Guitar String Height

The height of the strings above the neck of the guitar is the most important parameter that determines the quality of the instrument and the comfort of playing it. On classical guitars, it is impossible to adjust the height of the strings without interfering with the constructive setting of the manufacturer. On electric guitars and some acoustic models, this option is provided initially at a musical instrument factory or by private craftsmen. This parameter has its own standards for each type of guitars.
Distance standards
When choosing a guitar, it is imperative not only to visually inspect the strings, the evenness of the neck, the condition of the saddles, bridge, tuning mechanism, the integrity and dimensions of the acoustic body, but also use a ruler to check the distances from the strings to the saddles.
The fact is that setting the strings too high will affect the ease of gripping the strings and the amount of force applied.... All these characteristics are directly proportional to the distance. The guitarist's fingers will quickly get tired of excessive stress when playing chords, performing many tricks and guitar effects.
The sound and speed of the game will also suffer: the former will lose its brightness and clarity of tone, and the dexterity of the fingers will decrease. These strings will need to be lowered.

However, too low position of the strings on the fretboard does not always please the guitarist... In this case, when vibrating, they can touch the sills, rattling or emitting a distorted sound.
Of course, there is no need to measure this parameter on every string and on all 18 or 22 frets. If the strings are installed of the same caliber, then the ratio of the thickness of all elements of the set to each other is strictly standardized by the manufacturers.
To make sure that the guitar strings are of normal height, it is usually sufficient to measure the 1st and 12th frets (their frets) for the first string and sixth.
Details on the optimal height of the strings above the neck of the guitar for specific varieties of this musical instrument are given below.
For acoustic
Acoustic guitars have metal strings (steel with bronze, silver or copper windings). They come in hard and soft tension, so the so-called optimal limit of vibration amplitude for strings of different tension.

From here, it is determined what the correct height should be for the strings on certain instruments for their high-quality sounding and comfortable playing without unnecessary pressing efforts.
The normal pitch of the first string should be within:
- over the XII nut: 1.5-2 mm;
- above the nut of the 1st fret: 0.3-0.4 mm.
The height of the sixth string at the same time should be:
- over the XII nut: 2.0-3.5 mm;
- above the nut of the 1st fret: 0.4-0.9 mm.
For measurements at the XII fret, it is convenient to use a metal measuring ruler, the counting of which starts from the end. It is placed with the end face directly on the 11 and 12 sills, which gives a more accurate measurement result.

And to control the strings on the first nut, it is better to make a flat probe, the thickness of which on one side will be equal to the value of the measured height of the first string, and on the other - the sixth.
You can use a special set of probes that are used to adjust the pitch of the strings of various musical instruments.
For electric guitar
The electric guitar is played on almost the same strings that are used for acoustic instruments.
But more often they still put sets with a silver winding, since it is more convenient to play with a pick - it glides better on such strings.
On electric guitars, the optimum string pitch is as follows:
- the first string above the nut of the last fret - 1.5-1.6 mm, above the first fret - 0.2-0.3 mm;
- the sixth above the last nut is 1.9-2.1 mm, above the first - 0.5-0.7 mm.

On bass guitar
The bass guitar is equipped with a rather thick set of strings, so their height above the neck exceeds the height for conventional electric guitars. For comparison, let's summarize the parameters recommended for the last fret of the bass and rhythm guitar in one table:

The data, of course, may differ depending on the models of musical instruments and the set of strings, but it is quite useful for novice musicians when choosing their first - educational - electronic or bass guitar.
On the classic
Classic guitars have nylon strings - steel ones cannot be placed on them, since the design of the tool does not withstand the tension force of the metal. The same goes for flamenco guitars. Although these two varieties look very similar, they are very different in the height of the strings above the neck.
The criteria for correct manufacturing in this parameter for them are the distances from strings No. 1 and No. 6 to the saddles above the XII fret.
These values are:
- classic model: 3.5-4.0 mm for the first string, 4.0-4.5 mm for the sixth;
- flamenco guitar: 2.1-2.5 mm and 2.5-3.0 mm for the first and sixth, respectively.
12 string guitar
This type of instrument should be guided by the main six strings.... Given the fact that "twelve-string" are mainly produced in semi-acoustic or electric versions, then the normal height of their strings can be considered the average between an acoustic guitar with metal strings and an electric guitar.... But in these models, the string gauge rarely goes beyond the average due to the high tensile force of 12 metal wires.

