a classic page and its variations might look like.
- Classic "page", which is created on short hair. This hairstyle option completely opens the neck and emphasizes the harmonious proportions of the face. The classics look most advantageous on slender and young women.

- A haircut on medium length hair. This is a modern interpretation of the classics, which is used to correct the shape of the face or in order to maintain the existing hair length.

- "Page" on elongated strands - this is a new trend of fashion, where the retrospective cutting technology is taken as a basis. The hairstyle has become popular for its versatility and many styling options.

- Classic page haircut with bang options... An unusual bang shape can spice up a haircut, making it individual and catchy.

- Applying color coloring adds sophistication and charm to the haircut. This image will be appropriate for everyday life and for celebration. The page haircut in combination with highlighting looks no less interesting.

For more information on the "page" haircut, see the next video.