What bouquet to prepare as a wedding gift for newlyweds?

A wedding is not just a celebration. This is a tribute to traditions, a kind of ritual of honoring a new family, which has come down to us from time immemorial. And as befits any sacrament, it has its own inherent attributes.
Flowers play one of the leading roles in the wedding ceremony. They are present everywhere - in the decoration of the hall, in the bonnet of the newlyweds' car, in the bride's hairstyle. And, of course, in the hands of the guests.
And if the wedding is a ritual, then the flowers on it are symbolism. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right bouquet as a gift for the newlyweds, to express your wishes and good feelings with the help of flowers. And also try to make the bouquet to your taste, be as original as possible and not get lost in the sea of other wedding flowers.

General requirements for composition
The wedding bouquet should fit into the concept of the wedding and serve not only as a manifestation of the originality of the donor. Rather, the bouquet will correspond to the formula: flowers for a wedding are a wish of happiness to the newlyweds imprinted in natural beauty.

There are some unspoken rules for arranging wedding bouquets. It also does not hurt to know that in each country and national culture, these rules may differ to one degree or another. Therefore, having received an invitation to a wedding abroad, it is advisable to get acquainted with the cultural characteristics of the inviting party, as well as their wedding traditions and the language of flowers that the locals respect.
Our country has developed its own language of colors and requirements, which it is customary to meet at all festive events.

For wedding ceremonies, they are as follows.
- The bouquet should be appropriate. In advance, you should clarify in what environment the event will be held. For a classic wedding in a luxurious restaurant, a bouquet of wildflowers is not suitable, even if it seems cute and sincere.
- It will be useful to take into account the time and place of delivery of the bouquet. If you plan to congratulate the newlyweds after the wedding ceremony in the registry office, then it is better that the bouquet is of an ordinary, comfortable shape. If the guest is invited directly to the restaurant, then it will be more practical to present a beautiful basket of flowers, which can be placed in a conspicuous place and not look for a place for the bouquet.

- Flowers should not be scattered. They are fastened either with gift wrapping or with floral fasteners so that when donating the bouquet does not crumble in the hands of the bride and does not cause an awkward fuss. It should be borne in mind that the moment of giving is most often common for everyone, and the bride and groom will have to accept a huge number of flowers at once.
- The opaque wrapping material must be removed from the flowers before serving. Only transparent mica packaging is allowed, serving as a holder and decoration.
- The number of large flowers in a bouquet must necessarily be odd, since an even number is traditionally assigned to the memory of the departed.
This is an important rule that should be treated carefully so as not to embarrass yourself and ruin the mood of the newlyweds.

Color spectrum
There are no strict requirements for the flower gifts of nature - each flower is beautiful in its own way, and everyone has different tastes. But it is not customary to give flowers of dark shades for a wedding, no matter how gorgeous they may seem. According to the wedding tradition, the dominant color at the celebration is white. It symbolizes the purity of thoughts and tender feelings of the newlyweds.
Cream, milky, pink, lilac, pale blue, lilac - for wedding bouquets, the whole range of white and pastel colors is at the disposal of donors.

Exceptions are exclusive weddings where an original style or a specific color is planned. For example, an informal wedding in the Gothic style, a wedding in nature or in an ethno style, a costume wedding. But as a rule, the spouses inform the invitees about such details in advance.

It is worth noting that the floral rule about pastel colors does not have a strict framework. Rather, it is a good tradition, a tribute to the bride's wedding dress. For lovers of bright colors in bouquets, the seasonality option is suitable. After all, the bouquet can be played in the spirit of the season.
- Spring is characterized by delicate shades of lily of the valley or lilac. The awakening of nature, as a symbol of the emerging new family. After a long winter, young greenery is especially pleasing to the eye, so there can be a lot of it in a bouquet. For example, twigs of asparagus or ornamental fern.

- In winter, solemn white flowers will look great, like crystal from the frost. It is desirable that they be of noble varieties - roses, lilies, orchids. Or, conversely, you can choose vibrant and bright colors as a symbol of sunny summer in frosty winter.

- In autumn, colors of warm shades of red and gold are appropriate, because it is harvest time, and as a symbol of abundance and prosperity for a new married couple. In late autumn, when winter has not yet come into its own, and the nature is rather dull, bright colors of flowers will become an adornment of the celebration.

- Summer is a time of flowering, a variety of flower choices. At this time of the year, it is best to focus on the general rules or on the preferences of the heroes of the occasion. If the weather is very hot, the color scheme of the bouquet can be spring-like refreshing, without an overabundance of bright tones. But in a cloudy summer, a bouquet with rich colors will warm the bride and add a festive mood to everyone present.

Composition rules
Making bouquets is a whole science, which, however, you can master on your own. The main thing is taste and a sense of proportion.The splendor of the composition depends on the number of flowers in the bouquet, but an overabundance of colors and elements leads to clumsy and slovenly.

