How to choose a white bouquet for a bride?

The main attribute at the wedding is the bridal bouquet, it complements her image and originally emphasizes the style of the dress. In order for the fragrant composition to be in harmony with the color and texture of the outfit, it is necessary to choose the right color scheme. Today there are many types of wedding bouquets, but white flowers deserve special attention. They look gorgeous at the celebration and indicate the tenderness of the girl walking down the aisle.

Color value
White bridal bouquets are found in the customs and culture of all countries of the world, since this color is considered the only symbol of innocence and feminine purity. Therefore, most girls, regardless of their religion and nationality, prefer to choose a snow-white composition for an outfit. The white tone is in perfect harmony with the traditional outfit of the girl, and ideally matches the colored dress.
So that such a bouquet is not lost against the main background of light decoration, it is often decorated with contrasting buds, bright beads and berries.

In addition, white is considered neutral and is associated with romance, truth and honor. Bouquets in this color palette indicate sincerity, respect and pure feelings.
According to legends, if white flowers are present in the wedding composition, then they promise the young beauty a happy and long family life.

What kind of brides will it suit?
A wedding white bouquet is suitable for a celebration at any time of the year, it is especially a good choice for girls who have chosen a holiday scenario with a classic snow-white dress.Such a composition will beautifully emphasize the conservative style of the bride and set off pearl jewelry on her hair in a special way.
Despite the fact that delicate bouquets of white flowers for a wedding are perfectly combined with any style or style of dress, it is still best to choose them for the most fragile and young maidens.
Light shades will favorably emphasize their modesty, innocence and vulnerability. For more "mature" brides, it is recommended to use bouquets with colorful and bright decoration.

In addition, it was noticed that white shades are especially preferred by girls who are characterized by inner calmness and poise. As for the external data of the bride, they do not play any role. Snow-white compositions are perfect for both blondes, brunettes, and plump or thin ladies. The main thing is that the decor of the bouquet goes well with the accessories and the dress.

Choice of colors
When composing the design of a wedding bouquet, first of all, you need to pay attention to what flowers it will consist of. Traditionally, solemn compositions are made of white roses, as they look gentle and attract the attention of others. In addition, light buds complement any outfit style in an original way.
To give the roses more effect and expressiveness, they are complemented with blue and pink shades.
A mono-bouquet will look good at a wedding ceremony, it will become a symbol of pure and faithful love.

Noble roses, thanks to their luxurious and regular shapes and beauty, will favorably emphasize the romance of a young girl. In addition to roses, florists also use delicate calla lilies, chrysanthemums, peonies, freesias and mysterious orchids when creating snow-white bouquets. In the summer season, the compositions can be filled with tulips, lilacs, chamomiles, lilies of the valley and gladioli.
Tulips are considered special flowers because they look fresh and natural, indicating a quivering and tender love. A mono-bouquet of white tulips is suitable for young girls who are characterized by purity of soul and innocence.

Lilies of the valley are most often chosen by brides who are prone to creativity and adventurism.
The only thing is that these flowers are too "capricious": their flowering period is short and they wither quickly.
If the celebration takes place in the spring, then the bride can pamper herself with a delicate and stylish composition of lilies of the valley.

For girls with an expressive and extraordinary appearance, it is recommended to select bouquets of orchids, they look gorgeous, and their interesting colors will give the bride an individual image.

If peonies are chosen for the composition, then they must be supplemented with inflorescences of small hydrangea. They look especially sophisticated and fit well with the image of a fragile and delicate girl. Hydrangeas are most often used as the main background to add splendor and volume to the bouquet.

Ranunculus will also become an original choice for a snow-white composition, their monotonous shade looks stylish and effective, in addition, these flowers can be well combined with different colors.

If the bride wants to have an unusual bouquet, the decoration of white anemones is also suitable for her. The contrasting transition of a dark shade to their core (from light blue to black) makes the flowers very interesting.

Combination with other colors
Of course, white bouquets are beautiful, but sometimes the style of wedding decoration requires complementing them with bright colors. To get a harmonious and holistic composition, it is important to choose the right combination of colors. Since in floristry it is possible to use the entire classic range of flowers, consisting of 7 tones and purple, then it is necessary to correctly make transitions. To do this, you should add a composition of the main primary colors and only then dilute them with intermediate secondary ones.

First of all, you need to decide which palette will prevail in the bouquet: cold or warm.If you plan to make a composition of warm shades, then it is recommended to combine a white background with orange, beige, peach and cream colors. Wedding bouquets in red and white colors will also look good. To design a composition in cold shades, white should be diluted with gray, purple, green and blue.
For bold brides, a black and white bouquet is ideal, but in order for it to beautifully complement the image, you should carefully choose accessories.

