How to express gratitude to relatives at a wedding?

A wedding celebration is the best time to thank the people who gave life to the bride and groom, participated in their upbringing, gave their attention, warmth and care. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life and pre-holiday chores, many often forget about this important moment, but it is never too late to correct the situation. The solemnly pronounced gratitude to the parents at the wedding will be appropriate both at the time of the ransom and during the feast. It is better to prepare it in advance, although a beautiful impromptu can be very useful.
What should the groom's acceptance speech sound like? What kind words from the bride for dad, grandparents can touch the soul and heart? Classic wedding tips are unlikely to be useful in this case. But the primordial traditions of the celebration, uniting loving hearts by marriage ties, can be useful. After all, it is from the depths of centuries that healthy speeches came to us, which can be addressed not only by guests, but also by the young themselves. A beautiful toast or a magnificent speech will be the best addition to the final part of the celebration, helping to express respect and gratitude to those who honored the event with their visit.

General writing tips
Not everyone has the talent of orators and sufficient eloquence to easily and quickly find the right words for a healthy speech in honor of parents or representatives of the older generation in the format of improvisation. In addition, in large families, you have to pay attention to all relatives so as not to offend anyone.For example, a small greeting can take many hours. How to make the address of the newlyweds to the guests succinct and concise?

There are a number of rules that are recommended to be followed.
- Clear regulations. It will be better if the process of communication between the newlyweds and guests during the wedding will be managed by an experienced toastmaster or witnesses who are ready to find the right words to move from verbal greetings to a feast.
- The right timing. If the speech is planned to be delivered on behalf of each of the newlyweds, it is imperative to distribute the appeal to different family members in time, otherwise the most important words will simply be lost among many others.
- Rejection of the poetic form. It is with the recitation of poetry that most people have difficulties at the most crucial moment.
- Help each other. If you plan to improvise, you should pay attention to the joint format of the appeal. In case of a hitch, the newlyweds will be able to support each other.
- Lack of template phrases in the text. Even if it comes to composing a dozen short messages, it is worth showing cordiality and remembering moments that are important and dear for a particular person.

How can you express gratitude to your parents?
Parents are people who have the right to count on the most attentive attitude to themselves on such an important day. But how to express gratitude correctly? First of all, don't be shy about your excitement or try to hide it. It is the sincere emotions of the newlyweds that will be most valuable for their mothers and fathers.
But it is better to refuse the idea of reading a prepared text "from the sheet".

Of course, if this is not the premiere of a healthy song or poetic work. It is also better to take care of their composition in advance and not copy other people's words, but find your own touching and important moments that I would like to mention at the wedding.
It is extremely important to find a reasonable balance in the choice of addressees for the appeal. A speech of gratitude from the young on the wedding day should sound both in honor of the groom's parents, and for the father and mother of the bride. It will be better if each of the newlyweds finds the opportunity to pay attention to the loved ones of the second half. For example, he will talk about how valuable acceptance by a new family is for him.

Appeal from the bride and groom
What will be the appeal of the bride to the man whom she has chosen to be her husband? First of all, it is worth remembering the brightest moments in life. You can touch upon the moment of acquaintance and the development of relationships, mention the qualities of the chosen one, which are valued most highly. You can give the young spouse the symbolic attributes of the head of the family - a crown, a scepter, or the keys to the heart of a beloved.
Important words from the groom in the direction of his soul mate should also sound.

Indeed, it is on the wedding day that the young wife so wants to feel his love, support and attention. You can make such an important speech both at the beginning of a feast, in front of all other toasts, and in the midst of wedding festivities. Sincere and warm words can include vows, promises - they will sound more touching if they are the result of improvisation, and not homework. But there are also exceptions. At a youth wedding party, such a kind of declaration of love may well be clothed in the form of a stand-up performance.
What to tell dad from daughter and son?
The father of the bride or groom is the same person who instructs, protects, protects from troubles throughout his life. A strong male shoulder, the head of the family, and soon, perhaps, a loving grandfather is worthy of both poetic and song congratulations. If the celebration hall has a stage and a microphone, and the newlywed has vocal talents, you can arrange a mini-performance in honor of her father. In addition, the bride can thank the closest and dearest man in her life by performing a joint dance with him - at the beginning, a speech of thanks will be especially appropriate.

