Who should buy the bridal bouquet?

There are many popular beliefs about the bride's bouquet. They concern not only the creation of the composition and the subtleties of the purchase, but also the further fate of flowers. Modernity, of course, makes its own adjustments to such a set of rules. The choice of a bouquet depends on a particular couple, or more often, on the bride.

Folk beliefs
Our ancestors believed that only the groom or his male relatives should buy a bouquet for the bride. Women were not even advised to touch the flowers in the name of the well-being of the married life of the newlyweds.
It was considered a good omen if, when buying a bouquet, the groom received change. This assumed the financial independence of the couple in the future. There was even a ritual to acquire it. The groom had to leave the house with his right foot, without saying a word to anyone, but return home by another road, and enter the room with his left foot.
The bouquet itself could not be thrown away. It was dried and stored for many years.

Floral etiquette
When composing a composition for a bride's bouquet, it is important not only to combine it with a wedding dress, but also its semantic content. Most florists, knowing the meanings of flowers in various religions and nationalities, do not include some of their types in the composition. This helps to avoid misunderstandings during the wedding, and if you believe the signs, after it.
There are a number of flowers that are customary to bring to funerals or to lay on the graves and monuments of soldiers:
- calla lilies;
- azaleas;
- lilies;
- red carnations.
They are not used in the bride's bouquet, as it can bring misfortune.

As for lilies, they have a few more negative qualities. Their pollen is intensely crumbled, and this can ruin the appearance of the bride's attire. In addition, the lily scent can cause headaches.
Adherents of strict observance of all traditions consider roses, which have white, yellow or tea colors, as flowers of sorrow.
Experienced master florists make sure that the cherished composition does not include quickly fading flowers or plants that are afraid of the cold. Considering all of the above, it is better to purchase a bouquet from specialists.

All beliefs are similar in one thing: the bridal bouquet is a sacred subject, the choice and acquisition of which cannot be entrusted to a random person.
Considering the modern minds of young people, freer from prejudices, the purchase can be entrusted to the groom, father or the groom's witness, the bride's parents, bridesmaids. Of course, the girl herself can buy a bouquet.
The most romantic option is buying flowers for the groom. This creates additional intrigue before the celebration. After all, this is how a girl gets the opportunity to look at herself through the eyes of her beloved. Find out what flower she looks like in appearance and character for her future husband.

When it is known in advance that a young man is not burdened with knowledge in floristry, the girl can subtly hint which compositions are preferable by showing him several photos on the Internet. The same approach applies to the groom's friends.
An excellent option would be the independent choice of a bouquet by the bride. After all, the girl herself knows exactly which option is best suited to the wedding dress and will be in her taste. Sometimes you need to see a branch of a plant or a bud to make your choice. In this case, the groom can simply pay for the purchase. Another plus will be that the young man does not have to break an important tradition and ask about the design of the wedding dress.

Bridesmaids can also solve the problem of choosing a bouquet, however, only if the bride is not superstitious.
The appearance of the girl in the dress and her preferences will be known to them, which will help determine the options. For the bride herself, this option will save time on planning other details of the celebration.

In the case when the purchase of a wedding bouquet falls on the shoulders of the parents, it is better to discuss some of the nuances in advance. After all, the older generation does not always understand modern fashion trends, including floral ones. Therefore, you should not actively criticize the choice of parents. The best solution in this situation may be an experienced florist. And in order not to injure relatives and not be left without the desired bouquet, you can meet with him in advance and discuss all the subtleties.
Well, if the bride is not against a surprise, then the parents will be pleased to take part in creating the image of their daughter or future daughter-in-law. In some situations, this can help build relationships with the husband's parents.

Selection rules
An important point in choosing is the size of the bouquet. It is determined based on the appearance of the bride, the design of the wedding dress and the rules of floral design.
The bouquet in the form of a cascade is well suited for tall girls in a long straight dress. If plants with large buds are selected, there should not be too many of them. Otherwise, the bouquet will look too voluminous. On the contrary, there should be more small plants.
For short brides in an outfit with fluffy layered skirts, a round bouquet with short-cut stems is suitable.

In the event that a small girl chooses a straight dress, they buy a compact bouquet decorated in a romantic or classic style. The "pomander", which has a spherical shape and is attached with ribbons on the wrist, is also perfect.
For girls who prefer to emphasize their individuality more vividly, florists offer asymmetric bouquets of unusual shapes. The composition is compiled by a specialist based on the character of a particular girl.

But whatever the choice of the bride, such an important element as a bouquet should be taken care of in advance.In most flower salons and shops, an order can be made for a specific date of the celebration, and the composition will be ready on time.
How to choose a bridal bouquet and not be mistaken, you will learn from the following video.