Haircuts with bangs for medium hair: varieties, features of selection and styling

A woman's haircut should be an integral part of an organically composed look, while practicality and ease of care are welcome in today's hyperactive world. It is not for nothing that hairstyles with bangs for medium hair are very popular today - they suit many and generally meet the stated requirements. At the same time, their diversity is quite large, therefore, each representative of the fair sex can choose the ideal option for herself. However, the choice is so great that you cannot immediately find your way around the options.

Today, there are many ways to tidy up your hair in the morning so that it lies neatly and looks beautiful all day. Moreover, it is the average length in combination with bangs that is considered salvation for so many women. Of course, this is because it is this form factor that has a number of advantages, which we will consider in more detail.
Medium hair length allows a woman to remain feminine, giving up the traditional long hairstyle. Caring for small hair is not as difficult as for lush curls, but at the same time, medium-length hair is clearly visible, and if desired, the styling can be varied from day to day, and the uniqueness of the style is also important. At the same time, the bangs harmoniously complement the hairstyle, even with a relatively short length, it already seems to add volume to the hair, since now they are always clearly visible from the front. If necessary, bangs also allow you to correct some imperfections in appearance - for example, it can hide a too high forehead or hide acne.

It is generally accepted that medium-length hair provides a slight anti-aging effect, although this does not interfere with using it even for those girls who are clearly too early to rejuvenate.
At the same time, so many variations of the haircut itself and the shape of the bangs were invented that today a good stylist can choose a hairstyle of this length for absolutely any type of face and image.
A huge advantage of such a haircut is that it does not have any obvious drawbacks. Of course, an unsuccessful selection of a specific hairstyle can lead to the fact that it simply will not suit you, but in general, the average length is the golden mean, it is convenient to care for and does not make the image too strict. The same bangs may seem out of place if the forehead is too low, but in fact, by varying its shape and length, you can adapt to any type of appearance and achieve a pleasant impression of the new look.

Stylish and fashionable haircuts for medium hair with bangs allow you to choose an option for every woman, but in the process of choosing it is important not to miss, because you can create the perfect image, or you can spoil the impression of yourself. You can almost endlessly fantasize with medium-length hair, therefore we will consider only the most popular and demanded options for such a haircut.

This is one of the most popular solutions of recent decades, and was originally created specifically for medium hair. The hairstyle is so popular for the simple reason that in fact it is a whole group of hairstyles, among which you can always choose a good creative option that looks fashionable and unique at the same time. This hairstyle allows you to vary the length of both the main part of the hair and the bangs.

The latter can be anything - straight, ragged, round or beveled, asymmetrical and elongated. In general, the square does not put forward any specific requirements for hair - it can be both docile and straight, and wavy, and sometimes even curly. All this allows you to adapt to almost any face shape.

The choice of options is additionally increased due to special types of bob, because, in addition to the classics, there are at least a graduated and wavy version of the hairstyle. The graduated square differs from the classic one by a slight difference in the length of the strands, which is why the image does not seem so "correct", a note of stylish negligence is introduced into it. The wavy variety is distinguished by specialists as strongly imparting volume.
Contrary to expectations, curly hair is not needed at all to create the latter - on the contrary, it should be straight at the crown of the head, and only the ends are curled. A wavy square looks best with an elongated beveled bang.

Perhaps the most striking example of a unisex hairstyle, because such a haircut can be found not only on girls, but also on guys. For classic medium length hair, a thick hairstyle is better, but there are also elongated voluminous options. Globally, a bob is a shortening of hair at the back of the head with lengthening in front, therefore, more often you will find such a hairstyle with long bangs, although you can experiment with this detail.
Longer versions of this hairstyle are in great demand among owners of straight hair, but wavy ones for such a haircut may work, especially if you work with an iron on their structure.

The elongated version of the bob is equally good for the most common "irregular" face shapes - round and square. For an oval face, an elongated bob requires a straight bang over the eye, a triangular type is better for a beveled one with a transition to the lateral volume.
A classic bob assumes soft and even contours, but the fashion of recent decades for torn edges could not but touch one of the most popular hairstyles. To achieve the desired effect, the hair is cut with scissors or even a straight razor, graduated and the asymmetry of the bangs is used.It can be either short or elongated. At the same time, hair can be “pulled out” from all sides, and only from the front.

