How to choose and make a wedding bouquet of sweets?

It is pleasant for any person to receive a bouquet and a box of chocolates as a gift. A bouquet of sweets will cause not just joy, but surprise and sincere admiration, especially if it is presented on the wedding day. After reading this article, you can choose a worthy bouquet for a wedding celebration and learn how to make a sweet bouquet with your own hands as a gift for a bride for a wedding.

Types of candy compositions
The art of making bouquets from sweets is sweet design, one of the most famous areas of floristry. The types of sweet compositions are not much different from compositions from fresh flowers.

The brave and non-standard solutions:
- contrasting colors;
- bright juicy shades;
- decorative inserts from ribbons, artificial fruits, beads, butterflies, dragonflies;
- cones, nuts, Christmas tree decorations, cinnamon sticks, anise stars, tangerines are attached to winter bouquets;
- for a wedding celebration, plaster figures of doves, angels are placed in the composition;
- they use finishing materials of different texture: felt, floristic organza, lace.

The bouquets turn out to be colorful, each detail looks interesting in its own way, but does not stand out from the overall composition. The basis for this type of work can be a portaulette, a wicker basket, a hat box, a glass, a vase.
These are voluminous and lush compositions. Contrast and variety of shades are rarely used. Works in one color scheme look very gentle. Flowers are arranged tightly to each other. The bouquet looks like a big fluffy hat. No decorative elements are used. The composition should look natural. All beauty is in volume and light negligence, created by the hands of a master. Such a bouquet is a great gift for any occasion.To create a composition, a basket, a hat box, or a bouquette holder are suitable.

The bouquets are decorated with natural materials. Use:
- driftwood and twigs;
- bark of trees;
- moss;
- dried fruits;

- dried flowers;
- nuts;
- shells and stones;
- seeds.

The compositions look very unusual. If you are going to a celebration in a rustic or eco-style, choosing such a bouquet is the right decision. Compositions are made on massive glasses or homemade foam bases, decorated with a suitable material.
In this type of composition, plants of a strictly defined length are used, which are placed both horizontally and vertically at a certain slope. There are works in the shape of a crescent, an asymmetric triangle, bouquets in the shape of the letter S. The basis for such compositions is low wicker baskets, bread bins, decorative plates, vases. Often, girls order a cascading bouquet for a wedding, which always favorably emphasizes the beauty of a wedding dress. A handmade cascading bouquet for the bride is formed on a bouquette holder.

In shape, candy compositions and bouquets are:
- round;
- triangular;
- square;
- conical;
- symmetrical and asymmetrical;
- one-sided, where the front and back parts are distinguished.

Decorative compositions can be of any shape. There are sweet bouquets in the form of hearts, balloons, ships, houses, butterflies, animals, musical instruments. Having decided on the type of bouquet, you can make a purchase.

Do not rush to buy a gift on the Internet. You can order work from a well-known suite designer, but there is no guarantee that the post office or courier service will deliver your order in the proper form: candy compositions are a very fragile thing. You can buy a sweet bouquet in your city. Take a look at pastry shops, handmade gift studios, and florists.

Choosing a bouquet, you will be able to appreciate the beauty and quality of the gift. Be sure to ask about the expiration date of the candy. If possible, ask to see the certificate for the candy. Check how securely the details are in the composition. If the bouquet falls apart in the hands of the bride, it will be very unpleasant.
Required tools
You can make a wedding bouquet of sweets for the bride yourself. It is enough to stock up on patience, the necessary materials and tools. You will need:
- scissors;
- ruler;
- ripper;
- thermal gun and rods for it 15-20 pcs.;
- skewers and toothpicks;
- floristic wire;
- stationery knife;
- awl;
- pliers, with which it is convenient to insert flowers on toothpicks into the composition.
And also you will need materials for work.
- Corrugated paper made in Italy with a density of 180 grams. You can buy it in shops for creativity and handicrafts, at florist stores and in flower shops. Don't confuse crepe paper with crepe, which is found in every stationery store. It is not suitable for a suite design.

- Penoplex. A material very similar to polystyrene, but more comfortable to work with. From it, the basis for the composition is created, where skewers with sweets will be inserted. Sold in hardware stores. It is better not to use regular foam.

- Polyurethane foam. This is the best base for bouquets. You can create a product of any height and width from it. Easy to cut. Squeeze the foam onto the newspaper and let it cure well. The material is ready to go.

- Floristic organza. Differs in greater rigidity than usual. It is used to create funnels that fill the space between flowers, and to decorate the base of compositions.

- Satin ribbons. They are inserted into bouquets, with their help, you can drape the leg of the bouquets.
- Decor: beads and half beads, artificial greenery, decorative figurines.

- Candies. For a bouquet of sweets for a wedding, it is better to take Rafaello sweets. They do not melt in hot weather and are not afraid of the cold.They are very convenient for work: it is difficult to crush them in the hands, which sometimes happens with inexperienced needlewomen.