The numbers that are closest to ideal (at the last fret) are:
- 1st and 2nd double strings (both of the same thickness) - 1.9 mm;
- 3rd and 4th double - 2.0 mm;
- 5th and 6th double - 2.1 mm;
- 8th main - 2.2 mm;
- 10th main - 2.3 mm;
- 12th main - 2.4 mm.
Depending on the caliber number, the height may vary within +/- (0.2-0.4) mm.
Besides, the individual manner of play is also important... If the guitarist plays softly, does not overuse hard strikes on the strings, then the pitch is adjusted to the minimum value. Otherwise, it is necessary to raise the strings higher in order to prevent them from beating against the metal saddles.

Why might it change?
Even if the guitar did not have any flaws when it was purchased, it fully met the design standards of similar models, then over time, some deviations from the specified parameters are not excluded. There are various reasons explaining such troubles.
- Deformation of the body of the instrument, neck, saddle... All of these factors, both individually and collectively, can affect the pitch of the strings above the fretboard. The fact is that the saddle and saddle of the instruments are at the same height, so any change in the position of the neck, body or saddle necessarily leads to a violation of the correct positioning of the saddles on the body (lower) and neck (upper). The straight line between them in relation to the plane of the neck can be either at a large angle (the distance to the saddle will increase), or, conversely, decrease (the height of the strings will decrease). The nut is considered the top of the corner.
- Replacing strings with a smaller gauge number, especially a sharp transition, for example, from "17" to "10". The set of "ten" is much softer than the "seventeenth" and much thinner, so you shouldn't be surprised if the guitar rattles during sound production: both the tension force will weaken (the neck will "straighten a little"), and the swing of softer strings will increase.
- Changing the playing style to a more aggressive one... Hard hits with a pick cause a greater amplitude of vibration than soft finger picks.
- Sometimes, when changing a caliber from a thin number to a thicker one, the problem of a factory defect appears - uneven protrusion of metal saddles above the neck... A thick set requires a greater distance from the sills, and if there is not enough of it on some sills, then there may be no sound at all. Deepening the string slots on the saddle. With poor-quality material from which this part of the instrument was made, such a nuisance is quite possible. And also such a result happens with low-grade guitars that have poor tuning, which are tuned 10 times a day. You need to get rid of such a tool without pity, so as not to waste precious time and your nerves.
- Breaking the winding of thick strings... When they are clamped on the fret with an unwound place, they "sink" to an unacceptable height limit above all the saddles above the neck. As a result, there is a beating on the sills or even muffling of the sound.
- The tuning of the bridge on the electric guitar is disturbed... This happens often when playing the instrument actively, there is nothing wrong.

How to setup?
How to adjust the height of the strings above the fretboard depends on the instrument and manufacturer..
To adjust this parameter when changing the caliber of products, acoustic and electric guitars have a special device - an anchor inserted into the neck along its entire length. The task of a metal anchor, which is a long round or square post, to prevent the neck from bending under the influence of a significant force exerted on it by the strings when they are pulled.
The position of the neck can be adjusted by means of the anchor by turning the screw with a special hex wrench. The screw is located under the top deck in a special socket, and you can get to it through the resonator hole on the side of the neck. On some models of acoustic guitars, as well as on many electric guitars, the adjusting screws are located on the headstock. By turning the screw counterclockwise, a greater value for the height of the strings is achieved, and to decrease it, the screw is rotated clockwise.

However, you should first be sure of the reason for the non-compliance with the permissible standards.
The position of the screw and the degree of compression or flexion of the neck are set quite accurately at the musical instrument factory, therefore it is not recommended to change the factory setting without special reason.
And only in cases where the tool does not have other causes of the problems described above, it will be possible to try to correct the situation by adjusting the anchor screw... But you need to do this very carefully so as not to damage the neck or guitar as a whole. It happens that a malfunction is eliminated by turning the key just 1 degree in the right direction.
The unevenness of the protrusion of the sills is eliminated by manual grinding with an abrasive material (sandpaper, file).
If you have no experience in this matter, it is better to contact a musical instrument repair shop.
Saddle too high can also be sharpened with a suitable tool. To do this, you first need to remove all the strings, release the nut and grind off an extra millimeter or as much as it takes to lower the strings above the neck. When finished, return the strings to their place, tune the guitar in the desired mode and check the effect of the work done.
I saw through the slots for the strings on the nut when replacing it in case of excessive depth, the old one is done strictly according to the thickness of the strings. Cutting is done with needle files or files specially designed for this.

Deformed neck and other parts of the guitar needs to be changed to new ones.
So that the guitar lasts a long time and does not create problems, the guitarist should not only play, but also provide proper care and conditions for the instrument: air humidity and room temperature. The guitar should always be kept in a case.