This hairstyle is often thought to be suitable only for long hair, but in fact it can be styled on chin-length hair as well. It is fair to say that this is one of the most feminine hairstyles in the classical sense of the word.
In a sense, such a hairstyle can be considered an elongated version of the bob - at least, the bangs here are almost always beveled and smoothly merge into the side volume. This style is often also called "waterfall", since a distinctive feature of a haircut is a clearly noticeable difference in the length of individual flowing strands. For an even more vivid highlight of the same feature, the hair is usually not combed perfectly yet, so that each strand remains as if by itself.
The ladder is quite unsuitable for experimenting with bangs, but in combination with an elongated oblong face, you can try to give it a straight shape up to the eyebrows.

Like many other supposedly separate hairstyles, pixies are actually just another version of the bob, albeit with some characteristic features. Pixie is rightly considered one of the shortest, almost boyish haircuts, but what she has left of the bob is the long bangs, which allows us to classify such a hairstyle in the category of medium length. The bulk of the hair covers the crown by some analogy with the good old hat, but the bangs are often much longer than the main part and fit in different ways, making it possible to roam around in a change of everyday look.
Pixie is considered to be a rejuvenating hairstyle, while caring for it is very simple, since it, with the exception of the bangs, is still short. The bangs in a pixie haircut are always asymmetrical and fit on one side.

This term is called about the same as the aforementioned ladder - "waterfall", but here the strands as a whole are slightly longer, and the difference in their length is more pronounced. As a rule, the cascade does not like perfectly straight hair - a clearly visible waviness will be unambiguously regarded as a plus, and if nature has not endowed it with such, you will have to slightly curl your hair for an ideal result.
The cascade is considered one of the most versatile and attractive options; it is not picky about the type of hair, therefore it is performed even on fine hair. There are no specific requirements for bangs either, although it is usually assumed that it will definitely not be straight.

Different styling methods allow you to emphasize the mood of a particular woman and complement the image with small but important details. For example, it is enough to twist the hair a little to the center of the face, adding volume at the crown, and they will no longer take you very seriously, although the image will look very cute. For strict ladies, this haircut is also not forbidden, the styling scheme just changes a little: now you have to pull out the side strands with a hairdryer so that they fit the face, repeating its contours

This hairstyle, in a sense, resembles a bob in general and a pixie in particular, just the opposite. If a pixie is characterized by an especially long bang with a short-cropped back of the head, then a whim just implies a significant volume on the crown and back of the head. At the same time, the bangs do not go anywhere, they, as a rule, are made beveled and can have any length, but against the background of a decent volume at the back, they no longer seem to be the main element of the entire head of hair.

The volume at the back is created by the master with the help of "feathers", that is, strands, profiled to clearly stand out from the general mass. Although this hairstyle usually covers the neck, the very structure of the haircut is such that the hair does not interfere with whatever the owner is doing. There is no need to comb it to a perfectly smooth state - its name speaks for itself, it seems to initially assume the appearance of a slight mess.
Given the specifics of the whim, this hairstyle can be called suitable for modern women who do not follow the classic canons too much and want to stand out from the crowd.

This hairstyle can be considered somewhat forgotten, which will perfectly play into the hands of those representatives of the fair sex who would like to stand out. In essence, this is about a square, but the formation of hair is performed according to a special technique, when all the strands are straightened before a haircut, and then the face is gradually opened.

Typical styling for such a hairstyle involves lightly curling the ends towards the center of the face, and due to the well-visible contours, you should get the impression that this hair is not real, but just a wig. As a rule, mannequins are often decorated with page pages, therefore, using their example (if they have hair of exactly medium length), one can understand how the final result will look like. It turns out an image in a retro style, but in the old days femininity was an obligatory attribute of a girl. In the classical sense, the page assumes a bang as straight as the hair in the rest of the head, but stylists are increasingly resorting to thinning the bangs to somewhat modernize the old haircut.

Although everyone is used to the fact that this word can be used to call a waiter, in fact it translates from French as "boy", because this hairstyle is somewhat reminiscent of a boy's. She opens most of her face, therefore it is most suitable for girls with delicate and beautiful facial features - the absence of extra strands will only emphasize and highlight the natural advantages of appearance. At the same time, not only the face, but also the neck should be beautiful.

The contour of such a haircut is clearly visible, while its entire volume is deeply graduated - this is the difference from a shortened bob. The bangs and temples are usually a single whole, they are either short together or long together, while the back of the head is still longer - it covers the ears and reaches the length of the chin, but does not cover any part of the face.
If the cheekbones are too wide or angular, you can mask the flaws in their shape with hair, but not with bangs, but with elongated temples. Today, the garcon, like the page, is quite rare, and therefore offers a good field for experimenting with the originality of the image.

