Choosing guitar strings

Playing the guitar is not only a beautiful sound, but also a positive impact on mental and physical health. Stimulates memory, concentration, multitasking and math abilities. In addition, playing the guitar relieves anxiety symptoms, tension, stress, releases destructive energy, pumps the muscles of the wrists, hands, arms ... For both a professional and a beginner musician, it is important not only to learn how to play the instrument, but also to choose the right strings for the guitar ...

What are they?
The modern market offers several types of guitar strings, and the packages indicate - Medium, Light, Extra light. At the same time, such texts do not carry information about the general caliber. This suggests that kits designed for an electric guitar will be narrower than for an acoustic instrument of the same type. The manufacturing company means no less, because each has its own caliber standard, so the diameter indicated on the package will be the best guideline. The smallest gauge strings are those marked "E" where the smallest diameter is 0.005 "and 0.56" is the largest. Other types of strings:
- Light - 0.10 first and 0.46 sixth;
- Medium - 0.11 first and 0.50 sixth;
- Extra light - 0.09 first and 0.42 sixth.
Usually musicians take into account the smallest diameter when buying and thus simplify the choice. For example, when the diameter has a value of 0.11 inches, then the set is called "11", etc. As for the varieties of strings, there are a lot of them, and they are subdivided by winding and material: colored, gold, black, luminous, etc. ...

By winding type
The winding is made of silver, copper, phosphor bronze, brass. Each of these materials has a characteristic effect on the quality of the string or its sound, as well as the material used to make the core.
- Copper gives a velvety sound, but leaves marks on the fingers.
- Silver differs in practicality and comfort in the game. Silver strings are always beautiful to look at, do not affect sound quality, and are more durable than copper strings.
- Strings from phosphor bronze or brass have the highest price gradation, the longest service life.
- Strings with windingmade brass or phosphor bronze - the most durable products.
The materials for the production of strings are quite varied, which makes the range of their quality and sound quite diverse for a wide consumer. To simplify the choice, you need to know the features of the types of windings.

In almost all sets of guitar strings, the first 3 numbers do not have a winding, but the 4th, 5th, 6th already come with additions. This technique allows you to add power, density, sound quality, besides, it protects the musician's fingers from cuts, which cannot be done by thinner strings.
- Round - the most common. In section, such a string has an ideal spherical shape and, at the same time, is not processed by grinding. It is the round-wound strings that have the richest sound.
- Flat - winding with the most careful grinding. At the same time, it is important to remember about the peculiarity of strings of this type - a long service life and the absence of a specific sound during the movement of the fingers. Unfortunately, the sound of such strings is not up to par.
- Semi-flat - something in between, an intermediate option between the first two types. The technology for making a flat-wound string is similar to a round one, but after winding the wire onto the core, the string is given an oval cross-section by grinding or pressing. This type is the least popular, they are purchased, as a rule, by bass players for fretless bass.

Hexagonal - the core of this string has a hexagonal section, and the winding is made of round wire... The cost of a hexagonal braid is equal to a round one, and the string makes an expressive sound. Products of this type are excellent and serve for a long time, however, due to the characteristic sharpness of the ribs, they can significantly reduce the life of the frets.
Perhaps the use of such strings will bring some discomfort to the musician. Choosing the right strings can make your guitar 'voice' special and unique.

By material
The range of materials for making the core of a string is much wider, since strings are made not only of metal, but also of plastic substances. Such products are softer than iron ones and have a slightly different sound. Some types, for example, neon ones, are only for show.
Bronze strings have balanced price-performance ratio, and juicy sound, so the demand for them is quite high... As a disadvantage, one can name their ability to quickly oxidize and the need for constant cleaning of the surface with an alcohol solution.

Phosphor Bronze Strings
Products made from this alloy are somewhat different from strings made of pure bronze - the sound is not as bright and expressive, but they have a much longer service life.

Copper strings
Copper strings belong to the budget option, in terms of their sound they can be attributed to the average. Copper sets are suitable for amateurs - those who rarely pick up an instrument, beginners at a music school.

