Guitar strings

What are nylon strings and how to install them?

What are nylon strings and how to install them?
  1. What it is?
  2. Comparison with other types of strings
  3. Species overview
  4. Nuances of choice for different guitars
  5. Installation and configuration
  6. Care Tips

A good instrument for the guitarist is very important. To make your compositions sound as good as possible, you need high-quality components. For many performers, especially beginners, string matching becomes a challenge. After all, their clear sound and comfort for the fingers are important. These characteristics most often correspond to nylon threads, which can be chosen for any guitar, including an acoustic one.

What it is?

Classic nylon strings include 6 strands. Of these, three are upper case and are made entirely of nylon line. As for the bass strings, they also have a metal winding. As a rule, a wire, consisting of an alloy of various metals, acts as a coating. Most often, you will notice flat or round windings on the strings. It is worth noting that the second option is preferable, since the sound of nylon will be brighter and clearer. Threads can be ground or polished. They look polished as if their surface is matte.

However, polished nylon is more popular with musicians, as it avoids various overtones when performing fast compositions. Guitar strings are made from raw materials that are made by such large chemical concerns as Mitsubishi, Bayer, Kureha, Du Pont and others. Nylon is made up of miniature balls. For strings, the material is heated and then passed through holes with a specific diameter. Then the threads are pulled through special roller systems and cooled in a certain way. As a result, they become tough and resilient.

During production, the thread is impregnated with special compounds that fill the space between the nylon particles. Thus, the string will not absorb moisture, it will become stronger, and its shelf life will increase. The additives used can sometimes change the color of the strings, even black versions can be found. The bass strings are based on twisted synthetic (filament nylon) called Floss Nylon. Most often, silver-plated copper wire is taken for its winding. A silver layer in thousandths of a millimeter is enough to make the thread sound and look better. However, it must be borne in mind that such a coating is wiped off, and the string acquires a red tint.

Copper-silver alloy is also used as a coating. The share of the precious metal in it already reaches 40%. Zinc is also added to such a winding. This type is less practical and more expensive. Less commonly, gold-containing winding is used, but the price of such strings is off scale. For individual manufacturers, a variety of copper-containing alloys are used as coatings, which are long-lasting and not so quickly deranged.

It should be borne in mind that their sound is not as good as that of a silver-plated copper winding.

Comparison with other types of strings

Nylon strings are often compared to metal strings. Of course, the latter are distinguished by a more sonorous and prolonged sound. However, it should be borne in mind that such threads cause severe pain in the fingers. It is worth noting that metal is not suitable for chamber performances and playing fast compositions. In terms of aging, metal is better than nylon. So, on average, nylon lasts two months, and metal - six months or more. In any case, it is worth considering that individual strings, for example, the first two, may fail earlier than others.

The difference between metal and nylon is also that the strings from the latter stretch for 1-2 days after installation. This is important to consider when setting up. Tuning nylon strings will take longer. Since it will take longer to catch the optimal tone. However, they can be used for any guitars and any melodies. Metal differences are good where all six strings sound at the same time and are clearer.

Also, metal threads are best used when playing with a fight.

Species overview

Nylon strings are classified into different types. The following options can be found from manufacturers.

  • The veins are called so because of their origin. To create them, animal intestines are used. Currently, such strings are produced exclusively in the West and are distinguished by their high cost. Moreover, their service life is not too long, they are not very resistant to dirt, excessive moisture, heat. Most often they are used when it is necessary to repeat the historical reality.
  • Synthetic are the most popular due to their matching price and service life. Better for classic guitars. For acoustic, it is also possible, but you need to choose with balls at the end, so that it is easier to install. This type includes the following subspecies.
    • Pure nylon can only be found on the first three strings. On bass, they will already be wrapped in a metal alloy winding.
    • Carbon fiber has a higher density and less thickness compared to nylon. They will sound more loud and bright.
  • On a steel base, the strings are sonorous and rich. Most often they are chosen for stage, blues, rock. These strings have a tighter tension and are better suited for acoustic and electric guitars.

According to the tension force, string sets are usually divided into the following types:

  • with very strong;
  • strong;
  • normal tension.

The pulling force affects the sound quality. Of course, it is easier to play instruments with strings that are weakly tensioned. The stronger this setting, the clearer and brighter the sound will be.As for novice guitarists, only normal tension kits will work for them to save their fingers. The thickness (gauge) of the nylon string can vary, resulting in a thin and thick separation. As a rule, this characteristic is indicated on the packages in millimeters or inches. It affects the volume, so if you want a stronger sound, it is better to choose thick strings.

