Guitar strings

All About Classical Guitar Strings

All About Classical Guitar Strings
  1. Characteristic
  3. Manufacturers overview
  4. Selection rules
  5. Changing strings

Strings are an important part of the guitar, which is why they are offered in a wide range. This accessory has a number of technical characteristics depending on the material of manufacture and the conditions for their further use. We would like to draw your attention to a description of guitar strings for classical guitar, their features and selection rules.


Currently, only synthetic strings (nylon and carbon) are used for classical guitar. Previously, such products were made from the tendons and intestines of animals - their sound was voluminous and rather soft. But such strings were very expensive, so it became necessary to find other suitable materials for their production without loss of quality. Synthetic strings appeared in the 50s of the last century (during the Second World War).

Braided strings were introduced 3 centuries ago, significantly improving the sound quality of a musical instrument. The winding allowed to reduce the tension of thick strings, simplified the playing. For manufacturing, various metal alloys with a protective coating are used. Braids can be brass, copper, bronze and others, and silver derivatives are often used for coating. Recently, you can find on the market nylon strings with ball-shaped ends or synthetic loops for convenient and reliable fastening to the tailpiece.

But most manufacturers produce these products in a classic form, requiring them to be tied with a special knot.

It should be noted that the number of overtones and the timbre of the guitar sound is greatly influenced by the thickness of the strings (gauge). Usually strings are sold in sets of their own caliber.Such sets are designated by numbers, for example, "10–46", which means the dimensions (calibers) of the two outermost strings in thickness: the first and the last, respectively. The number is a dimensional indicator of the average diameter (thickness) of the string, expressed in thousandths of an inch. Gauge "10" is a string diameter equal to 0.010 inches (0.254 mm). Among guitarists, one or another set is simplistically called by the caliber of the first string (“ten” in our example).

If a musician likes a deep and dense sound of the instrument, he will choose a set with thick strings, and for a beginner, thinner nylon strings are the best option. Classical guitar strings can be soft, medium-hard, and hard. On sale you can find any kit preferred for this parameter. From time to time, the set of an accessory needs to be changed - due to intense play, it wears out quickly. It is necessary to install a new one in cases where the sound has become dull, the timbre has changed, and winding defects have appeared.

Experienced musicians know how important it is to take good care of not only the instrument and its mechanical parts, but also the strings. You should have a soft, lint-free material with you to wipe the body and nylon from grease and other contaminants after each use.

One of the important characteristics of strings is the type of braiding. There are 2 types of braiding: round wire and flat. A classic instrument uses 6 strings, of which 3 are thin without braiding, and 3 are bass ones. The braid saturates the sound with additional colors due to the overtones formed in its coils. Some kits have four wire-wound strings, but there are not many who want to deviate from established standards.

Round winding is the standard type and is most commonly seen. Unpolished wire is wrapped around synthetic filaments in a tight spiral pattern. The sound of such a string will be rich and bright, which is why many musicians often choose kits with a round braid on the bass.

As for the flat winding, the strings with it have a smooth surface due to the careful grinding of the material. The main advantages of this option include a long service life, the absence of non-musical overtones when moving your fingers along the neck, and a beautiful appearance. As for the sound of flat-braided strings, it is somewhat dull, which should be considered when purchasing. The color of the string set can also tell a lot about the material of manufacture and the winding. There are strings of traditional colors, but multi-colored and black synthetic strings became common a few years ago.

Colored nylon products are in demand mainly among young people.


Classical guitar strings have their own characteristics and advantages, so you should familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of all types of this accessory.

Intestinal products are a peculiar kind, which are most used by folk musicians. Their main drawback is fragility and fragility, but the sound is velvety and warm.

Nylon strings have been around since the middle of the last century and have become very popular. The manufacturer used medical thread as it was durable and inexpensive. Nylon strings have a soft texture. Nowadays, they are presented in sets of different calibers. Reinforced products are considered carbon. Such products were developed in Japan, they are almost one and a half times denser than nylon.

