Bachelorette party before the wedding: features and best ideas for organizing

The tradition of seeing off unmarried life for brides and her girlfriends has existed for more than one century. In the old days, the script for a bachelorette party was pretty sad. The bride worried and cried into her friends' vests that she was getting married. Leela tears, realizing her fate after the wedding. The girlfriends, in turn, had to feel sorry for and comfort the bride, while collecting the most necessary things for her family life. Many years later, the tradition has changed radically, instead of tears on the faces of the bride and her bridesmaids, only smiles and joyful laughter.

Features and traditions of the holiday
According to old beliefs, a bachelorette party was held any day in the week before the wedding. By this time, the pre-wedding preparations should have already ended, and the bride was obliged to rest and gain strength. The future wife invited relatives and close friends to her house to say goodbye to them. All evening the women's company grieved about the heavy burden of a married lady, the bride cried, and her friends reassured her.

By the way, specially trained women helped the bride shed tears, they were called "vytnitsy". Their duties included performing special crying songs all evening. Each separate verse told about the beauty of the young girl, about her innocence, kindness and all the positive qualities. At this time, the bride got rid of the symbol of girlhood, namely, she unraveled her braid, and went with her hair down until the wedding day. This custom was about a transitional stage in the life of the bride.

The girlfriends had a different task. They needed to prepare wedding dresses, embroider and knit.
After the traditional tears and worries, the fun began. Bridesmaids arranged round dances, sang positive songs, played entertaining games, prepared wedding little things and wondered for the future. At a bachelorette party, it was not customary to consume food and drinks. In Russia, a bachelorette party was considered a holiday of farewell to a carefree life. Having married, the girl took on a lot of responsibilities, from a modest and young beauty she turned into a serious married woman.

Nowadays, the bachelorette party tradition looks a little different. Women's gatherings do not have to be at home. You can go to a cafe, park, even go shopping, the main thing is to get a lot of pleasure. Many factors and nuances are used to prepare a modern bachelorette party. First, the scenario of the event is being prepared. In this matter, it will be impossible to immediately determine the topic, it will take some time to choose an acceptable option for everyone. The main thing is to remember that the main purpose of the gathering of the female collective is to send their unmarried girlfriend to family life.

All organizational issues are handled by the bride's witness and the girlfriends invited to the holiday. Each girl present will be involved in the festive event. Competitions are a prerequisite. Often, the bride goes through a comic initiation into a married lady. A farewell to a maiden name always ends with a special surprise for the bride. And what will be its essence is known to the organizers of the event.

Who takes care of the organization and costs?
A bachelorette party is a bride's holiday, to which female relatives and girlfriends are invited. Organizational issues are fully taken care of by the witness of the wedding ceremony. She is committed to throwing an unforgettable party, and the bridesmaids are helping out with the preparation of the event. The general scenario of the bachelorette party and its theme are discussed in advance with the hero of the occasion, as well as the time and place of the event. The invited friends help the witness with the small details of the holiday.

The women's "battalion" prepares one common gift for the bride, which is discarded as far as possible or in equal shares. As for the costs of the party, then the bride will have to pay all the planned expenses, although according to etiquette, her future husband should pay this. Therefore, the witness discusses in advance the general picture of the event with the hero of the occasion, in order to understand how much you have to count on.

Recently, the views of modern girls have slightly changed, and in this matter, matriarchy has given way to the representatives of the stronger sex. This does not mean that the groom is now arranging women's get-togethers, it is enough for him to order a script for a bachelorette party at a party arrangement agency. In this case, the professional must do all the work, and the bride and girlfriends must supervise the preparation process.

Where to start preparing for the event?
Preparations for a bachelorette party should begin a few weeks before the scheduled date of the party. The meeting place is carefully planned, the format of the upcoming celebration is being considered in detail. If you decide to spend the bachelorette party in a cafe, then you need to make a reservation for the table in advance. We must not forget about the scenario of the evening, it is he who is the basis of the women's gathering. To capture a bachelorette party, you need to find a professional photographer and discuss the details with him in advance. If the holiday scenario talks about visiting several entertainment places, it would be appropriate to order a driver so as not to constantly call a taxi.

After the date of the bachelorette party has been approved and the venue has been chosen, it is necessary to draw up a list of guests. It is not customary to invite all girlfriends, acquaintances, or colleagues from work to a bachelorette party. This holiday is designed for a narrow circle of the most dear and close to the bride of the fair sex.From this it follows that the guest list will be about ten people. It is very important to decide on the theme of the party. There are many options, so it will be extremely difficult to make a decision right away.