Silver strings
This look has an attractive appearance because the silver-clad steel core has an almost snow-white whiteness. Silver-plated strings have a sonorous, soft and melodic sound. Only one parameter is considered a disadvantage - fragility. In this they are significantly inferior to phosphorous-bronze models.

Brass strings
Brass strings are not very durable, but they are quite popular with guitarists. Brass gives the strings power in overtones, volume and density, such strings are especially in demand in the segments of hard rock, metal, etc.

As you know, nylon is synthetic. There is no iron in the strings, which negatively affects the sound, however, their softness and flexibility are ideal for the initial stages of mastering the instrument. It is much easier and more painless to work with them.

These are combined models made of an alloy of two metals. These strings have the richest warm timbre.

From polymer materials
This range includes elastic plastic, vinyl, silicone strings... However, this does not mean that they are completely made of polymers. Not at all - the core of these products is made of metals, and on top they are covered with special substances. Such technologies can reduce the characteristic sounds from finger movements, fret wear, and improve the quality of the tuning. In addition, it becomes possible to make the strings colored. There are several factors to consider when choosing these strings:
- soldering to the core;
- core coating thickness;
- friction when fingers and strings touch.
The construction of the string is of no less importance for the musician - how exactly the polymer is applied (over the winding, go under it, directly onto the core).

Of silk thread
The technology of making the string with the addition of silk thread between the core and the winding makes the sound soft, and the playing is quiet.

Syntal strings have a bright sound like metal models and softness like nylon ones. They hold the pitch well and reduce fret wear. Syntalic strings are easy to stretch, perfectly hold the tone and can last up to several months.

Neon strings are made of metal and have a luminescent coating that provides a spectacular glow in the light of ultraviolet lamps. Do not confuse them with the phosphorescent effect, when the substance itself glows in the dark. Under normal lighting conditions, the product simply looks colored, such as orange or green. The coating is short-lived, especially quickly begins to crumble under the pick.

Popular brands
The strings are critical to how your guitar will sound.
Ernie ball
The brand offers a fairly wide range of calibers, not inferior in quality to most of the competitive products, and is distinguished by a rather high price. Line Slinky is in the highest demand, but the Coated line provides products with enhanced oxidation protection. Since 2019, the product line has been expanded by several positions - these are string sets for electric guitars, numbering up to a dozen calibers.

Products popular because of their long service life, reliability and polymer protection against corrosion and pollution. The brand is preferred by professional musicians - the high cost is justified by the long-term freshness of the sound. Series Nanoweb offers models with the highest protection against wear and oxidation, but at the same time has a pleasant tactile sensation when the fingertips interact with the string.

The kits of this brand are in the greatest demand among amateur guitarists and professional masters. The products are available for sale at any music store. The range offers different calibers and materials.
The most popular series is D'Addario - Nickel Wound (EXL).

This brand is better known for accompanying guitar accessories, however, the strings are presented to them in a decent assortment, quality, durability and sound. The product has its own audience of buyers.

Initially, the company produced accessories for other stringed instruments (violin, piano, etc.), but now the range has been diversified with guitar sets. The brand offers kits of any type - for classical, acoustic, electric guitars.The products are made of various materials and find their customers at all skill levels of the instrument.
The modern market offers strings from many world-class companies. The presented rating is the most popular top brands that enjoy high prestige in the musical environment. Music outlets, online stores contain in catalogs both Chinese products of a simpler and cheaper level, as well as the most expensive ones, which are in demand exclusively by professional musicians.

Which one is better to choose?
The choice of models is quite difficult, especially for a beginner, and is also individual. Much depends on the instrument and purpose, as the same string set sounds different on different guitars. Likewise, each guitarist has his own skill, vision, and sound requirements. Therefore, below are the most popular brands for certain instruments. For acoustic guitar:
- D'Addario Bronze;
- Elixir Phosphor Bronze;
- Ernie Ball Earthwood Bronze.
These are high-quality sonorous bronze strings with surround sound, richness and depth, in a variety of calibers.

For electric guitar - nickel, steel, and nickel-steel products:
- Elixir NanoWeb;
- D'Addario Nice Sound;
- Ernie Ball Heavy Bottom.
The range includes combination models with great surround sound.

