Bridal bouquet of artificial flowers: pros and cons of the composition, options for its creation

Many people buy an artificial bouquet for a wedding. Someone just likes such decorations more, and someone uses them as a substitute for the main bouquet. After all, fresh flowers wither rather quickly or simply turn out to be heavy for the girl's hands. An affordable and beautiful accessory made of artificial flowers can be bought in wedding salons, or you can do it yourself.
Pros and cons of "lifeless" composition
Some of the couples are afraid to buy a bridal bouquet made of artificial flowers for a wedding, believing that this is a bad omen. However, most believe that this is just prejudice.

This accessory has quite a few advantages.
- Such beauty will look very good, that is, it will not fade over the wedding day. He will be able to endure both heat and frost. In addition, for many years such an accessory will remind a girl of the best day in her life.
- Artificial flowers can be chosen in different shapes and colors. In addition, do not worry that your favorite plants do not grow at this time - artificial decorations can be made with your own hands at any time of the year.
- In addition, such a bouquet is perfect for a couple who have an allergy sufferer.

However, such an accessory also has disadvantages.
- Not all bouquets are made from fabric or paper. Today you can find compositions made from ribbons, beads and even shells. Of course, such bouquets will be quite original. However, leaving them at the end of the wedding for the girls will not work. Indeed, in the end, he will either fly to pieces, or injure someone from the wedding participants.
- In addition, the quality of artificial flowers is of great importance in such a bouquet. After all, a cheap bouquet will be completely inappropriate. And you don't always want to spend your wedding budget on something more expensive. Therefore, in some cases, it is better to buy fresh flowers.

Types of materials
Now you can do flowers from various materials.
- The most popular options are satin, ribbons, guipure, silk, cotton and other similar materials.
- Different types of paper. This also applies to shades and textures. For example, quite beautiful bouquets are made from matte or corrugated paper.
- Recently, crocheted flowers have become very popular, which are most often used for winter weddings.
- And even original artificial feathers can decorate the flower base.
- Sweet bouquets made from sweets are popular.
- You can even purchase a bouquet made of polymer clay or felt.
- In addition, different jewelry, buttons or beads are used for decoration.
- For a nautical wedding, shell bouquets are suitable.

Color combinations
To make the bouquet unusual and beautiful, you can combine different materials in it. However, you should not be zealous when drawing up a wedding bouquet. For example, you can combine artificial roses with a lot of stones or rhinestones.
Besides, the color combination is very important. For example, you can make a white-pink bouquet that will show how feminine and tender the bride is. It will also show her purity and sincerity.
For bright personalities, a raspberry or red bouquet is perfect. It can be supplemented with some decorative elements, for example, small beads or rhinestones. The combination of red and white colors looks beautiful.
Bouquets with blue flowers will look pretty nice. They can be composed of wildflowers or chrysanthemums. The delicate blue bouquet will attract attention with its freshness, and if you add white flowers to the composition, it will immediately become light and airy.

And there are a lot of such ideas. That is why almost every girl can compose a composition to her liking.
Design options
There are several options for making bouquets. All these ideas are actively used by florists.
For example, if a girl has chosen a dress with a train, then she should pay attention to the cascading bouquet. It will help not only complement the image, but also balance it. To create such a bouquet, you can use artificial roses or tulips, orchids are also suitable.

A small bunch of artificial lilies of the valley will suit almost any wedding. It will be combined with any dress option, as well as with different accessories.
For a classic style, a bouquet made of artificial roses is suitable. It will be in perfect harmony with a dress of simple cut. In addition, such a bouquet will emphasize the beauty of the girl.
Don't forget about colorful bouquets. This option is suitable for those brides who want to create a luxurious wedding and do not know what to opt for.

Creation techniques
Artificial bouquets can be made by hand. Not only will this significantly reduce costs, but it will also provide a tremendous scope for experimentation.
From ribbons
To create such a bouquet, you will need the following materials:
- portbouquet holder;
- a semicircle made of foam;
- light-colored lace;
- guipure tape;
- the braid is also of a light tone;
- a ribbon made of rhinestones;
- satin ribbons of different colors;
- glue;
- needle;
- a thread.

