Gerbera wedding bouquet is the perfect complement to the bride's look
It is impossible to imagine the image of a bride without a bouquet. This detail is very important and significant. The choice of flowers is now huge; the modern bride has unlimited possibilities to create a unique flower arrangement. Among this variety, gerberas stand out favorably. Similar in shape to a huge chamomile, with neat petals, an expressive center and a large abundance of color options, these flowers are conquering more and more women's hearts.
Features and Benefits
It would seem how such a simple flower can compete with more expensive, classic and rare specimens? The secret of such popularity is partly hidden in the advantages and features that characterize the wedding bouquet of gerberas.
- No matter when the wedding is taking place, these flowers can be purchased any time of the year.
- High durability and ability to maintain its original appearance for a long time (up to several weeks). You can buy a bouquet for a wedding in advance, while the flowers will look like freshly cut flowers.
- Affordable cost allows you to order a gorgeous composition and at the same time save some part of the budget.
- The easy process of creating bouquets allows you to save on the services of a florist. Any girl can easily create a composition for a wedding look on her own.

- A wide range of colors and shades allows you to choose the perfect color combination.
- Excellent compatibility with other colors allows you not to be limited only to mono bouquets.
- Decorative elements must be selected carefully, since not all of them will "get along" next to such expressive colors.
- Gerberas do not need a bouquet holder, which makes the composition easier.

- A wide range of bouquet shapes.
- Gerbera has no age restrictions; it suits brides of any age equally well.
- Odorlessness is an important condition for allergy sufferers. Moreover, any smell, even a pleasant and beloved one, can get bored over a long period of time and even cause you to feel unwell. This will not happen with gerberas.

Creation rules
Gerbera bouquets should be made according to certain rules, which are used by all florists.
- The composition can contain no more than three varieties of flowers.
- The brightest and largest elements are located in the central part.
- The shades for the bouquet are selected in accordance with the image of the bride and the general style of the celebration.
- Ornamental greenery can be used together with gerberas, but large, expressive and bright artificial decorations should be discarded, since the bouquet can turn out to be awkward and tasteless.
- As for the shape, several options are acceptable: round, spherical and cascade. In other forms, these round large flowers will look awkward.
- Pomander - a spherical bouquet without a leg, which is fixed on a ribbon, is a modern solution. African daisies are great for such compositions.

Selection rules
Every detail is important when creating a bride's look. Not a single nuance should be overlooked. In order for the bouquet to blend perfectly with her image, you must adhere to the following rules:
- tall girls should pay attention to cascading bouquets;
- for brides with short stature, it is better to choose round compositions;
- for fair-haired brides, pastel flowers and delicate combinations are well suited;
- brunettes can choose white and bright flowers;
- Brown-haired and red-haired girls need to take into account their color type and select the appropriate flowers (cold color type - cool range of shades).

The bouquet must be in harmony with the dress. There are also several secrets and rules here.
- The closed form of the dress with a strict cut allows you to create a bouquet of colorful flowers. They can be complemented by other flowers and plants.
- The boho style seems to have been created for a bouquet of African daisies. They are best able to highlight ethnic motives.
- A country style wedding allows you to choose a combination of chrysanthemums and gerberas.
- A lace dress requires a choice of white colors. In this case, the fragility of the image and the innocence of the bride will be emphasized.
- African chamomile looks good in an image created on the basis of straight lines that are present in both the dress and the hairstyle.

Combination options with other colors
With gerberas, you can create different compositions: simple and classic, modest and elegant, large and small, unusual and extravagant. We have selected the most successful examples that can inspire and help solve the problem of choice.

Mono-bouquets, which consist only of gerberas, look laconic. The stems are tied with a ribbon, which can be in harmony with the dress or act as a bright, contrasting element. You can stay on one shade or make a bouquet in the ombre style. For the latter option, several close shades of different saturation are selected.

Gerberas go well with roses. There are a lot of options here. Bright natures can choose bouquets of white gerberas complemented by red roses. For more delicate and sensual brides, combinations of different colors, but in the same shade, are more suitable. Unusual varieties are obtained from purple African daisies and white roses.

Can be added to bouquets of chrysanthemums. These two flowers are similar in shape but differ in size. Such bouquets are lush, look rich and are a real decoration for the bride.White chrysanthemums and pink gerberas work well under a white dress. For brighter images, you can choose chamomile in orange, red, yellow shades for white chrysanthemums. Green flowers in white bouquets look interesting.

Hemispherical variants look interesting and even somewhat unusual. To create them, white flowers are selected, which are complemented by one bright and large gerbera.
Lily is another flower that looks gorgeous next to large daisies. Lilies have a delicate aroma, this nuance should be taken into account when choosing a bouquet. Dark gerberas and light lilies can be ordered under a white dress. An interesting combination is obtained from large fuchsia daisies and pink lilies with a white edge. Orange and red large round flowers can be combined with lilies in orange or tiger colors.

Alstroemeria are African flowers that are becoming very popular, in particular, for creating bridal bouquets. They look very gentle and sophisticated. Pastel alstroemeria are combined with different gerberas; you can choose both light and bright flowers. There can be a lot of options, and each of them will be unique and interesting in its own way.

You need to be careful with the choice of decor. It is important not to overload the composition. For this, the following tips are suitable:
- fresh greens are always relevant;
- rhinestones, beads are often located on a leg or petals, in the latter case, they create an imitation of dew;
- berries are relevant in a bouquet that is created for an autumn wedding;
- branches of coniferous trees can be added to winter bouquets;

- for a composition for a spring wedding, you can use willow twigs as a decor;
- for the leg, you need to choose natural fabrics, so the flowers will breathe freely and stay fresh longer;
- artificial butterflies, doves, hearts can also participate in the process of creating a bouquet, but here it is important to observe a sense of proportion (one figure will be quite enough);
- the leg can be decorated with beads, shiny elements, lace, unusual fabrics.

We do it ourselves
Making a bouquet yourself is not a problem, even if you have no floristic experience. It is necessary to act as follows.
- We prepare in advance the necessary elements for future work: flowers, special feeding, decor, wire used by florists, frame, ribbon.
- Cut the stems of all flowers at an acute angle and place them in water with diluted dressing.
- African daisies have a heavy head, which requires the use of a frame. In this case, the flowers will not wilt and will look fresh until the end of the wedding.
- We collect the nourished flowers into a single composition. In the central part we have the largest and brightest flower. We place other flowers around it, focusing on our taste and combination of shades.
- Add greenery and decor to the flowers.
- We fix the stems of the plants with a wire.
- We wrap the leg of the bouquet with a ribbon and add decor, if necessary.
For information on how to make a bouquet of gerberas with your own hands, see the next video.