The sound will be bright and loud, the service life is long, but the price is slightly higher than nylon.

Steel strings on classical guitars are used only by those amateur guitarists or aspiring musicians who know little about the differences in the construction of acoustic and classical types of instruments. Metal has a strong tension that can compromise the integrity of the body and neck of a classical guitar that is not designed for such stresses. Steel string accessories are not allowed to be put on the classics.

As already noted, for the manufacture of the braid, various materials are used, each of which has not only certain differences, properties, but also has a special effect on the sound. Bronze is in great demand among acoustic instrument component manufacturers. Such products belong to the middle price category, but are of good quality. Thanks to this material, the sound will be bright, sonorous. However, there is one drawback: the metal oxidizes quickly, so bronze items must be constantly cleaned.

Phosphor Bronze is another alloy that produces a warm and mellow sound. Thanks to the additional component, the metal does not oxidize so quickly, so durability is ensured. It should be noted the copper windings on the inexpensive items needed for those who often change string sets.

Silver plated jewelry also attracts many musicians. Silver-plated wire was initially thought to be the best braiding material, but even this protection needs regular cleaning. And the sound is nothing special, as it turned out, does not differ from the copper or bronze analogs of the braid. If the playing must be ringing, it is better to choose brass-wound strings for yourself, although brass is inferior to other metals in strength.

The leader among strings that are suitable for a classical instrument is nylon. They are soft, do not hurt your fingers, and have a dull sound. These strings come in a variety of colors. There are titanium products on the market that are durable and reliable, but they cannot be called universal, since they are not suitable for all stringed instruments. The unusual ones include neon strings, which look spectacular when played - they are often chosen for public speaking.

Manufacturers overview

There is a wide selection of strings on the market from different manufacturers, so before buying, you should check out the leading brands that are in demand. Much depends on the musician's playing technique, but the quality of the components plays an important role. It is important to consider budget and play style when doing this.

One of the most popular and expensive is Elixir, which offers a wide variety of strings. It should be noted that cult guitarists use its products, and this says a lot. The main feature of the products is not only good quality and excellent sound, but also durability. If you want to invest in good-quality components that will last a long time, you can safely consider the position of this manufacturer.

Dunlop attracts attentionwhich is not as popular but still offers good products for musicians. The strings of this brand are quite affordable, provide excellent sounding and will last a long time due to the strength of the material.

Sophisticated guitarists are familiar with D'Addario Classic Nylon Normal nylon strings., which differ in sound volume and durability. They are in the top of the best components.

Ernie Ball was also in the ranking of the best.recommended for beginners. The strings are braided with copper and bronze, so the sound will be spacious, rich and full. But there is one drawback - the product wears out quickly.

Selection rules

To make the right choice, you need to follow several guidelines.

  • Caliber is an important criterion. The parameters of the thinnest string can be in the range of 0.008-0.013. For beginners, 0.008-0.010 is suitable. For guitarists already playing 0.010-0.013.
  • The braid material affects the life of the product. Copper winding is considered the most popular.If not only quality indicators are important, but also style, you can choose a silver coating, which will provide sonority, as well as give the guitar an aesthetic look. Phosphor bronze and brass are considered the best winding options that guarantee durability. Today, products can be taken individually if only part of the kit needs to be replaced.
  • One of the important characteristics when choosing nylon products is tension. The lung is marked "Low Tension", the medium - Normal, the high - "High". Strings with a lighter tension are more pliable and more comfortable to play, especially when there is a large distance between them and the neck. High tension strings are tricky - they sound like metal. Medium tension is considered the golden mean.

Changing strings

There are certain rules to follow when changing strings on a classic six-string guitar. The first step is to remove the old ones, and for this you can cut them or loosen them with pegs, and then pull them out.

You need to install the strings one by one through the saddle. At the tip, form a loop by wrapping the end around the string twice. The loop is tightened on both sides. After that, you need to pull the string to the tuning pegs and tie its second end there. All that remains is to tune the guitar by rotating the tuning peg, and then enjoy the game.

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