Stylish haircuts with a short crown

A haircut is one of the simplest, fastest and most inexpensive options for changing your image. A well-chosen hairstyle will allow you not only to stand out from the crowd, but also hide some flaws. And it is stylish haircuts with a short crown that are a vivid example of this.
Description and varieties
One of the names of this hairstyle is "Rhapsody". She was very popular in the 80s, even many domestic stars loved her very much. But then she was replaced by other haircut options. Now the hairstyle is gaining popularity again. Its main difference from many similar styling is that the hair on the crown is cut extremely short in relation to the length of the curls in the rest of the head.
This hairstyle looks unusual and stylish. It has several varieties.
- Short crown, with long bangs, side strands and curls at the back of the head. Here, all the emphasis is on the protruding hairs in the center of the head.
- The combination of short curls at the crown and temporal region with long bangs and the occipital region.
- All strands on the head are cut short, with the exception of the occipital zone - long hair remains there.
- Long bottom and temples combined with a short crown and bangs.
There is also an option for a short haircut, in which it is the bangs and the crown of the head that are cut as short as possible. Each version of this hairstyle has its pros and cons, and is also suitable for women of a certain age and face shape.
Therefore, it is important to choose the right hairstyle according to these factors.

Advantages and disadvantages
The main advantages of such a haircut with an unusual crown area are as follows.
- Ease of creation and styling... Anyone, even a novice master, can easily create such a hairstyle easily, quickly and correctly. And it is quite simple to lay it - after all, the volume has already been created.
- A variety of styling. Depending on whether there are elongated curls only on the back of the head or on the back of the head and temples, you can create many unique hairstyles - with or without curls, with "horns" or half-buns. Everything here will depend on desire and mood.
- Haircut "Rhapsody" in any case, it provides a unique opportunity to immediately stand out from the crowd and attract attention. It is not for nothing that in the 80s and 90s of the last century, only the most advanced women of fashion wore it.
- This hairstyle can be worn by both young girls and adult women. - owners of a triangular or even oval face shape. The main thing is to choose the right type of styling.
There is only one significant drawback to such a hairstyle - it will take a long time to grow the length. And in the event that the final version of the haircut does not suit you, you can often correct the situation by cutting your hair even shorter.

Who are they suitable for?
Before answering this question, you need to decide on your hair type.
- Naturally curly and lush hair. This is a rather dubious combination with a hairstyle, where the hair is long at the back and short at the crown. Such curls already by nature have the required volume, and the minimum length on wavy curls will look ridiculous. From the side it seems that the head is just a terrible mess.
- Straight and thick - not a bad option, but here it is worthwhile to understand that short hair on the crown will not be lifted up without an abundance of styling products. Although if you just need volume and a shortened length, then this hairstyle will be the perfect option.
- Thin, straight and runny curls. Owners of just such strands should pay close attention to such a haircut. It will allow them to give the strands the required visible volume and density. Light graduation will only enhance the positive effect of such a haircut.

When choosing a specific type of such a hairstyle, it is worth considering the type of face.
- Owners of a triangular head shape, too narrow cheekbones and a sharp chin such a haircut is best avoided. The additional volume on the crown will only stretch the face even more, and make it even thinner and sharper in shape. Long strands on the temporal zone with torn ends can soften the situation - they will gently frame the cheekbones and give them softness.
- Square shape - Owners of this type of face should be careful when choosing such a haircut. You need to find a truly professional hairdresser who can properly smooth out all the rough edges.
For girls and women with an oval or round face, this hairstyle option will be one of the best. A haircut with a short crown will give the necessary volume and hide excess body.

Helpful hints
In addition to all of the above factors, professional stylists and hairdressers also recommend listen to the following tips before visiting a beauty salon.
- A new haircut should not conflict with the overall style and appearance.... So, fans of vintage or classics will look pretty awkward with such a hairstyle. But for supporters of simplicity, convenience, fashionistas and those who prefer casual, such a haircut is perfect.
- Best of all, this styling is suitable for girls under 25 years old - it will emphasize their individuality and determination. It is worth paying attention to this hairstyle for women over 45 - a new haircut will rejuvenate them and give them more self-confidence.
- Tall and thin representatives of the fair sex have such a haircut, especially in combination with short temples, gives boldness and a kind of defenselessness, and the volume on the top of the head only adds a touch of elegance.In the presence of excess weight, it is better to leave the whiskey long, like the hair on the back of the head, but the crown should be given special attention - it should be as voluminous as possible.
Choosing such a hairstyle, you should understand that the trimmed crown can be both the main highlight of the whole image and its integral part.

Which bangs to choose?
A hairstyle option with a cropped crown and the presence of a bang. At the same time, it is also necessary to choose it correctly.
- Torn. It has two types - straight or oblique bangs. They have one thing in common - the obligatory thinning of the ends of the hair. Hairstyles with such bangs are best suited for girls, as well as impudent and confident women. It gives the image freshness and light perkiness. Owners of a round or square face suits perfectly.
- Graphic bangs - it is distinguished by an even and clear cut, it can be either above or below the eyebrows. It should be avoided by women with an oval or round face type, as well as by owners of curly curls. In the first case, the face will look much narrower, and in the second, you will have to make a lot of effort to regularly straighten the hair.
- Asymmetrical bangs implies an oblique cut, while it can be smooth, sharp or even double-sided. This haircut option suits everyone, but subject to choosing the right angle at which the hair will be cut.

Styling options
If you think that a haircut with a short crown is synonymous with uniform styling every day, then you are greatly mistaken. Owners of hairstyles with long occipital and temporal strands can be offered the following styling options:
- lush bouffant and voluminous curls, laid to the face;
- voluminous curls and light bouffant on the crown;
- mermaid tail;
- spikelet;
- bundle;
- ponytail.

When choosing a feminine styling option, it is worth remembering that loose curls should look harmoniously with the volume on the top of the head, and not just hang down in thin strands. In the event that the curls are cut short not only at the top of the head, but also at the temples, then you can consider the following styling options:
- light curls or small curls;
- loose strands twisted from the neck;
- high tail;
- braid or 2 spikelets;
- beam or semi-beam.

Regardless of the chosen styling, do not forget about the accessories. They can not only complete the image, but also make it brighter, more attractive and unusual. It can be:
- headbands and ribbons;
- hairpins in the form of flowers, butterflies, animals;
- invisibility of various colors, shapes and sizes.

Those who are especially daring can use coloring crayons or hair sprays, which allow you to dye only a few strands in any color. A haircut with a short-cropped crown is again becoming relevant today. She will help and change her image and follow fashion. The main thing is to choose your own version of this hairstyle.
For information on what stylish haircuts with a short crown exist, see the next video.