A few simple rules will warn against the mistake of turning a stylish bouquet into a tasteless "broom":
- if the bouquet consists of several large flowers (roses, peonies, gerberas) and many small ones, then there should be at least 3-5 large elements;
- exquisite bouquets of small roses are in the amount of 25-27 pieces;
- compositions consisting only of large flowers (for example, gerberas or peonies), in an ideal proportion, number 9-11 pieces.

Classic options
In the modern world, wedding traditions are still strong, despite all the newfangled trends. A tradition that has developed over the past hundred years with regard to certain colors is considered a classic. One hundred years is a conditional period of time, but precisely with the advent of the twentieth century, with the appearance of registry offices and other social institutions in our country, some flowers acquired the unspoken status of belonging to certain events.

So, in the hierarchy of wedding flowers, the rose is the undisputed leader, the queen of the ball. But tulips in our country for a long time were considered unpretentious flowers on duty, which were customary to present at official celebrations of an average hand. But there is another side of the coin - tulips are considered a symbol of spring and eternal youth. And also, along with mimosa, they are a traditional gift for the women's holiday on March 8. They are perfect for a modest spring wedding, especially if the event is held in a small circle of loved ones.

The fate of carnations was less successful - the red ones became a symbol of political events, and the white ones - of funeral ceremonies. But today it is quite acceptable to give a large lush bouquet of white carnations on not very long stems for a wedding.
Times are changing, and in our time, many are destroying past stereotypes, but if you are not sure that you will be understood correctly at the celebration, it is better to keep these nuances in mind.

The language of wedding flowers
Let's return to symbolism and consider the language of flowers in the context of the actual classics. The science of fluorography, in the common people - the language of flowers, came to us from the East and was firmly entrenched in European culture since the Middle Ages. Flowers served as symbols and could tell what was not customary to speak out loud. With the advent of industrialization and the emancipation of society, this romantic science, it would seem, has sunk into oblivion. But on the threshold of the XXI century, interest in it revived with renewed vigor, materials of the past were studied, and today any self-respecting florist can tell, what this or that flower symbolizes.
- the Rose - an unconditional symbol of love and nobility in all ages. Since the days of knights and beautiful ladies, this flower has been an invariable attribute of all lovers. Red roses symbolize passion, while white roses symbolize purity and platonic feelings. In wedding traditions, white roses are most often used in the bride's bouquet, and for a gift bouquet from guests you can choose pink, cream or gradient (transition from one color to another).
You should avoid maroon and scarlet roses in bouquets for a young couple, as this color scheme is more suitable for older people, as well as for other events.

- Pion - a lush flower with a wonderful aroma, in the language of flowers means a sweet, cheerful life, a wish for good luck and joy. In the countries of the East, he is credited with magical properties aimed at attracting wealth and honor. A wedding bouquet with peonies always turns out to be chic, fragrant and festive.
However, it should be remembered that the splendor of peonies is very short-lived, and the flowers themselves are capricious and subject to rapid withering without water. Therefore, if long walks are planned at the wedding ceremony, then for a bouquet it is better to take peonies in buds that have not yet opened.

- Lily. A noble flower, not inferior in its grandeur to a rose.Has a rich history in heraldry, symbolizes material luxury, respectability and high demands. It is not for nothing that the lily has been the emblem of French royalty throughout most of its history. Lilies look gorgeous in any bouquet, and white lilies as a gift for newlyweds are the height of grace and grace.
But do not forget that these flowers have a strong specific smell, and in a small room they can create a suffocating effect and cause a headache.

- Orchid. Has entered wedding fashion relatively recently, for a long time remaining an exotic flower for our fellow citizens. The exquisite orchid buds are a symbol of sophistication and luxurious femininity. They are among the three "royal" symbols, but unlike roses and lilies, the price of orchids is incredibly high. This is due to the peculiarities and difficulties associated with growing the plant.
But if there is a goal to especially emphasize the sophistication and individual femininity of the bride - feel free to choose an orchid!

- Gerbera - the perfect choice as a gift for a cheerful couple. These bright fresh flowers perfectly keep their shape and seem to exude positive and good mood. They symbolize youth, joy of life, openness to the world. Gerberas look good both in a general bouquet in the same color scheme, and by themselves.
Multi-colored gerberas in a bouquet look perky and cheerful, and monophonic ones look very stylish and fresh.

From colleagues and acquaintances
For guests invited to a wedding to a colleague or distant relative, it will be quite enough to limit themselves to the usual bouquet and general requirements for the composition. There is no need to think over the original design, in this case flowers are a symbol of respect and wishes for happiness. The bouquet will take its place among other donated flowers, and this will also become a kind of contribution and symbolism.
After all, the entire wedding flower garden symbolizes the prosperity and abundance of a young family, so the more flowers, the better.

