Sesson haircut: features and interesting examples

When choosing a casual look, many modern girls prefer not only style and fashion, but also severity, which helps to reflect their strong-willed character. A key role in forming the right opinion about a girl is created by her makeup, as well as her hairstyle. In this article we will talk about such an interesting type of hair cutting as sesson, we will understand the features of this technique and consider the most interesting examples of such hair styling.

A bit of history
It is believed that the sesson haircut, hair graduation technique, and the well-known bob styling were developed back in the 1970s by the famous British hairdresser Vidal Sassoon. The first model for such a hairstyle was the incredibly popular actress Nancy Kwan at that time.
The cardinal transformation of the idol did not go unnoticed among her fans, thanks to which sesson-type haircuts began to appear more and more often on the pages of British magazines.

It is noteworthy that initially no additional elements such as combs and wax were required to style the haircut. The classic sesson haircut was cut on damp hair with thin strands of various lengths cut off at a certain cut angle. This at the same time gave the hair a natural volume, and the hairstyle - the perfect rounded shape. Instead of the usual comb, the hairdresser used his fingers, and to round the ends and add volume - a hairdryer.

The boom in fashion affected the sesson haircut favorably, but did not last very long.A little later, already in France at the end of the 70s, the haircut again "shot" in the field of fashion, but thanks to another famous person - the singer Mireille Mathieu. It is worth saying that the singer has not changed her principles and is still published with such a style, becoming a real standard of the ideal sesson haircut.

A classic sesson haircut can be recognized by the following factors.
- Usually these are medium or short haircuts. Initially, the session was developed specifically as haircuts for short-haired girls.

- Common types of bangs: even, straight, triangular, oblique, asymmetrical straight options, round. All types of bangs are united by a single feature - they are always combined with the most straight, non-curly curls. In the classic version, the sesson originates from the middle of the ear with a soft oblique transition of hair to the back of the head with a slight increase in length.

- The haircut resembles an elegant g hatGeometrically regular round shape.

- Another feature of the haircut is in the rounded ends of the hair, due to which the effect of smoothness and completeness of the lines is created.

- The classic color in the sesson haircut is black, however, in terms of shades, such a haircut is absolutely picky. It can be as usual light brown and pale ash tones, as well as bright, flashy, aggressive colors.

Advantages and disadvantages
Due to the complex, but unique technology for performing a sessionon haircut, there are many both positive and negative features.
- A well-styled session fits almost any face shape and hair length. This makes the haircut a versatile option for many young ladies.
- Harmony with absolutely any hair color is not the kind of haircut where light or dark tones are needed. It all depends on your color type and general bow, and, of course, on the imagination of the master to whom you entrusted your hairstyle.
- Sesson is the ideal type of haircut to hide imperfections on your face. The bangs will perfectly hide the wrinkles on the forehead, uneven eyebrows, the correct bangs will stretch the face a little. The roundness and minimalism of the entire hairstyle will make a strong emphasis on facial features, especially the eyes and nose, lips.
- This is one of the cheapest hairstyles for girls with initially straight hair. The entire procedure for cutting and styling can last no more than an hour in experienced hands and does not require special tools from the master, except for scissors, a thick comb and a hair dryer to round off the ends.
- This type of haircut has absolutely no age restrictions. In the late 90s, this hairstyle was quite fashionable among girls. She gave the childish image a certain boyish mischief and spontaneity (and did not require much care).
- Sesson is a great alternative for older women, it will refresh the whole image and hide wrinkles on the forehead, neck and cheeks. Even now, this type of haircut does not lose popularity, every now and then girls with sesson hairstyles are found on the spreads of fashion magazines.
- Thanks to the special styling technique, the sesson haircut is able to give the hair a natural volume. This is accomplished by curling the ends of the hair with a blow dryer or brush.