How to choose?
The variety of available hairstyles for medium-length hair with bangs leads to the fact that not every young lady is able to guess the first time which haircut will suit her as much as possible. At the same time, it is very important for girls not to be mistaken with the choice of style and image, since with an average hair length, it will not be so easy to cut differently to look much better.

Professional make-up artists are quick to decide on the choice of hairstyles for clients for the simple reason that they are guided by basic patterns. Knowing the principles of compatibility between the type of hair and face allows them to quite accurately predict how this or that hairstyle will look on a particular person, therefore they rarely make mistakes and are always ready to offer the best solution.
There is no special secret in this, therefore we will try to understand all these principles of compatibility - then it will be possible to independently select a hairstyle option for yourself and your friends.

By hair type
Hair is the main material for creating hairstyles, and it is almost impossible to change their structure, therefore, when choosing, you should definitely start from what is. Without taking into account the structure of the hair, you can suddenly encounter a problem when a hairstyle, in all respects suitable for your appearance and performed with knowledge of the matter, suddenly turns out to be inappropriate.

For example, thin, medium-length hair will not appear voluminous enough if you do not perform root thinning. Styling necessarily involves directing a stream of hot air to the roots, making hair appear thicker... Some hairstyles, such as bob-bob, pixie or garcon, additionally mask a slight lack of volume, so owners of thin hair will have to tinker with their styling less.

Although the root of the problem of heavy hair lies in a completely different area, outwardly the result turns out to be very similar to the one described above - due to the significant weight of the hair, it rushes down, pressed against the head, therefore it seems practically devoid of volume. This is the problem that you need not only to mask, but also to try to solve - for this, experts usually advise using special shampoos for problematic or oily hair. However, the same methods of adding volume are used for an immediate cosmetic effect. Accordingly, the recommended hairstyles are the same as for fine hair.

Straight and slightly wavy hair is almost ideal for any type of hairstyle, including medium hair with bangs. As a rule, such a hairstyle is obedient (unless you are trying to lift it vertically up or give it an unrealistic volume), which means that you can experiment with the shape and length at your own discretion or according to indications dictated by the shape of the face.

The most popular options for such medium hair are garcon and pixie, a cropped bob is also popular. There are no specific requirements for the bangs either - it can be either straight or beveled.
Curly and especially curly hair is much more finicky in terms of styling, but this does not mean that medium-length hairstyles are not created for them - on the contrary, as a result, the image can be amazingly effective.
There is even a list of tips on how to make such a hairstyle more obedient: for this, for example, hair must be dried strictly with a towel, and a hairdryer is used only to increase the volume of dry hair. If everything is done correctly, various cascades and ladders will look perfect, a square and an elongated bob will also be worthy of choice solutions.

By face type
Changing the shape of the face is even more difficult than the structure of the hair, however, for this, there is a compatibility of hairstyles with a certain type of appearance, in order to hide small flaws and emphasize advantages. It is not for nothing that the average length of hair with bangs is considered universal - you can come up with a good option for each type of face.
For a round face, disturbed proportions are a big problem, so it needs to be somewhat "narrowed", keeping its overall length. For such a purpose, with an average length, a square with a side parting is the best fit; for slightly more elongated hair, a small tail that hangs down from the side and partially hides one cheek can be the solution. Accordingly, it is unacceptable to expand the face even more, therefore, bangs that completely cover the forehead and give volume from the sides should be abandoned.

The square face is characterized by wide cheekbones, while the width of the forehead is approximately equal to that of the jaw. Such angularity is successfully hidden, for example, with a bob-bob with a side parting, as well as any other hairstyles that can hide at least one cheekbone. It is undesirable to completely open such a face, but at the same time, straight bangs that cover the entire forehead will not look good. At the same time, the subtleties of styling remain - for example, the parting cannot be straight, the ends of the hair cannot be curled, the beveled bangs should smoothly transition into the side strands, which are located along the line of the cheekbones.
For a triangular face, medium-length hair is one of the most popular and adequate solutions.Both the ladder and the cascade in this combination look very dignified, while there is not even a single direction for laying the strands - they can bend both towards the center of the face and away from it. Garson is considered to be almost an ideal option, a torn bob with voluminous bangs is good if there is volume in the cheekbones, a classic bob also looks good if supplemented with bangs in the shape of a semicircle.