Bright color combinations also look interesting in wedding compositions, in which the main background is made white, and the edges are decorated with opposite shades. Thanks to the skillful play with shades, it is possible to favorably emphasize the beauty of an individual flower.
The most important thing is not to overdo it with sharp contrast, otherwise the bouquet will turn out to be ridiculous and unnatural.
It is best to experiment with pastel colors and opt for sky blue, twilight, and beige.

Bouquet design
Since the wedding ceremony is considered the main event in life, all the nuances must be foreseen for its organization, and the choice of style for the bouquet is no exception.
At the same time, when buying a flower arrangement, it is important not only to pay attention to its cost, but also to the decor of the bride's dress, the season. So, for example, snow roses, orchids and lilies can be collected in a bouquet both in summer and in winter, but such seasonal flowers as daisies, tulips and lilies of the valley are available only during a certain period.

In addition, the design of a wedding bouquet also provides for a certain shape. Today florists under the order can create the following types of compositions.
- Round. For this, snow-white flowers are fixed in a spiral on a special frame. The result is a bouquet with the correct rounded shape, but from the side it looks flat.
- Hemisphere. It is considered the most common option for modern girls. The composition looks voluminous and beautiful.
- Ball. It is characterized by an interesting appearance and is great for creative people. A small ball is assembled from the flowers on the frame; it is attached to the wrist using a special tape.

- Skipper. The bouquet has an elongated shape, as it is collected and attached to the plant's own stems.
- Cascade. Differs in an unusual view in the form of a falling waterfall. To design it, first make a voluminous base, then separate inflorescences are attached from it with a pass.
- Sickle... In this case, the buds are fixed on the frame, getting the shape of a crescent moon.
- Glamelia. This design is considered the most complex, since the composition is assembled from individual petals and decorative elements. The end result is a graceful and stylish bouquet in the form of one large flower.

In addition, florists can optionally complement the wedding attribute with original ribbons, wildflowers, beads, rhinestones and berries. The choice of decor elements depends not only on the personal preferences of the bride, but also on the style of the wedding dress. The image of a girl should be original, sophisticated and complete.

Combination with dress and accessories
The wedding bouquet is the main component of the bride's style, therefore, most often girls try to choose white compositions that do not stand out against the background of the dress and give gentle notes alongside. In addition, the snow-white attribute also provides for natural makeup, bright lipstick and defiant manicure will ruin the color balance.
Despite the fact that the white bouquet is considered universal and in harmony with any style of clothing, it should not stand out too much in the image and attract a lot of attention.

Snow-white compositions are ideally combined with light outfits, while flowers in a bouquet should preferably be chosen a few shades darker from the dress. So, for example, if the fabric of the dress is milky white, then bouquets with shades of pink and cream will be the ideal solution.For a colored dress, it is advisable to purchase small white bouquets, they will not seem bulky and much more convenient when performing a photo shoot. Large and light compositions, on the contrary, will be able to cover the beauty of the dress and the face of the bride.

We must not forget that the wedding attribute must find its combination in the image of the groom.
To create a single pattern, newlyweds are advised to arrange white bouquets in the same style as the groom's boutonniere. The result is a harmonious and luxurious pair. It is equally important that the flower arrangement matches the girl's hairstyle perfectly. An interesting solution would be if the bride adds a living flower from a wedding bouquet to her styling.

A solemn accessory is also selected for the girl's gloves, in the event that they have openwork decor or beads on them, the composition should be supplemented with a similar decoration. In this case, the stems of flowers should be well cut and wrapped, especially for white roses.
It is undesirable to collect compositions from plants that have too bright a scent, since the flowers will be with the bride all day and can cause allergies or cause headaches.

As for the harmony of a bouquet with a dress, it is worth noting that lately modern brides prefer different shades. Therefore, if a girl chooses a blue, red, beige or purple outfit, a white composition of fragrant flowers can complement it in an original way. For brides in a beige dress, it is advisable to purchase snow-white bouquets, diluted with purple, red, blue and brown. Flowers in this case are selected the most delicate, and in style they try to avoid unnecessary decorative elements and expressive contrast.

The creamy decoration will help to emphasize the snow-white bouquet, in which cold tones are present. For example, the background can be made of white roses, and the edges can be decorated with dark purple, lilac and lavender inserts. The image of the bride will also look stylish with a bouquet made in white, yellow and coral shades. If the girl decided to wear a light brown outfit, then there should be a bouquet in the same color scheme. To do this, buds of gray, red and blue tones are woven into white flowers.

Depending on the style of the dress, the shape of the snow-white composition is selected. If there are no decorative elements in the outfit, then the bouquet is also made simple, which will add charm and style to the image. For a dress trimmed with beads and ribbons, it is advisable to purchase small bouquets of roses, on the petal of each of which beads will be glued.
For information on how to make a classic white bridal bouquet, see the next video.