How to make a bouquet with your own hands?
An excellent gift for newlyweds - a composition in the form of a heart of roses. Even a beginner will perfectly cope with this version of the bouquet. You can make one half of the heart red and the other white. If the wedding is themed: lavender, lilac, pink, use the appropriate colors. The universal range - white, peach, soft cream, tea color is suitable for a bride's bouquet.

Pick the paper you want and get started.
Step 1. We make a pattern: cut out a heart of the required size from the newspaper.

Step 2. Create a wireframe:
- take penoplex no more than 5 cm thick;
- attach a pattern to it and circle it with a felt-tip pen;
- cut out a heart with a clerical knife along the contour.

Step 3. We decorate the base with corrugated paper.

Before working, cut a small piece and stretch it with your fingers. The paper stretches easily horizontally.
The tick marks on the paper will help you determine the desired height for the parts.
- Lay the frame on a roll and cut out the heart 4-5 cm larger than the penoplex itself.
- Use a heat gun to glue the paper onto the base. Glue from the middle to the edges, stretching the paper.
- Step back 1 cm around the edges and cut off the excess paper. Carefully wrap the edges and glue to the base.
- We also paste over the back of the heart, connecting the joints.

Step 4. We drape the sides:
- cut a strip with a height of 1.5-2 divisions, and the length of the paper should completely cover the sides of the heart;
- glue paper tape around the edge of the work;
- gently stretch the top edge with your fingers, creating a beautiful wave;
- the base is ready.

Step 5. Making petals:
- cut a strip of corrugated paper with a height of 1.5 divisions;
- cut into rectangles 5.5-7 cm wide - these are the petals;
- we round off the top of each workpiece, and make the base narrow - the petal should resemble a drop;
- for one rose you need 7-8 petals;
- make the middle of the rose - cut a strip with a height of 1.5 divisions into rectangles about 10 cm wide;
- leave the base wide, trim the corners, and round the top;
- we take a skewer and use it to straighten and bend the flower petals towards the top;
- note that the paper has a front side and a back side, the outer part of the petal is the front side;
- stretch the petals so that they have an arched shape, we twist the edges;
- we form the middle - we stretch the central part of the petal, but not to the very edges, creating a bed for the candy, the finished centers resemble small barrels.

Step 6. We collect the rose, for which you need to perform several actions.
- Prepare toothpicks. If the base of the composition is less than 5 cm, they need to be shortened by cutting off a little from one end. The blunt end of a toothpick is attached to the flower itself.
- Take the candy, wrap it tightly in the middle, placing a toothpick inside. Place a drop of hot glue on the spot where the toothpick touches the base of the flower, being careful not to hit the candy, and wrap the paper tightly around the toothpick. The middle of the rose is ready. The candy should not fall out and should not be curled very tightly.
- We glue the first three petals to the rose, so that they overlap each other slightly. We drip glue onto the base of each petal and press firmly against the flower.
- Glue the next petals in a circle on top of the previous row, pinching at the base. This will make the rose look more natural.

Step 7. Sepals:
- cut out sepals from green paper, for this we use a strip of paper 1 division high and 15-20 cm long, 3 sepals will come out of this segment;
- we retreat from the wide edge of the paper 1.5-2 cm and, on the other hand, cut sharp teeth with a ripper or nail scissors;
- using a skewer, smooth it out, and then twist the ends;
- we apply glue, and glue the sepals to the bottom of the flower and a toothpick, press and twist, and cut off the extra cloves.

The rose is ready.
Step 8. Making the rest of the roses:
- count how many flowers you need to fill the heart;
- make the rest of the roses according to the pattern, while the composition should have an odd number of flowers;
- flowers should not be attached tightly to each other, the gaps are filled with funnels made of organza matching the color.

Step 9. Funtiki:
- cut the organza into 8x8 cm squares;
- fold the square diagonally so that the ends lie obliquely;
- fold the resulting triangle again in the same way;
- drop a drop of glue in the middle, and glue the organza to the toothpick.

Funtik is ready.
Step 10. Putting the composition together:
- distribute the roses evenly over the base, starting from a sharp corner;
- using pliers, gently stick the toothpicks into the penoplex, you can make holes for the roses with an awl;
- fix the flowers firmly in place with hot glue;
- fill in the gaps with pounds;
- the wedding bouquet is ready.

Original examples
Ideas for original candy compositions are very different:
- a miniature rotunda with figures of the bride and groom;
- wedding carriage;
- sailing vessel;
- balloon;

- wedding rings in a flower basket;
- tiered cake;
- a pair of gentle swans;
- cornucopia;

- bride's wedding umbrella;
- handbag;
- bouquet bracelet;
- glamelia made from sweets;

- fantastic bird of happiness;
- compositions with bottles of champagne, decorated for the bride and groom;
- bouquets on glasses;
- compositions with candlesticks.

Having learned how to make roses according to this master class, you will be able to master any composition over time and please your friends with the delightful art of suite design.
For information on how to make a wedding bouquet of sweets with your own hands, see the following video.