The elongated and narrow face shape seems to be a problem only at first glance, but in fact it is very easily corrected by a medium-length hairstyle. Since such a face lacks width, all haircuts that give volume from the sides and do not increase an already noticeable height can be considered suitable. All types of cascading and graduated hairstyles are suitable for this type, therefore curly or curly hair is only welcome. This is one of the few face types where straight and slanted bangs are equivalent, although for the latter it is advisable to style the hairstyle with curls outward.
The oval is considered to be a kind of ideal face shape, for which it is easiest to choose a hairstyle, since all or almost all of them are suitable. In practice, this means that here the stylist can turn his attention to smaller features of the face than its shape as a whole - here the dimensions of the nose and forehead are already taken into account in detail. The most popular solution for this type of appearance is a typical bob-square, otherwise you just need to build on the specifics of a particular person. So, the splendor on the crown is considered almost mandatory for everyone, but the length and shape of the bangs depend on the need to hide flaws: a high forehead is masked by a long and sloping one, and the irregular shape of the brow arches is straight across the eye.

According to the age
Medium length hairstyles are theoretically suitable for women of any age, but the choice of a particular option may also depend on age. Above, we examined how a properly selected configuration allows you to hide certain flaws in appearance, and after all, after the age of 50, their number gradually increases. Accordingly, with age-related changes in appearance, the version of the ideal hairstyle also changes.
For young girls, whose skin remains smooth and silky, there is no need to make a discount on age - when choosing a haircut, they are guided solely by the above criteria.
If wrinkles or any other skin defects have already appeared, the task of a competent stylist is to mask them in a timely manner.

Most often, wrinkles appear, first of all, on the forehead, respectively, the bangs should cover them from prying eyes. At the same time, short and straight bangs are usually not popular among the older generation, therefore priority is given to their beveled and elongated varieties.
Another common problem that usually appears later in life is sagging skin on the cheeks. An attempt to hide such a flaw can lead to an uncontrolled visual lengthening of the face, but if this does not seem like a big problem, you should choose the hairstyle that covers the cheekbones as much as possible from the sides. The curling, respectively, should be directed towards the center of the face, then its outskirts, located next to the cheekbones, will no longer be so striking.

How to stack?
One of the main benefits of medium length hair is that it is short enough to get in the way, yet long enough to allow the owner to vary the style. If necessary, in the first days after a haircut, you can work out interesting options in order to always be able to make order on your head in a matter of minutes. It is impossible to give specific advice on how to style hair of medium length. The fact is that there are quite a lot of hairstyles themselves, and during styling it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the appearance - for example, in principle, do not remove the elongated bangs, which were specially left to mask a too high forehead.

Moreover, all medium hair styling can be divided into several main categories. For intense physical activity, hair that is tied up as much as possible is best - usually a medium length should be sufficient for this. At the same time, shorter haircuts of medium length may not be enough for the formation of a tail, but in this case they usually do not particularly interfere with activity.In many cases, you can curb just one bang - for this, for example, a hairpin will do.

In this case, the hair is usually cut to a medium length just so that there is no need to remove it. Another thing is that for important events an attractive image should be created, but it is impossible without volume, therefore root filing is one of the most popular procedures. To complete it, you just need to process the dried hair roots after washing with a jet from a hairdryer - this will give them volume. Having lifted, the hairstyle may seem a little shorter than usual, but it will add a lot in volume.
With straight hair, styling looks extremely simple, there you can limit yourself to a simple pile, but curly hair requires a little more complex care. So, when styling with foam, curly hair must be held in the hand during the formation of the strands, otherwise they will turn out to be fuzzy. To increase the manageability of the hair, experts advise applying the balm over the entire surface of the hair after each wash.
Finally, curly hair should not be blow-dried - it is used only to add volume to already dry hair, while wet hair is dried exclusively with a towel.

Beautiful examples
The main charm of medium-length haircuts with bangs is that they are universal - every woman can choose a good option for herself and remain original. If the facial features also allow, a woman can experiment freely with her own style, without deviating from the specified length parameters, but periodically changing her hairstyle.
There is enough variety in such haircuts for everyone, as at least this photo can serve as an example.

With straight and slightly curly hair, this hairstyle always looks good, no special care is required. All care about such a haircut is usually limited to regular washing and combing, if necessary, you can still comb your bangs. The latter, by the way, is often made straight or close to straight, not wanting to greatly change the structure of the hair.

Beveled and elongated bangs have a special meaning if the hair cannot be called perfectly straight - then it is logical that the bangs should not be straight. For some face types, for example, for a round shape, a beveled bang is one of the best solutions, since it allows you to correct the proportions, it is also good for masking a forehead that is too high, as in the second photo.

Moreover, in the case of a round face, styling is often done towards the nose.
For information on how to model a fashionable haircut with bangs for medium hair, see the next video.