Pixie haircut for women over 40

Fashion for women's hairstyles, like everything in this world, is constantly changing. But the trend of rejuvenating short hair remains unchanged. Every 40-year-old woman wants to “throw off” a couple of years and transform herself into a new image.

How to choose?
The best option for a short haircut for a woman over forty would be a pixie haircut. Using different types of styling in this model, you can achieve different shades of mood: from mysterious and playful to elegant and austere.
But it will remain unchanged that a woman with such a haircut always looks extravagant and harmonious, combining a strict appearance and seductive femininity inside.

However, you should not blindly follow fashion trends. When choosing a pixie haircut, the following nuances must be considered.
- A complete set of a woman's body. For slightly overweight ladies, hairstyles for medium to long hair are suitable. Short haircuts are not contraindicated for them, but with the effect of rejuvenation comes a visual imbalance of a small head against the background of an obese body. The perfect haircut is a pixie bob.
- The shape and features of the face. For women with a round face, a hairstyle with hair styling and extended bangs is suitable. This will add volume and favorably emphasize the round shape of the face, visually lengthen it a little. Women with an oval face will benefit from slight chaos on their heads. This styling will add charm and elegance to the oval face. Perfect for pixie girls with regular facial features: straight middle lips, neat nose, expressive eyes. However, too large facial features can also be hidden under the hairstyle and make them more feminine and cute.
- The structure and color of hair and eyes. Blondes are more suitable for styling on short hair, brunettes have options with extended bangs and medium hair length. The structure of the curl also matters. In women after 45 years of age, gray hair appears, and the hair becomes coarse. For a pixie haircut, it's even better. Coarse hair is good to style, and it keeps the shape of the hairstyle for a long time.
- Do not forget about the owners of curls and wavy hair. They were the luckiest of all. Their natural curl structure does not require styling when cut short, saving money and time. Such natural beauty not only adorns the hairstyle, but also makes a woman natural and desirable.
- Social status and lifestyle. Depending on what position the woman occupies and what she is doing, you can choose a suitable styling model. If a lady leads an active lifestyle, then this will definitely be a short haircut.

Types of styling
Many stylists believe that a short pixie fits only an oval face. But don't believe it, this judgment is deceiving. With so many styling options, it is possible to choose a hairstyle for any face shape. Having shown imagination and adhering to the recommendations, you can easily choose for yourself a suitable pixie styling option. Here are just a few of the most popular ones.
Pink or hipster styling
The easiest and least time-consuming and cost-effective way. It is necessary to apply a little of any hair styling product to your hands and gently, with gentle movements of your fingers, simulate a head massage to create the correct volume and shape of the hairstyle.
Such styling will emphasize the creative nature of a woman who leads a free lifestyle.

If you have a round face, try styling your hair back from your forehead to the crown of your head. Even if you have short bangs, it will still give your face a visual ovality and help to correctly place accents, redistributing the attention of others. Women with oval face shapes should not get carried away with such styling.

With a bang
If your haircut has bangs, try styling it in waves. The hair on the temples and the back of the head is cut short or completely shaved off. From the crown of the head, as it approaches the forehead, the hair becomes longer.
With the help of tongs, you need to style the hair in arbitrary waves and secure with hairspray.

You can also try tucking the bangs to one side. Such styling will give a woman austerity and sophistication. Ideal for a business woman.

With volume
Styling that takes time and patience. It is necessary to apply a styling product to the hair and, using tongs and a massage comb, add volume to the hairstyle. At the final stage, fix the styling with hairspray.

Free styling option - waves
Use a curling iron to curl the hair of medium length. Leave in a random mess. Spray with hairspray for safety.

With a scythe
If you have long or medium strands in your hair, try braiding and pinning them with a hairpin.
Having shown imagination, you can also weave elements of modern decor into the curls.

Star style
Many Hollywood celebrities wear pixies. If you are a fan of one of these actresses or you sympathize with someone, you just need to copy her haircut. And now you are just like your heroine, exactly. But do not rush to try on a Hollywood image if you and your “chosen one” are opposite in type. If there is not at least some similarity between you, better think again, otherwise the hairstyle simply will not suit you. And the result will be completely different from what you expected.

Pixie benefits
A correctly selected haircut will make a woman after 40 years of age visually younger and fresher, give her appearance youthfulness, femininity and beauty. The simplicity of styling and further care of the pixie hairstyle makes it possible to carry out all these procedures at home without assistance.The cost of maintaining such a haircut is minimal, the cost of hair styling is also small.

Disadvantages of haircuts
However, a pixie haircut has its drawbacks. It is necessary to choose the right haircut shape, style and evaluate the hair structure. If you have problem hair and spend a lot of time styling, then a pixie cut may not be your option.
For a master class on rejuvenating short hair, see the next video.