Wedding photo shoot: the best places and weather for beautiful photos

A wedding photo session is a very important and responsible event, without which no celebration is complete. It is very important that she becomes truly romantic, original and beautiful - after all, it is photographs that keep the memory of the most important event in the life of a family - marriage.

Beautiful poses for photo shoots
For a start, it's worth talking about the poses of the young - they should look romantic, but at the same time natural. When organizing a photo session, it is worth focusing on the following interesting options:
- by the hands - the young can walk hand in hand, however, variations are possible, for example, the young spouse leads his beloved under the elbow; such poses are especially good in dynamics;

- support - in this case, the man stands slightly behind his beloved, supports her by the shoulders and gently kisses her on the cheek or temple;

- the center of the artistic composition - while the young groom is looking directly into the camera, and the bride is holding herself slightly in a semi-profile, leaning slightly on her partner's shoulder.
It is better for the groom to stick his palms in his pockets - this way it will be possible to avoid unnecessary caricature and unnecessary broken corners and lines that will look bad in the frame;

- on his hands - a classic shot when the newly-made husband carries his wife in his arms, but in this case, you need to take into account the peculiarities of the bride's attire; if the dress is very fluffy, then classical support will be appropriate, when one hand of the young man wraps around the waist of his partner, and the other holds it under the knees, if the dress is made in the style of "Mermaid" or a slightly fitted silhouette, then it makes sense to lift the girl upright.
Interesting! If the young are distinguished by a good sense of humor, then the bride can be completely thrown over her shoulder.

It is imperative to take a few pictures when the young are sitting. At the same time, you can also sit in different ways, namely:
- lovers look very good side by side, this option is optimal for a wedding photoset, as well as outdoors - on a swing, on the banks of a river or embankment;

- a fairly popular plot is a tilt, in this case the young slightly tilt their heads towards each other, turning towards the camera;
- levels are a stylish trick; the bride usually sits, and the young groom stands behind her, or in another way - the groom is on the bench, the young wife is located right at his feet.

Traditionally, wedding photos are of kisses. Kisses in the pictures can be modest, hidden by a fan, a veil or a sideboard, or they can be passionate - but in this case, it is important to keep the line precisely so that the passion in the frames does not turn into obscenity. You should pay attention to the following options:
- the most classic foreshortening is kissing on the lips - usually young people freeze for a few seconds before touching their lips and at this moment the photographer “catches” them;

- kisses on the cheek, as well as on the top of the head or forehead look very tender and quivering - it will be much better if a man is kissing;

- The picture looks very graceful and reverent when a young bride stands on tiptoe and reaches for a kiss to her beloved.
Such shots are especially good if the young man is much taller than his companion.

Important! Every photographer tries to make his client as beautiful as possible. However, it will be more correct if you yourself determine your good angle.
Professionals recommend that you focus on the tip of the nose - for this you need to look in which direction it is directed. Usually this is almost imperceptible, but if you look carefully, you can still guess the favorable direction.

Another topical question is how to place your hands in photographs. To make the young look more gentle and romantic, you need to adhere to the following tips:
- when the frame is designed to capture a hug, usually the hands of the spouse are located on the waist of the young man, and the girl holds her beloved by the neck;

- the option looks good in which the arms slightly bent at the elbows touch the partner's forearms;
- if the spouses hold each other's hands, then there is no need to interlace their fingers - the pictures in which the man and woman barely touch with their palms look very gentle;

- a very good option is when a strong and strong hand of a man supports the bride's delicate and fragile fingers;
- when the picture is in profile, the woman often puts her hand on the shoulder of her companion, or the man raises the palms of his beloved spouse, depicting a gallant kiss.

Correctly chosen poses are only part of the success of a wedding photo shoot, and the other part that determines the real atmosphere and energy of the shots is the views of the young. The variation is eye to eye or in one direction. Such shots always look solemn and gentle. A winning shot is obtained in which the bride looks directly into the lens, and her man looks at her with love. Or, conversely, photographs are good when the man looks directly into the camera and the bride casts a playful glance over her shoulder.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on poses that should not be used for the first joint photo session of young spouses.
- Forget about such hackneyed cliches as the bride in the palm of your hand - such games with dimensions often look pretty ridiculous.
If you want to get a photo with humor, it is better to play with facial expressions.

- Many people love jumping photography. In fact, this is not a very good idea, more often than not, instead of the expected flight effect, you get an unnatural pose and a distorted face.
- Well, the reception, when the bride pulls her groom by the tie, is also a thing of the past long ago. The frame will look more stylish and elegant when the girl straightens the boutonniere on the lapel of her jacket or brushes off an invisible speck of dust from it.

All of the above poses look good both in winter and in summer, so feel free to include them in your photo report.However, remember the main thing - you must be natural, your memory is your feelings and emotions, which create that incredible atmosphere of this wonderful day.
Choosing a place for photography
The location for wedding photography is very important. In the morning, it is better for a girl to take pictures in some bright hotel, it is desirable that the windows in the room are on the floor - it looks really luxurious and exciting.

When it comes to paired shots, try to avoid templates. Every wedding must be unique. The best backgrounds in each case should be selected individually, depending on the style of the event, the bride's outfit and the personal preferences of the young.
For example, if the newlyweds love a certain style of music, then you can arrange a photo session for them near the wall with graffiti. An observation deck with a view of the city will also be a good area - it will emphasize the height of the relationship of lovers.

The actual locations for photography should be considered in more detail.
- An old manor. This is a rather original solution, which, no doubt, will suit young people - this is a solemn photo session in the premises of an old manor house, a destroyed temple or a museum. The special style and decor of such places will give a unique charm to photographs, create a unique atmosphere, emphasize the beauty of the couple and, as it were, will take the newlyweds back many centuries.
Antique pieces of furniture, paintings and patina can be a stunning backdrop for some of the finest and most memorable shots.