The same strings are most suitable for bass guitar as for electro:
- Pirastro;
- D'Addario Nickel Bass;
- Elixir Nano Web Bass.

The above list includes a different price category, as well as quality, materials, manufacturing technology, and sound. All of these companies produce guitar strings for both beginners and professionals. Company catalogs contain a large selection of thicknesses, sizes, and diameters. You can buy one piece or a complete set, the sound embedded in them allows you to choose models for high and low overtones.
Each of the companies offers a wide assortment of strings for classical and folk guitar, baritone guitar, SELMER instrument, as well as ukulele and other stringed musical instruments.
The listed and other companies produce products with a wide range, where you can always find models with the required length, softness and rigidity. All characteristics are indicated on the packaging.

How to change correctly?
The replacement technique is quite simple, you just need to follow the order of the stages. First, the old, worn-out ones are removed from the neck, and for this you need:
- loosen the pegs as much as possible and free them from the strings, you should not use the method of the lazy and just cut them off - it will be almost impossible to pull new ones over the old ones later, as well as tune the instrument;
- then the narrow tip of a knife or other tool needs gently pick up the eye of the string and remove it from the standwhile being careful not to damage the case and varnish.

To install a set of new threads, you will have to go through the entire algorithm in reverse order.
- The thread is inserted into the stand, passed through the neck, and threaded into the hole of the peg.
- The same procedure is followed for all strings.
- After the strings are installed and secured in the tuning pegs, all that remains is to pull them and tune the guitar.
The sound is tuned by pulling the thread, and for this, the pegs are turned clockwise, achieving the desired tension and tonality. If you have no experience, then you can achieve the highest quality mood with the help of a guitar tuner.
In addition, there is an online tuner and many online tool programs - you need a good microphone to do this, otherwise the program will not be able to pick up the key.

How do you know which strings are on your guitar?
To understand and determine which strings are on the guitar, or rather, their numbers and designations, you need to know how they are counted. String numbers are counted from the thinnest string to the thickest string.That is, the thinnest is the first number, and so on, until the last, depending on how many strings are on the guitar.
For example, if the guitar is six-stringed, then the last number will be 6. The names of the strings are distributed in the same way: mi, si, sol, re, la, mi. The first and last strings are named the same. The international designation of notes used among guitarists in world practice is letter marking: E, B, D, D, A, E.

Care Tips
For a guitar to serve its owner "faithfully" and remain in perfect condition after many years, it must be carefully monitored and looked after. The threads must be kept clean - this is one of the main conditions, because every game is sebum, dust and dirt. After using the strings, wipe them with a special lint-free cloth.
Keeping the instrument clean is an important responsibility of a musician. Each time, after the game is over, it is necessary to wipe each thread with a special soft cloth, carefully removing moisture and other dirt. It is best to wash your hands and dry them well before starting the game, because moisture is the main enemy of metal strings. Oxide can be generated from the water, which will degrade the sound quality.

Dust and dirt aren't the only string contaminants. In the wound threads, particles of dead epidermis remain from the fingertips, gradually clogging the space between the turns... For cleaning are available special products presented in a fairly wide range - use them about once a week, subject to constant use of the guitar. If, however, an alcohol solution is used as a degreaser, it is important to ensure that drops do not fall on the lacquered surface of the deck.
Concerning lubricants, then this is a very good option for simultaneously grooming strings and fingers. Means are made on the basis of mineral oils. After applying the substance to the thread, it is covered with the thinnest protective film, protecting them and making it easier for fingers to slide.
In this case, you need to use aerosol products, protecting the wooden surface from lubricant.

Tone Gear - a special cleaning device will help you quickly and effortlessly clean all the threads at the same time... The invention is designed for all types of guitars and, with constant use, significantly prolongs the life of the strings. Experienced musicians advise beginners not to pull the strings or to loosen them often. Such techniques lead to deformation of the adhesion of the braid and the core, which negatively affects the timbre of the sound.
Strings not installed on the instrument should be stored in sealed packaging and in a dry place. Humidity has a bad effect not only on metal, but also on nylon and polymer threads. Taking good care of your guitar will help keep the instrument and its sound in perfect condition and enjoy the playing and beauty of its sound for years to come.