From friends
Close friends of the groom and the bridesmaid are the closest circle to the newlyweds. From them, a young couple receives attention and support on this day, it is they who become the ringleaders of the holiday, the most active participants in it. Bouquets of friends are filled with special meanings, like encrypted messages and unspoken assurances of sincere friendship.
For loved ones, it will not be difficult to choose the appropriate option, taking into account the preferences of the newlyweds. Friends of the groom can inquire in advance about the tastes of the friend's bride, and at the wedding, please her with their "guess". It is even easier for bridesmaids to decide on a bouquet - it can be flowers that match a wedding dress or the style of a banquet hall.

From parents
The parents of the bride and groom at the wedding ceremony have the honorary status of the patriarchs of the celebration, because their children themselves today enter adulthood and create a new family. For many dads and moms, this is a day of happiness with tears of joy in their eyes, happy emotions and experiences.
The bride will be especially pleased to receive flowers from the groom's parents, symbolizing good feelings and willingness to accept her into her family. Any delicate buds of pastel colors are suitable for a bouquet. It can be graceful lilies, delicate hydrangea, bright peonies.
If solemn roses are preferred, then it is worth taking care that thorns are removed from them. And also roses can be presented in a beautiful decorative basket.

It is important for the bride's parents to present a bouquet intended not only for the daughter, but also for the son-in-law. It is worth showing a little imagination and taste to combine the wishes of the newlyweds in colors. For example, play with a bouquet in contrasting colors, like yin-yang symbols. Of course, black is excluded in wedding bouquets, but it is quite possible to use bright red as a symbol of masculinity or blue - the color of respectability. Combining these flowers with a feminine pink or blue will accentuate the dual symbolism of the bouquet.
The presentation of such a bouquet can be accompanied by an additional explanation and wishes for harmony in family life.

Original ideas
Fresh flowers are invariable companions of any wedding ceremony, but there is always a guest who wants to become the most original in his wishes for the newlyweds. For an experienced florist or just a person with imagination and taste, nothing is impossible! It is enough just to grab the original idea by the tail and translate it into a gorgeous bouquet.
- Of flowers. The petals of monochromatic buds can be decorated with transparent or mirrored crystals of rhinestones, reminiscent of dew drops. A bouquet with multi-colored rhinestones is also suitable for a gift - they will shimmer and attract attention. Recently, a service of decorating petals with pictures or inscriptions has appeared on the floristic market. This option can be a very unusual gift if you express a wish for happiness on the bud of a large monochromatic flower. You can also transfer a small copy of a photograph of a couple to a large calla petal, for example.

- From sweets. A chic confectionery bouquet will not leave indifferent not only the bride and groom, but also everyone around them. A candy gift can be decorated in the form of a lush bouquet - in this case, the candies are attached to long skewers and decorated with satin ribbons. Another option is shopping cart design. It is important to consider here that it is not enough to put sweets in a container, they also need to be decorated with flowers.
It is even possible to combine candies with natural flowers that match the color of the wrapper.

- From soft toys. Cute teddy bears and bunnies can be an original gift for a very young bride. They are designed to evoke a feeling of tenderness and tenderness. Often, additional details in the form of bows and hearts are attached to such small toys with wishes or confessions.
You can use soft toys in a bouquet in a composition with sweets and fresh flowers.

- From decorative materials. Depending on the season of the wedding, the preferences of the newlyweds and the style of the event, you can use non-standard elements to decorate the bouquet. For summer compositions, shells, colorful feathers of exotic birds will be an excellent addition. In autumn bouquets, spikelets of wheat will be appropriate, as a symbol of fertility. Winter compositions can be decorated with cones with alluvial frost, thin branches of needles.

What cannot be gifted?
Each culture has its own unspoken rules according to which certain flowers become persona non grata at wedding ceremonies. In our country, all yellow flowers are subjected to such, perhaps, unjust "persecution". They are considered to be a symbol of separation. Although, for example, in Great Britain, yellow flowers are a symbol of the sun and a joyful life.
Flowers of black and dark purple tones are excluded from wedding bouquets. Black is the color of sorrow and purple is the color of sorrow.
However, both black and purple flowers can be very stylish and sophisticated.

It is not customary to give artificial flowers made of plastic to a wedding. Recently, flowers from printed satin or flowing silk have come into fashion, but here you need to be careful - the newlyweds may not share the delight of such innovations.
Dried herbariums, potted flowers and any sharp plants that can injure are not suitable for a gift.

You should ask in advance if the newlyweds are allergic to certain flowers. And it is also advisable to make sure that there are no flowers with abundant pollen in the bouquet - it can stain the bride's dress.
How to choose a bouquet of flowers for a wedding, see the next video.