Guitar strings

Elixir Guitar Strings

Elixir Guitar Strings
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Acoustic Guitars Review
  3. Assortment of electric guitars
  4. Other models
  5. Review overview

Choosing quality guitar strings is a serious and responsible business. The sound quality of a musical instrument will depend on the strings. The best are original branded accessories. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some very good Elixir guitar strings.


Elixir accessories for musical instruments have long won the love of a huge number of guitarists. The brand's musical products are of excellent quality, due to which they are designed for a long service life. In addition, Elixir manufactures such products in the widest range. Finding the perfect strings is possible for a wide variety of guitars. It can be either an acoustic guitar or an electric or bass guitar.

High quality Elixir products are sold as complete sets or individually... The cost of different products varies. For example, a set of accessories for bass guitars can be purchased for a cost in the range of 2-4 thousand rubles. Many buyers are not satisfied with such high prices.

As an excuse for the manufacturer, it is worth noting that the expensive Elixir strings do justify the not-so-attractive price tags.

The sound quality provided by Genuine Elixir music accessories delights many customers. The products are of unsurpassed quality, therefore they are able to demonstrate excellent clear and sonorous sound. This is a virtue that attracts a huge number of guitarists.

The strings have special coatings, so they are optimally slippery, do not seem tactilely unpleasant. They do not rub your fingers, do not cause discomfort. Due to the presence of special polymer coatings, Elixir products are able to last for a long time.

Elixir's original music production has no serious flaws. Buyers are upset by the high cost of many positions, as well as poor availability. Very often, finding the strings of a brand in stores is far from the first time. In addition, there are a lot of fakes on sale. The risk of running into non-original Elixir strings is very high.

Acoustic Guitars Review

Elixir produces many high quality strings designed specifically for acoustic musical instruments. Let's take a closer look at some of the popular options.

  • Acoustic Bronze Nanoweb 80/20, 12/53. Cool set of strings for acoustics. Demonstrates rich, sonorous and high-quality sound. The products have an ultra-thin Nanoweb protective coating made of fluoropolymers. The products are designed for a long service life and are wear-resistant.
  • Elixir 16544, 11-52. Lightweight and high quality brand strings. Sold in packs of 6, supplemented with a special protective coating that extends their service life. The strings are made of durable and practical steel. Designed for acoustics, product caliber - 11.
  • Elixir 11152. Excellent branded strings for 12-string acoustics. They have the traditional Nanoweb coating, as well as the Anti-Rust anti-corrosion coating. The first strings are made of steel and the bass strings are 80/20 bronze. The third string goes in the winding, light tension is provided.
  • Elixir 16002... Very good examples for acoustics. They have a phosphor bronze winding. Extra light tension is provided. As with the options listed above, there is additional Nanoweb coverage.
  • Elixir 16027... Top models for custom light tension acoustic guitars. The products have a round phosphor bronze wrap. There is an additional protective layer. The core of the strings is made of stainless steel and is also round.
  • Elixir 16538 11/52. High quality brand steel products designed for acoustic instruments. Sold in packs of 6, have a protective coating.

Assortment of electric guitars

The brand's musical accessories designed specifically for electric guitars can also boast of unsurpassed quality. Let's find out about the characteristics of some positions.

  • Elixir 12152. A set of musical accessories for electric guitars. Nanoweb coated and non-braided strings are available. The products are designed for a long service life and are well protected from corrosion and dirt. They are distinguished by a powerful and bright tone.
  • Elixir Optiweb Light 10/46... This kit includes 6 strings for electric guitars. The products have a special protective coating that ensures a long service life. The products are made from high quality steel. String gauge - 10.
  • 10/46 Elixir Electric Nanoweb 6. Relatively inexpensive models for electric guitars. They have a Nanoweb coating, therefore they serve for a long time and are not susceptible to corrosion. Products sound very bright and rich. Made of steel and sold in a set of 6.
  • 9/42 Elixir Nanoweb 6. Steel copies for electric guitars. They are characterized by the highest quality, are wear-resistant and durable. Product caliber - 0.9, weight - 0.05.
  • 11/49 Elixir Nanoweb 6. This set of high quality steel strings is in high demand. The products have an affordable cost, but at the same time they give out a very good, clean and rich sound. Like most of the brand's other products, these products are complemented by a special Nanoweb protective coating. Musical accessories weight - 0.05, caliber - 11.

Other models

Elixir manufactures high quality strings not only for electric guitars and acoustics, but also for other types of string instruments. Let's find out about the parameters of some products.

  • String 0.32 Elixir Bass nanoweb. A single string that is produced specifically for the brand's bass guitars. The products have an additional polymer tube that protects them from any external influences.The bass accessory in question sounds very rich and clean, and also has an additional Anti-Rust coating.
  • 45/105 Elixir Bass Nanoweb 4. And these are chic accessories for bass guitars, which are sold in kits of 4. The strings under consideration are made of practical steel, supplemented with a special protective coating. The 45/105 Elixir Bass Nanoweb 4 strings appeal to guitarists with their excellent clean and spacious sound and durability.
  • 12/68 Elixir Electric Nanoweb Baritone... Great products for baritone guitars. Sold in a set of 6. They have a protective coating. The sound of these strings is very sharp and open, pleasant and clear. Over the course of a long time in service, these specimens continue to sound like brand new.

Review overview

Elixir brand products collect a huge amount of reviews on the web. Among them, there are both positive and negative.

First, let's find out how Elixir strings appeal to modern users.

  • Most of the positive reviews are related to the great sounding of branded music accessories.
  • The second most common response was the durability of Elixir strings. Many guitarists were pleasantly surprised by the lifespan of the branded products.
  • The fact that the strings of the brand are perfectly protected from dirt and corrosion also pleasantly surprised many guitarists.
  • Many people liked the fact that Elixir brand products are very pleasant in terms of tactile perception. A large number of users note that branded strings are very pliable, responsive, and slippery.
  • Elixir strings are very comfortable to use, according to many buyers. Nobody experiences discomfort or calluses. This feature is especially often noted by experienced guitarists who intensively exploit the strings.
  • Customers could not fail to please the additional protective coating available on all Elixir products. This is exactly what the company's musical accessories attract guitarists who want to buy the most durable products.
  • Many positive reviews are associated with the beautiful appearance of the products, as well as with the beautiful packaging in which they are sold.
  • The huge assortment of high quality musical accessories is also appreciated by a large number of consumer guitarists.

Most buyers did not notice a single flaw in Elixir guitar accessories, calling them "amazing and wonderful." However, among the mass of reviews, negative ones are rarely found.

Let's find out what they are connected with.

  • Most buyers were unhappy with the high cost of Elixir guitar strings.
  • The fact that the brand's original musical accessories can be very difficult to find in the store has also disliked many consumers.
  • The huge risk of buying an outright fake is something that makes today's musicians very upset. Nobody wants to overpay for non-original, counterfeit products.
  • To some users, the brand's products seemed a little harsh. True, most people, after such a response, claim that you can get used to the strings very quickly.
  • It is extremely rare to find reviews in which customers speak extremely negatively about Elixir products, claiming that the strings of the brand do not have a single plus. In this case, doubts arise that the consumer has purchased a truly original Elixir product.

Buyers do not notice other serious shortcomings in the strings of the company. Most users did not find a single minus in Elixir's music products.

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