Caught the bride's bouquet: signs and further actions

For relatives and bridesmaids, being at the event means not only support for the main character of the action, but also the opportunity, albeit a little far-fetched, to get married. A famous folk omen says: if you catch a bridal bouquet at a wedding, you will marry next, before all the other unmarried girls present. However, tradition suggests a much more complex algorithm, but today not everyone knows what to do with a caught wedding bouquet.

What to do with flowers?
Traditionally, a wilted bouquet is simply thrown away, but this one has a symbolic meaning - having caught it, the new owner expects to soon become a married woman, and therefore it seems wrong to throw away such a chance. For this reason, most girls prefer to keep such a symbol as long as possible, and they see two possibilities as the most logical option.
The most obvious way out is to dry the bouquet, then it will retain its appearance for a long time, similar to the original. Dried flowers look pretty pretty and can be an interior decoration, especially if you put them in an attractive vase. The special symbolism of such an accessory for a room will consist in the fact that it means a lot to its owner, raising her mood with just one look. After all, not a single lady who is ready to believe in such a sign will refuse to get married.

Another common idea of subsequent handling of the bouquet is - stuff them with a decorative pillow. This decision already requires certain skills of needlework, but in the domestic tradition, the future hostess should have them anyway, so an extra opportunity to practice will not hurt - so the beloved is more likely to appreciate the useful skills of her beloved. Most likely, dried flowers will emit a pleasant light aroma, which will once again give the owner of the accessory a good mood and remind of a pleasant event in the near future.

It should be noted that modern brides often take care of their girlfriends, ordering two bouquets at once, one of which is made of artificial flowers. In most episodes with the participation of the bride, it is natural flowers that appear, but she throws an artificial copy to her friends, since it sticks better together, and most importantly, it does not fade. Such an approach, of course, makes you abandon the idea of \ u200b \ u200bwith a pillow, but you can be sure that such a "catch" will never fade.

Drying technique
For a girl who has caught a bridal bouquet at a wedding, the latter seems to be a great success, therefore it must be kept in adequate form for as long as possible - so that it lasts until the planned celebration. Although drying flowers is not something really difficult, it is possible that a potential bride, getting nervous, will dry the flowers incorrectly. Then they will quickly deteriorate, which can be interpreted as a bad omen. To prevent this from happening, it is worth repeating the basic principles of drying bouquets again.
- To begin with, the components of the composition should be disassembled. The ribbons with which flowers are usually tied are removed altogether, as are the leaves damaged during the celebration or throwing the bouquet. The actual flowers and sprigs of greenery are sorted, laid out separately, depending on the category.

- Instead of tapes, wire is used to connect dried flowers, moreover, it is wrapped around the bouquet not only along the outer contour, but also between individual specimens. This is necessary for the reason that during the drying process, the stems lose thickness, and whole flowers can fall out of the finished composition, spoiling its appearance.
- For flowers to dry faster, they need warm and dry air, while in the cold they simply freeze and fade, and in too humid air they can rot. It should be understood that the source of heat for drying should not be direct sunlight - the flowers will also be more likely to disappear from them. Ideally, the bouquet is hung down with petals - in this state it will take a good few weeks to be ready.
However, a certain violation of technology is possible even when all conditions seem optimal, therefore experienced people advise to periodically check the condition of the bouquet, reacting to any signs of damage.

- Greens are dried separately from flowers, since the green twigs lose their volume very much during the drying process and curl. For such a component of a wedding bouquet, ordinary books will be the best place to dry - it is better to save greens in the same way as an ordinary school herbarium.

- As we already understood, individual components of the wedding bouquet are dried separately from each other, but symbolism is inherent in a holistic composition, therefore, at the end of the process, all the elements are again assembled into a whole bouquet. Separate parts are connected using the same wire, however, you should additionally take care of the integrity of the accessory - although it is unlikely to rot or wither, it can easily crumble and crumble. To prevent this from happening, you should spray the bouquet with at least hairspray, and the best solution would be to buy a special composition for processing dried flowers in any flower shop.

