Guitar strings

How to change strings on an acoustic guitar?

How to change strings on an acoustic guitar?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. How to remove old strings
  3. Installation diagram
  4. Possible problems

Many beginners, purchasing an acoustic guitar, do not even suspect that, in addition to playing, the string set will need to be periodically changed on the instrument. Of course, if such a need arises at home, you can calmly sort out this issue with the help of friends or the Internet. However, there are situations when you need to replace part of the kit in an inconvenient place for this, where there is no one to ask. In this case, you need to know in advance how to correctly replace a broken string or the entire string set with a guitar.


The process of changing the string set is not that difficult for an experienced guitarist, although it sometimes takes a lot of time. A beginner, on the other hand, needs to figure out how often it needs to be done, as well as learn some of the nuances and recommendations that will help avoid mistakes and unwanted alterations that harm the quality of products. Accurate work is the key to success in this business. Lack of haste and negligence will allow you to get the perfect sound from brand new strings, set according to all the rules.

You need to change any parts of the guitar as they are damaged, and in the case of strings - immediately after buying a better set, and then - under unforeseen circumstances or periodically, for example, once every 2-3 months nylon, once every 3 -6 months metal with constant play.

Now there is no problem to purchase a new set of this guitar accessory, which is sold in all music stores.

The only difficulty faced by beginners in this business is the choice of a variety of products.

They can be made of various materials:

  • synthetic (carbon or nylon);
  • metal (the base can be steel, an alloy of steel and nickel, bronze or copper).

When choosing, you need to consider the type of guitar, since classical, acoustic, electric and bass guitars have different equipment requirements. Besides, what kind of music is played on the guitar also matters - the material of the strings can have a profound effect on the sound of the guitar.

It is best to buy 2 identical sets in advance, of which one should be put on the instrument immediately, and the remaining one should be carried with you in case there is a need to replace broken strings.

It is necessary to completely change the kit in the following situations.

  • The sound becomes dull, it is impossible to play as before. Only a musician with experience can notice this. Novice guitarists often do not hear the changes, as they gradually get used to the spoiled sound.
  • Passed all the terms of periodic updating of the kit after the purchase of a guitar or the last replacement.
  • If the products are dirty or any of them are torn due to abrasion or deformation. You need to understand that it is better to change the strings all at once. Extreme replacement of a broken string somewhere on a picnic outside the city is a temporary measure. When returning home, the entire set must be changed.

How to remove old strings

To get rid of unusable string products, the first step is to loosen the tuning pegs. They need to be twisted until the strings can be removed freely.

In music stores, a special device is sold that saves time and effort on unwinding the tuning pegs, but you can quickly cope without it.

Then you can remove the strings from the peg side. You can remove them all at once or one at a time, but professionals recommend that you act gradually and remove one at a time so as not to damage the neck of the guitar. With the help of tools, remove the small plugs on the saddle, and then pull the strings completely. The neck and guitar are wiped with a dry cloth to remove any dust that has accumulated under the strings during use.

Installation diagram

Changing strings begins by choosing the sequence in which they will be worn. Experts in this area unequivocally state that you need to install the thickest string first, and then follow in a row towards the thinnest one. In this case, nothing will interfere with the work: the stretched strings are located only on one side of the one that is currently being installed.

And if the installation is carried out according to the scheme, one string - on the left, the other - on the right, fearing to distort the neck, then installing the middle strings with the extreme ones already stretched would cause inconvenience.

To make it easier for yourself and not to make mistakes, you must follow the instructions.

  1. Prepare and place the string set next to the musical instrument.
  2. One end of the string must be inserted and secured in the tailpiece (saddle area). Guitar can have different types of string fastening: pegs or plugs in the hole, string fasteners and holes in the nut. Nylon strings on a classic six-string guitar are held in a knot.
  3. The other end should be attached to the headstock tuning machine. There you need to thread the tip of the string into the hole in the peg axle. The tuning pegs should not be confused - each of them is intended for "its own" string.
  4. Then pull the “tail”, which should be no more than 7 cm, and make one turn with it around the tuning peg. Next, you should tie it so that it is on top.
  5. It is only necessary to wind the ends on the peg in one row of turns. Cut off excess ends.

Install the rest of the strings in the same order.

When all the strings are in place, the guitar must be tuned by pulling or loosening them. Newbies have a problem with this. It is best to ask someone with experience tuning the instrument or get a tuner - a device that you need to put on your guitar to determine and adjust the pitch of each string.

Possible problems

Changing strings is considered successful if a number of problems have been avoided. Let's call them.

  • Too many turns. If you wind more than necessary (and you need 2-3 turns on the bass, 4-5 on the rest), you can spoil the tuning pegs and get an unstable guitar tuning.
  • Fasteners can fly out if you do not monitor the speed of the tuning peg. You need to slow down when the string begins to stretch.
  • The strings can break if you start to tune them right away to the tone you want. It is better to tune a couple of tones lower or higher and only after half an hour proceed to the correct setting.

Some beginners are in too much of a hurry to cut the excess. This can cause the strings to slip out of the tuning peg, and it will be impossible to restore the cut.

How to properly change the strings on an acoustic guitar, see the next video.

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