- Sesson is a hairstyle with a strictly consistent structure. The whole procedure takes place according to a clearly planned scheme, which not every master can impeccably follow.
- Such a hairstyle does not require daily care, but the sessionon is quite picky about the correction. A month and a half without visiting the hairdresser - and the overgrown stubborn ends can disfigure the whole bow.
- If you are used to styling your hair with crabs and hairpins, then you should give up this idea. Smooth, complete and strict sesson does not accept disorder and oblique lines. The exception is lush retro adornments, which will add mystery and depth to the image, or almost imperceptible, but even decorative hairpins on the bangs or temples.
- The highlight of the sesson haircut is in the beautiful shimmer of the entire hairstyle, which is achieved by using special styling products - varnish, foam. Without this styling, the haircut will look too mediocre and will not attract attention.
- For some haircuts, tied up hair is not a disaster, sometimes it even adds some personality to the image.
However, together with sesson, this option will look completely tasteless, only disfiguring the roundness and correctness of the entire hairstyle.

Choice based on hair length
Many long-haired girls claim that sesson-type hairstyles are contraindicated for them due to their unwillingness to part with long curls. Let's figure out if this is so, and at the same time consider what advantages a sesson haircut has for a given hair length.
Initially, the sesson haircut was designed specifically for short hair. This assumes that the very minimum hairline should not fall below the chin level. This version of the hairstyle offers several accents on the appearance.
- Sesson, due to its uniform structure, perfectly highlights the eyes and lips. It is to these facial features that a fashionista should pay the most attention.
- A short hairstyle, unlike other options, draws the attention of strangers to your cheekbones as well. Whether it is successful or not depends strictly on the situation. Sometimes the correct and beautiful lines of the cheekbones only add femininity and sophistication to the image.

This haircut option is a classic that will never lose its relevance. She looks equally attractive on any girls, regardless of hair color, figure configuration and character, but best of all emphasizes sophisticated facial features.

A classic sesson haircut for medium hair will give the image more femininity and elegance, moreover, due to the elongated hair structure, such a hairstyle is able to hide more visual imperfections of the face: a large forehead, large or protruding ears, visually reduce a long neck. It is assumed that the session on medium hair should end no later than the collarbone or shoulder line.

This option also emphasizes the winning facial features, but at the same time shifts attention to the beauty of the neck, chin, accessories, elements of outerwear.

The most successful sesson option for medium hair would be a graduated type with oblique or arched bangs.
Long hair is harder to achieve round ends due to the heavier body weight, however, thanks to the various styling products, this is still possible.

The middle version of the session does not so much add volume to the hair as visually draws out the face and its features, which is useful for girls with a round oval face and big eyes, eyebrows and chin.

Girls with long hair were also delighted with the freshness and sophistication that the sesson haircut gave, and therefore make-up artists and designers adapted the classic version of the haircut for elongated curls.

Unlike the classic type, this is a more gentle and direct version, giving the external image not so much rigor as sensuality, elegance and sexuality. Long hair offers girls a huge field for imagination, which is what modern women of fashion successfully use.
In long sesson hairstyles, asymmetry is incredibly popular, this is both experiments with bangs and curls framing the face. Color correlation is also often noticeable: these are both light highlighting colors and bright, neon, berry shades. The long type session is ideal for creating non-standard looks.

The advantage of sesson haircuts for long hair is that here the overgrown roots are not noticeable after such a short period of time. The ends of the hair can be bent for a long time, which will only give the hair more volume.
It is worth paying close attention to the choice of bangs in a sesson haircut for long hair, so French bangs (up to the middle of the forehead) will highlight the eyebrows and make a bright accent on the eyes, straight, even and long bangs along the hairstyle will hide the forehead, reduce the cheeks, draw more attention to lips and your eyes.

Who suits, who doesn't?
Sesson is a rather controversial and extraordinary haircut option that is not ideal for all fashionistas.
The key task of the sesson is to give the image more rigor, sophistication and elegance. This is an ideal haircut for women with a strong, strong-willed character, but not devoid of a sense of beauty. Usually, this haircut option is no longer chosen by young ladies who do not have a lot of time for daily hairstyle styling for several hours. Sessionon haircut care ends with shampooing and thorough combing, followed by fixation.

Sesson is a universal option for every type of face, which is why this type of haircut is worn by both very young girls and women after 40 years. The exception is full, round-type faces, which the sesson can give even more unwanted roundness. Some girls with round faces deliberately achieve this effect, but these are rare cases.

