Wedding bridal bouquet of daisies: drawing ideas and design subtleties

It would seem that luxurious garden flowers, which often form the basis of wedding bouquets, have no competitors. However, there are many girls who prefer modest daisies, especially since today it meets fashion trends. A bouquet of these cheerful and unpretentious flowers will be a gentle and romantic addition to the bride's look.

Flower symbolism
Chamomile has long been associated with naivety, modesty and simplicity. With her appearance, she hints at the innocence of the bride's soul, her youthful carelessness, speaks of the sincerity of feelings for the chosen one. Chamomile is believed to attract good luck.helping to make the right choice when it comes to marriage. No wonder they are guessing on this flower: loves - does not love.

Flower features
The flowering period of daisies lasts all summer until September. However, at other times of the year they can be purchased at the flower shop. Once cut, this flower stays fresh in water for about two weeks.
Knowledgeable people go to the trick by adding sugar to the liquid. In this way, they extend the life of the flower up to a month.

Using daisies to create a wedding bouquet has certain benefits:
- this flower is always available;
- a bouquet of such plants will be original;
- chamomile goes well with a wide variety of other flowers.

For the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting that this flower, which appeared not in the summer, can quickly crumble if it was grown with a deviation from the rules.
Which variety should you choose?
Floristic specialists identify about fifteen types of chamomile, which opens up a lot of scope for creativity.Compositions are made with both large and small flowers.

The petals in different species are almost round, and long, and wide, as well as with pointed and rounded edges, but always white. The thickness and height of the stem can also vary. Such a diverse texture allows you to harmoniously combine chamomile with completely different plants. As a result, the appearance of the bouquets is unique.

Combination with other colors
- A composition of cornflowers and daisies will look somewhat naive, but at the same time quite bright. Against the background of a white dress, this decoration will be very effective, especially if small flowers are used in the composition, and the bouquet itself will be of a modest size.

- An excellent combination would be a composition of chamomiles and sunflowers. The bride will be holding a bright, optimistic bouquet that will fit well into the theme of a country wedding.

- A bouquet of daisies and expensive garden flowers will help bring the wedding feminine image closer to the classic one. From roses and field white and yellow beauties, you will get a wonderful composition that can decorate a bride of any age. To create a composition, you can use milky, yellow, tea or red roses.

- For a classic wedding, you can make a bouquet with peonies. Orange, yellow, pink will do. White ones require additional design techniques so that different types of flowers do not merge into a solid mass.

- A great option is to combine gerberas and chamomile in a flower arrangement. The shapes of these flowers are very similar, which in itself creates harmony. When using brightly colored gerberas, you can get an elegant, cheerful bouquet.

- A modest lilac or blue eustoma will help to dilute the optimistic naivety of daisies in a wedding bouquet.
It is better to choose small auxiliary flowers that will not interrupt the basis of the composition with their appearance.

- Chrysanthemums can be added to the company. Garden daisies are larger in size than field daisies. Therefore, they will perfectly coexist in one composition, complementing each other.

How to decorate a bouquet?
Decorating a bouquet for a wedding of daisies should correspond to the nature of the flower. In addition to blotches from other flowers such as forget-me-nots or bells, you can use satin ribbons, grass, ears, leaves and twigs with berries for decoration.

When it comes to a rich floral arrangement that uses roses, pins, topped with rhinestones and other shiny decorations, are often placed in the yellow center of the daisies. Decorations in the form of fabric butterflies can be inserted into a summer composition, and the bouquet itself can be decorated with a white lace drapery.

For a rustic wedding, a twine decor on the handle of a bouquet is suitable.
Also, the composition can be placed in organza, burlap or corrugated paper, although sometimes it is easier to do without a wrapper altogether.

The practical side of the issue should not be overlooked. It should be borne in mind that the bride will have to hold such a piece of jewelry for a long time. Therefore, decorative elements should not greatly increase its mass.

When composing a bouquet of daisies and stricter, noble flowers such as roses, you need to try to tightly combine the flowers into a composition that has a strictly marked shape, for example, round. For a chamomile bouquet using other field plants, you can leave the possibility of artistic disorder, when the needle or holly tops of the herbs that complement the composition go beyond the "main form".

Making a bouquet
To independently compose a composition of daisies for a wedding celebration, you need to choose flowers that have straight and even stems. Then you need to remove the leaves from the stems. You should also do with other plants that will enter into the future composition.

To create it, it is better to use the principle in which the flowers are connected crosswise. This will distribute them in a spiral.
The assembled bouquet in the area of the stems should be fastened with adhesive tape, and then decorate with a satin ribbon or lace, securing with special pins. Usually tapes of green, white or yellow colors are chosen.

The stems need to be cut evenly (you can obliquely) using a sharp knife. The finished bouquet remains to be placed in a cool room, in which there are no drafts.
It is better to make jewelry from natural flowers for the bride on the wedding day, so that it is guaranteed to retain an elegant and fresh look.

Dress and accessories
A chamomile bouquet will emphasize the charm of a young girl, and an older bride with such an accessory will look younger. The image of a bride with a bouquet of daisies will be romantic and delicate. With such a flower arrangement, a short dress, and a lush one, and sewn strictly according to the silhouette, can organically look. The outfit can be trimmed with lace or floral prints. Such a bouquet goes very well with a sundress or dress in a rural spirit, decorated with embroidery with traditional Russian ornaments.

The composition with daisies suggests that instead of the bride's usual veil, you can use a wreath, consisting of the same flowers that are involved in the bouquet. You can decorate your hair with chamomiles, for example, weave it into a girl's braid or insert several flowers into a more complex hairstyle.

A master class on creating a wedding bouquet from daisies is presented in the following video.