Beginners should give preference to string sets with a size no larger than 11.

Nuances of choice for different guitars

Guitarists with impressive experience tend to prefer tight strings. This makes it possible to expand the sound range. Silver-plated nylon strings are undesirable on low-quality instruments. Poorly polished frets will be better friends with copper braided kits. Of course, it's important to match the strings to the instrument.

For classic

The best solution for a classical instrument will be the simplest nylon strings with transparent or brown treble. For winding, preference should be given to copper, brass, nickel silver, phosphor bronze. Also for the classics, you can use carbon options. Due to their smaller diameter and greater strength, the sounds will be clearer, brighter and more energetic. Plus, carbon yarns can last much longer than conventional yarns.

For acoustic

Acoustic guitars are more complex in terms of string matching. The kits must be correct and wound. The most suitable option would be nylon with yellow or phosphor bronze. You can put on acoustics and other types of threads, but the sound will be worse. You should also consider the type of guitar, since nylon is not suitable for everyone. It is desirable that the strings are with a tip.

Installation and configuration

Among the biggest disadvantages of nylon are excessive thinness and fragility. Moreover, the fourth, fifth and sixth strings most often leave. It is not uncommon for manufacturers to add an additional fourth string to a nylon set, since it fails more often than others. With not too active use of the guitar, the silvered threads can last 2-3 months. But the longer they last, the more they become like sagging ropes.

If you play the instrument for five or more hours a day, then you should not expect that the strings will last more than a couple of weeks. Copper braiding increases the life of the strings, but does not sound as bright. Practice shows that the first three strings last longer. In this case, the timbre is better preserved with threads without winding.

Most often, you have to change nylon strings not as a whole set, but as a half set (bass or "voices").

As far as changing individual strings is concerned, it is best not to. If necessary, one string can be changed, but only at the very beginning of the use of the set. This is because the tones of the strings will be too different. It should also be borne in mind that kits are often made up of semi-kits from different companies. For example, the bass strings may be from Savarez, while the first three are from a different manufacturer.

When choosing semi-kits, it is important that their manufacturers are from the same category. On the domestic market, there is a wide selection of not one-piece sets, but three threads each. When installing nylon strings, you should be prepared for the fact that they will stretch in the early days and will have to be constantly tweaked. In some cases, this process can take even weeks. Immediately after setting the strings, tune the instrument one or one and a half tones higher, and then repeat the tuning after a few hours. It is advisable to take into account that thread constrictions lead to a reduction in their service life.

When installing the sets, it is necessary to make sure that the number of free turns on the splitter is minimal. The easiest way to do this is by placing the second turn on top of the first.This will hold him in place, like strings that are attached to a stand. Installing a set of strings on your guitar includes the following steps.

  • Removing the previous set. To do this, unscrew the peg a little to relieve tension. Next, turning the peg, you should release the thread and remove it from the hole. After releasing the top edge, untie the knot at the other end of the string and pull it fully out.
  • Installation includes the following steps.
    • The musical instrument is cleaned of dirt and dust.
    • The replacement of threads is carried out in the following sequence - the sixth, first, fifth, second, fourth, third. This uses the one-by-one installation method. First, they take the sixth string and thread one of the ends into the hole on the nut, and then tie it with a knot.
    • The other end is held up to the splitter and cut 10 centimeters higher. Then it is threaded through the hole and the mechanism is turned.
    • The second and third steps are repeated for the remaining five threads.

In order for nylon strings to sound good, they must be tightened (adjusted) after insertion into the mount. For this, there is a special mechanism on the splitter with a handle set aside. The principle of tensioning nylon strings is quite simple - just turn the corresponding knob.

When setting up, you can use a special device.

Care Tips

Experienced musicians recommend that you do not reuse old sets of strings in order to avoid breakage and out-of-tune instrument. After the new set is installed, the instrument should be allowed to lie down for 12-24 hours so that the threads can stretch. If the game is going to be performed immediately, then you should be prepared for frequent upsetting of the instrument. It is important to wash your hands before playing guitar to prolong the life of the strings. It is advisable to wipe the neck together with the strings with a special cleaner after each use. When one strand breaks, it is worth changing everything at once so that the sound is good.

It is also important to avoid thread constrictions during the tuning process, to timely change the tuning pegs and saddles with damage. Monitor the condition of the mediator and other working instruments. When the instrument is at rest, it should be placed in a sealed package.

Keep the guitar warm and dry. Cold and extreme temperature changes are harmful to her. Their effect is not always caught visually, but it is very easy to determine the deterioration of the instrument by ear.

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