To please her guests, the bride must prepare special invitations. These can be classic postcards or short videos, where the date, time, place and style of the event must be indicated. It is best to send the mailing in advance, about a week before the party, so that the girls have time to prepare.
Do they give gifts on this day?
In principle, presenting gifts to the bride for the celebration of a bachelorette party is not an age-old tradition, but since the holiday is dedicated to the only girl who will soon become a husband's wife, a gift can be organized. Simple wishes are not relevant in our time. In this matter, the bridesmaids have a dilemma: either give one big gift from everyone, or each girl will give a present on her own. When choosing the second option, you can purchase a whole series of interesting gifts to start your family life. It is enough to go to the joke store.

Choosing a gift for the bride is a responsible business. You should know and understand her needs and tastes. Sometimes the bride may wish for the necessary present for herself, but the girlfriends will have to fulfill it.
Best ideas for a bachelorette party
In the modern world, there are no restrictions for arranging a bachelorette party.
It all depends on the fantasy of the hero of the occasion and her preferences.
- In summer, a rustic picnic is considered quite relevant. From the name it becomes clear that the dress code of this event is a failure of light short dresses with lace, light-colored sundresses or loose-fitting tunics. Of the decorations, preference is given to the gifts of nature - a wreath of wildflowers, ribbons woven into a braid and much more. The buffet part should not be loaded with many dishes. Several types of snacks and refreshing cocktails are appropriate.

- For girls who cannot imagine a day without massage, masks and peeling, the ideal place for a bachelorette party is a sauna or SPA-salon. This choice emphasizes the combination of the pleasant and the healthy. First, you will have to find out what procedures the invited girlfriends would like to use and make an advance payment for them. For the banquet part, it is enough to order a light snack and sandwiches. Refreshing cocktails are suitable as drinks.

- For lovers of sports time, snowboarding or a parachute jump will become an original option for a bachelorette party. Such a meeting of the best friends on the eve of the wedding event will never be forgotten. The mass of energy, adrenaline and speed will allow you to experience the most exciting sensations. After the irrepressible frenzy, it will be appropriate to go to a cafe or bar to have fun in an informal atmosphere, dance, sing karaoke and celebrate the upcoming event.

- Wanting to host the event in a warm and cozy atmosphere, brides should first consider the option of a home bachelorette party. Despite the everyday atmosphere, the holiday can be made madly funny. The dress code depends on the theme of the party, but most brides tend to go for a night out. An important factor is that at home at the hero of the occasion, guests will feel free and even uninhibited.

- Wanting to turn into a child for a while, the bride and her bridesmaids can go to the amusement park. The dress code for this event is bright dresses. Unfortunately, for the winter time, this option for a bachelorette party is not suitable, but you can go to the water park. In such an environment, cool gifts will be appropriate.

- Those who love to tickle their nerves will want to test themselves and their girlfriends in a night quest. Solving interesting puzzles, moving around the city from one point to another, each invited guest will be able to share memories of meeting the hero of the occasion or of the fun moments of their time together. The essence of this version of the party is to unravel a terrible secret and a visual walk through memories.

- Mobile girls will gladly go to a bachelorette party with pokatushki all over the city. The choice of car depends on the number of guests invited. Thus, several dance clubs and bars can be visited in one night.It is not difficult to organize such an event, the main thing is to find the right approach to business.

To surprise the guests invited to the bachelorette party, the event organizer must try. The main part of the holiday is spent in a bar or cafe. In these places you can dance, have fun and even feel like a real singer. It all depends on the wishes of the bride and her girlfriends. Recently, brides have been spending their bachelorette parties outside their country of residence - in a hot resort in Turkey or in Thailand.

Common mistakes
Almost always, the organization of a bachelorette party falls on the shoulders of a person who is well acquainted with the bride and her preferences. Thanks to these subtleties, a picture of a full-fledged event is immediately drawn. Unfortunately, there are times when the conceived scenario loses its validity and the further action plan ceases to be relevant. To avoid all sorts of mistakes and leave in your memory pleasant memories of the last unmarried meeting with your friends, it is necessary to exclude possible mistakes in advance.

A bachelorette party in its meaning is a free event in which the element of surprise is extremely important. The complete absence of a script can threaten with boredom or the usual female chatter without any hints of triumph.

Entertainment ideas
You can still survive the absence of an event plan, try to do it impromptu. But the lack of entertainment is already a serious signal of concern.

We must not forget that the bride is obliged to go through many tests in a playful way. Otherwise, the holiday will be considered unsuccessful.

Courage of the bride
It's no secret that at bachelorette parties in women's conversation, topics of an intimate nature are raised. Against this background, several competitions for the future wife can be built. The main thing is not to go too far. Intimate questions and vulgar jokes are very different things.

Planned specifics
The bachelorette planner should be prepared so that the bridesmaid script may be slightly replayed. You should not worry about this. A slight deviation from the intended plan can be beneficial.

For information on how to spend a bachelorette party, see the next video.