A sesson haircut for short hair is also perfect for pretty girls with a light and spontaneous character. Since the hairstyle itself, with its even features, gives too much rigor, girls experiment with symmetry and uniformity of the bangs. Highlighted or torn ends are added to the hairstyle, thereby creating a certain general type of sesson-bob or sesson-bob.
Sesson is the perfect hairstyle for girls with a large forehead, irregular eyebrows and large ears. Any type of haircut, even a short one, will hide all these shortcomings.

There are few haircuts suitable for older women, but seson is one of them. A solid, even bangs will hide wrinkles on the forehead, accentuate the eyes, and with the correct framing of the face, will help smooth out the shape of the cheeks and chin. Sesson elongated type will hide wrinkles on the neck.

The sesson haircut will give the owners of naturally thick, straight and smooth hair the least problems in styling.
In this case, a classic haircut of this type can be done even at home.
Girls with thick and naughty curls should refuse such a hairstyle. You will probably spend a lot of time and money on straightening and styling your hair, but even the most experienced hairdresser will not vouch for the success of the result. If you just decide to straighten the hair roots a little, and leave the remaining wavy curls in their original form, then you get a bob-type hairstyle, no more.

Fashionable styling options
Some successful sesson styling options have already been described above. Now we will try to pay attention to some of the styling features that are fashionable at the moment.
- Classic sesson type was and remains one of the most versatile and popular hair styling options, with the only exception that many girls bring their own color shades to coloring this type of hairstyle. The current fashion season prefers bows and looks based on the most natural and natural shades, so any shades 2-3 tones darker or lighter than your own hair will suit such a hairstyle. These are all kinds of chestnut, caramel, golden, even ashy shades.
An increasingly popular novelty is the classic sesson type with tips painted in bright neon colors.

- Romantic type designed to soften the whole image of severity in a classic square. This involves creating small curls or frizzes all over the hair area to give the look more lightness and tenderness.

- Graduated session suggests slightly ragged bangs and graduated hair ends.This option also softens the entire roundness of the sesson haircut, giving it more feminine sophistication.

Useful Tips
As already mentioned, the sesson haircut is versatile in terms of color compatibility. Consider this when choosing an image. If the classic sesson may seem too strict and rustic to you, hair coloring can save the situation. Coloring bangs, hair ends, zonal coloring with the addition of flashy shades, highlighting - all this can have a positive effect on your image. Feel free to experiment.

Sesson is a haircut that is more suitable only for a strictly defined character and profession. The main words in the description of this technique are regularity, severity, consistency.
A haircut refreshes, rejuvenates the face, gives it sophistication, so this is the best option for women of age. Often this haircut option is chosen by ladies with a strict provincial style of dress.

If you are a creative, active and individual person and your hair is simply made for a sesson haircut, try to add some of your talent to your hairstyle - work on bangs, styling features at the back of the head, perhaps straight, rather than rounded, hair ends are suitable for you. Sesson is a popular haircut for creating fashionable stylish looks, which means that its potential is huge.
An interesting addition to a sesson haircut will be waves and curly play in the area of the crown and bangs.

Sesson is a haircut option for which you do not need to spend hours choosing a style of clothing. The most ordinary business suit will look best with such a hairstyle. When choosing the color shades of the suit, you should turn to dark, chestnut and coffee shades. However, remember that a lot depends on the type of hairstyle you have.
With a white short sesson, clear scarlet lips, a light top and red slacks or bell-bottomed trousers look great.

A high-quality haircut focuses all attention on the face, which is why it is worth paying special attention to makeup. This is especially true for the selection of the eyes and lips. With a classic dark session, clear eyes with black mascara and eyeliner with scarlet or crimson lips look exquisite.

You should think about styling your hair already at the time of drying your hair. To give your hair a natural shine and play, you should easily treat your hair with liquid crystals or wax.
Beautiful examples
Below you will find successful and stylish examples of sesson haircuts with different lengths and hair colors.
- Sesson for short hair.

- For medium hair.

- Long hair.

How to make a sesson haircut, see below.