Preparation method:
- first you need to get everything out of the bouquets and cut it out so that only the ribs remain;
- then smear a semicircle with glue in the very center and pierce it with ribs;
- after that, the leg must be wrapped with a satin ribbon;
- a circle must be cut out of lace, which will be slightly larger than a semicircle made of polystyrene, a hole must be made in it, into which the leg must pass;
- it must be threaded into it and all the parts are glued to the foam, while bending them in the opposite direction;
- after that, the leg must also be wrapped with a tape made of guipure;
- then you need to take a light braid and decorate a semicircle with it, fixing it around the leg with glue;
- the edge of the leg must be greased with glue and a ribbon of rhinestones wrapped around it;
- meanwhile, from multi-colored satin ribbons, it is necessary to make small flowers and glue them over a semicircle.

The bouquet for a beautiful bride is ready.
Kanzashi style
For those brides who want to add some flavor when creating their image, you can make a bouquet in this style. That is, collect it from ribbons and various decorations. It can be ordered in specialty stores, or you can make it right at home.

This technique appeared in Japan. It was used to create flowers that secured hair. And only a few years ago, according to this principle, they began to create bouquets for brides. After all, in the end they look very gentle and harmonious.
First you need to make a base for the bouquet. To do this, you can use hardened polyurethane foam, or simply crumple the newspapers in a circle and wrap them with strong threads, pre-coated with glue.

In order to be able to attach the handle to the base, it is necessary to cut off a small layer of the finished ball with a knife. In its middle, you need to make a hole of 3-5 centimeters. The handle itself can be made from sushi sticks.
They must be placed in the center of the ball, which must first be coated with glue. After the glue has dried, the sticks need to be very tightly wrapped with rope. From above, you need to wrap everything with a rather wide satin tape, while gluing it to the base. The edge of the ribbon can be attached with a beautiful large brooch or bead.

After that, you can start making flowers. To do this, you need to take two types of tapes, which should be of different widths. One should be 60 millimeters in size, the other 20 millimeters. You will also need beads or rhinestones, brooches and linen fabric.

Next, you need to determine how many flowers the bouquet will consist of. Then draw the same number of circles. After that, they need to be carefully cut and rolled into a conical tube. Then each workpiece needs to be stitched.
Next, you need to take a tape, which is narrower, and bending the edge, attach it to the rolled tube so that it does not reach the edge of the workpiece, and sew along the contour. Then you can start forming the petals. They must be applied at right angles and immediately must be sewn on to each. When the first 4 petals are ready, the rest must be sewn at any angle. This must be done to the very edge of the cone, and the end of the tape must be sewn to the workpiece from the wrong side.

In order for the bouquet to be fuller and more beautiful, it must be made from different types of flowers. If the first version of the blank turned out to be in the form of a bud, then the second version should be an open rose or peony.

To make it, you need to take a tape that will be wider, and then fold it twice, while making a bend up to 4 millimeters. The base must be attached with a pin. After that, you need to take the part of the tape that is bent and start folding the bud at any angle. Then the tape is again taken and rolled up to the end at an angle of 30 degrees. At the end of the work, the entire flower must be stitched from the wrong side.
When all the flowers are ready, you can start assembling the bouquet itself. To do this, you need pins with beads at the end. They need to attach each bud to the base. This should be done so that it turns out beautiful and uniform. After that, it can be additionally decorated with beads, beads or other decorative elements.

Beautiful examples
Artificial flower bridal bouquets are quite varied. If you look at them, then you may not notice the differences from the real ones.After all, modern technologies make it possible to make them practically "alive".
A bouquet made of satin ribbons will look very beautiful and modern. The combination of different colors allows such a bouquet to be used for weddings in different styles. In addition, such a bouquet will be light, which is very important for the bride. Each flower is decorated with beads of different sizes, which are combined with each other.

You can take ready-made artificial roses. For example, cream and pink flowers look quite harmonious. You can dilute them with twigs of small white flowers. Such a bouquet will only emphasize the tenderness and beauty of the bride.

Having considered all the examples, we can conclude: an artificial bouquet will perfectly replace the real one if necessary and will perfectly complement the bride's outfit. Don't believe in prejudice; choose what you like, not what others advise.
For information on how to make a cascading wedding bouquet, see the next video.