Mother-in-law and mother-in-law will not be ignored
What do their new relatives expect from their son-in-law and daughter-in-law? First of all - a benevolent attitude and respect. Even if there was a certain tension between the new relatives before the day of the wedding, it was the young ones who were able to melt this ice and take the first steps towards gaining mutual understanding. It is better to leave dry definitions of mother-in-law or mother-in-law for anecdotes. For mothers, the day when their children unite their destinies is as important and dear as for the newlyweds themselves.
When addressing the male part of a new large family, you also need to speak from the heart., apply with understandable wishes, without quotations and ornate lengthy speeches. Addressing by name and patronymic will be quite appropriate and will avoid unnecessary awkwardness.

Appeals to grandparents
How to thank older relatives on your wedding day? In the traditions of many nationalities, there is a respectful attitude towards the oldest members of the family. But even at a completely social event, the presence of grandparents is an important component of creating an atmosphere of family warmth and comfort. So why not dedicate a separate part of the celebration to them? In addition to the solemn speech, pre-rehearsed dances or song numbers performed in honor of the most respected members of the clan by several generations of the family will be appropriate here.
If you are planning to make a healthy toast in honor of grandparents, you should pay attention to them at the beginning of the holiday. Perhaps the best choice would be to honor the bride's elder relatives. If age or health conditions do not allow older people to enjoy general fun for a long time, then this factor should be taken into account.
Not only confessions of the most sincere feelings will be appropriate, but also hugs or kisses.

A touching speech from a granddaughter or grandson is the best recognition of merit for people who have devoted their time and energy to their upbringing. If the grandmother and grandfather are quite young and cheerful people, you can provide a response speech or arrange a joint dance. In any case, it is worth informing all participants that such a moment will be at the wedding. Otherwise, excitement and strong emotions can become a reason for excessive worries.
How can you thank other family members?
Words of gratitude are an important component of a family wedding celebration, allowing you to unite, make people closer to each other, and introduce new relatives to each other. But in the course of congratulations, do not forget that any words must come from the heart. For friends and acquaintances, you can simply prepare special cards with wishes and pleasant words.

It is better to thank relatives personally. Knowing the composition of the guests, the best man or toastmaster can include speeches in their honor in the general outline of the script. It is not worth delaying - it is better to transfer all healthy toasts to the first part of the event, making its second half much more informal and fun. The order of thanksgiving speeches in this case will be as follows:
- in honor of parents;
- words addressed to grandparents;
- to the godfathers;
- mentioning a sister, brother, other close relatives.
If you want to distinguish one of the guests in an original way or pay attention to each of the relatives, but at the same time do not turn the wedding into a boring event, you can clothe words of gratitude in the format of riddles and invite the guests to solve them together. Such an appeal will not become a reason for embarrassment and will allow you to add a pleasant variety to the course of the celebration.

Speech examples
Finding examples of ready-made speech is not that difficult. In most cases, the appeal follows the same pattern.
- Name-listing or designation of family ties (mom and dad, grandmother and grandfather).
- Words of gratitude - from each of the couple individually or jointly.
- A promise to cherish and value family happiness, honor family ties in the future.
- Wishes health and well-being to the people to whom the speech is addressed.
As a rule, the first words of gratitude are addressed to the bride's parents in her house during the ransom.

It is customary here to thank for the hospitality and make declarations of love for the closest people. At the most solemn feast, you can simply schedule a series of toasts on behalf of the bride and groom. Here, each of the newlyweds will be able to pay attention to their relatives, and the alternation of appeals allows you to provide an opportunity for relaxation and rejuvenation between contests, fun dances and hearty food.
In verse or prose?
The optimal duration of a thank you speech is no more than 4-5 minutes. This is exactly how much it takes to keep the audience's attention and not let it get bored. The poetic form is shorter, but it can be quite difficult to find a really interesting and original expression of emotions. A prosaic appeal, even prepared according to a template, will definitely be the right choice and will make it much easier to find correct and non-trivial words for loved ones, relatives and loved ones.
By paying attention to individual appeal to parents or other relatives, the newlyweds not only demonstrate loyalty to traditions, but also make this important holiday a common and truly family holiday.

Of course, the most important words here should be intended for parents and sound from the heart. But the more attention is paid to the rest of the guests, the more pleasant the memories of the past celebrations will be.
Beautiful words of gratitude to relatives at the wedding in the video below.