How to make a pillow?
It so happens that either you don't want to dry the bouquet, or there is no possibility - then a fragrant pillow remains the only option for storing caught flowers. In a sense, this option seems even simpler.It should be noted that not the whole bouquet is usually used for stuffing the pillow, but only flower petals, therefore either the bouquet must be very large, or the finished accessory will turn out to be very small and can be used exclusively for decorative purposes.

Separated petals, as a rule, emit a characteristic floral aroma, but in the long term you should not rely only on the forces of nature, therefore such material is pre-soaked in aromatic oils or water. It is necessary to find a certain line between a too cloying, obsessive smell and an aroma that is almost imperceptible. When the petals are well soaked and absorb some of the foreign aroma, they must be thoroughly dried.
The conditions are generally similar to those used for drying flowers from a bouquet as a whole - you need a dry and warm place in which the high temperature would not be provided due to direct sunlight. As a rule, petals soaked in aromatic liquids dry no more than two weeks.

During this time, you should prepare two pillowcases. The first has extremely practical functions - it is needed in order to hold the petals and prevent them from falling out even in a crumbled form, while almost any material for its manufacture can be used. The outer pillowcase performs exclusively decorative functions, it can be decorated with embroidery or beads, but certain requirements are put forward for the material - it must be beautiful and pleasant to the touch. You can make two outer pillowcases at once - then you can periodically change them, constantly maintaining a decent look of the sewn accessory.

The meaning of the ritual in the modern world
The tradition of catching a bridal bouquet exists in many European countries, but it did not always have exactly the same appearance as it is now. Previously, for example, any piece of the newlyweds' clothes was considered a very successful souvenir, but it is quite logical that such a flap was easier to beat off from the fairer sex. There is even a legend that explains how the bouquet acquired its current meaning: allegedly at one of the weddings, the bride, who faced the threat of being completely naked because of persistent guests, tried to distract their attention by throwing her bouquet into the crowd of pursuers.

Today, no one feels any sentiment towards the groom's side, and brides are not touched - only the bouquet itself is important. According to tradition, the luck of catching such a souvenir means that you will have to wait no longer than a year to get married, but, naturally, no one collected the relevant statistics. On the Internet, you can find completely different comments on this matter, and it cannot be said that critics or supporters of the theory that this really works are clearly in the lead.
It should be borne in mind that girls who get married often invite their peers who are already in a relationship to the wedding, because their fast wedding is not such a wonder, and then the unbridled desire to catch a bouquet is not such a mystical reason for a quick marriage ...

Separately, we will say that in the modern world many people fundamentally refuse to believe in traditions that look far-fetched, therefore, at almost every wedding there is a girl who, in principle, does not want to try her luck in this way. However, as practice shows, not a single unmarried lady, even among the skeptics, was disappointed that she caught such a souvenir.

How to catch a bouquet?
We have already spoken about the skeptics, but there are also such girls who in the invitation to the wedding of a friend see almost an opportunity to get married soon. For such persons, the main goal of the evening is to catch a bouquet, and on the Internet you can even find special tips on how to achieve success. They are, of course, not without a bit of a joke, but we will also cite them.
- Catching flowers, like playing volleyball or basketball, requires height and good jumping ability, so a girl who wants to become a happy owner of a bouquet should first train such skills.

- Still, you shouldn't overestimate the value of the caught bouquet. Another thing is that at most weddings, not only the bride's friends, but also the groom's friends are massively present, and among them there are often unmarried young people who are worth getting to know - this tactic usually gives a more striking effect than catching the bouquet itself.
- By itself, the caught bouquet most likely does not bring the wedding closer in any way, but it can be used to give an already existing young man a clear hint about his own desires.
- Women's happiness often becomes the envy of even close friends, therefore, having caught a bouquet, you should carefully protect it from competitors.
For information on what not to do with the bride's bouquet, see the next video.