- Parks and squares. Parks do not lose their popularity as photo zones for wedding photography, and they are relevant at any time of the year - luxurious blooming, golden or covered with snow-white cover - this is a classic of wedding photography, which is ideal for romantic and delicate shots. Young couples can go deeper into the park, sit in a cozy gazebo, or take a picture against the backdrop of busy paths. Smudging foreign objects a little can make your shots look really stylish.
Photos in an amusement park look very good, especially if they are taken in the evening under unusual lighting.

- Sea shore. Probably, there is hardly anything more romantic than a seascape - white clean sand, golden beaches, high foamy waves and endless blue make pictures of lovers incredibly romantic, they create an extraordinary feeling of lightness, freedom and real tenderness. The shots taken at dawn look great - at this time, the picture changing every minute allows you to make many interesting, beautiful, romantic and at the same time different shots.
It will be great if you find a wooden pier, however, the rocky coast can create an extraordinary atmosphere, so the choice of background should be approached as carefully as possible.

- In field. Shots in rural wilderness always turn out to be a win-win, and this is not surprising. The rural landscape creates its own special atmosphere, rustic-style shots come out well. At the same time, there are quite a few options for good shots - it can be a walk in a field with golden wheat, a ride on horses, touching photos with funny chickens, ducklings, a dog or rabbits. Images of sheaves of harvested hay are obtained quite stylishly.

- By the reservoir. A pond or a river can be a decoration for any wedding frame. Young people who stand on the riverbank hugging each other always look touching and cute. The shots with reeds are especially atmospheric, but city water bodies look no worse - usually such places are equipped with bridges and landscape figures, so they can be an ideal solution for photo shoots.

- On a yacht. For those newlyweds who want to emphasize their style, luxurious lifestyle and wealth, elegant frames on a yacht will be the best choice.The water transport area, the natural landscape and the urban background, slightly blurred in the background, makes the photo shoot really expensive and sensual.

- On the roof of a skyscraper. Photos taken on the roof of high-rise buildings look very romantic and unbeatable. Of course, it is necessary to choose a place in advance - the roof must be safe and comfortable. It is advisable to choose a building located in the very center of the city, as a rule, they offer a magnificent view.
And, of course, make sure that the ascent to the roof is clean - keep in mind that if young people have to climb dirty stairs, this is unlikely to decorate their appearance.

When conducting a wedding photo session, special attention should be paid to the preparation of accessories. It is worth considering in more detail what they can be.
- False glasses, lips and mustache. A very popular technique commonly used in holiday photography is lips, as well as a mustache and glasses on sticks. You just need to attach such an accessory to your face, as instead of a boring hackneyed frame, you will get a very funny and funny photo with your unique character. It is noteworthy that all invitees can safely take part in such a photo session - even the most serious and strict people can hardly resist the opportunity to fool around a little in an atmosphere of complete liberation of unrestrained fun. In addition to the mustache, at the first family holiday photo session, you can use carnival masks and crowns - frames made in this way are unusual, bright and understandable.
Photo booth makes the shooting process more varied and gives the frames a special charm and harmony.

- Halo and angel wings. This is a very atmospheric accessory. Usually, large and very voluminous wings are used for pictures, which are made using real feathers or from artificial analogs. Such a stylish addition to the bride's dress will turn her into a real heavenly messenger, and the frames will look good anywhere and in any weather. Wings can be accompanied by flowers in their hair, delicate makeup and a dress fluttering in the wind. It is best to carry out such photography outdoors, and it also looks harmonious at weddings in a fairy-tale style. Depending on the general design, the spouse can turn into a fairy, an elf or a kind angel.
It will be great if you prepare small wings from the children invited to the event - this will make the atmosphere even more fabulous and magical.

- Framework. A few years ago, frames burst among the top trends in wedding photography. This attribute always brings its own special mood and style to a photo project. For example, a gilded frame will be appropriate for a vintage-style celebration, while a wooden frame will be optimal for an event decorated in accordance with the canons of rusticism.

- Tantamareski. The frames are very funny using cardboard or plastic small stands, where holes for faces are cut out. In the pictures, you can thus try on the outfit of aristocrats, superheroes, pirates, fairy-tale characters and many others. Stylish details can add color - for example, a frame always looks advantageous when a groom paints a portrait of his bride with a brush, or vice versa.

- Volumetric letters. Large letters that can be combined into words are always popular in wedding photography. The most common inscription is, of course, LOVE. Words of this kind are good absolutely everywhere. They are placed in the photo zone, near the sweet table, near the place where the young and others sit.

- Big flowers. Paper flowers represent true harmony and sophistication. Usually they set off the stylish outfit of the newlywed and are a symbol of eternal youth. If you wish, you can make several colors and decorate the entire photo zone with them.

- Umbrella. One of the most recent trends has become pictures of spouses holding unusual hand-painted umbrellas. In this case, the inscriptions are usually made personal so that they can reflect the feelings of the bride and groom for each other, their vows and promises.

- Background from paper. You can create a stylish wedding photography backdrop using plain crepe paper. To do this, it is cut into ribbons and connected into a kind of curtain. Usually, such compositions are made multi-colored, in this case they harmoniously emphasize the general atmosphere of the holiday.
Usually, both guests and young people like to pose near such a colorful background, and the shots are bright and chic.

We take into account the weather
When conducting a photo session, it is worth considering the vagaries of the weather. If you are doing a photo shoot in winter, of course, the photo of the newly-made wife against the background of the snow-white carpet looks really amazing. At the same time, it should be understood that it is almost impossible to find beautiful snow in big cities; in order to make high-quality shots, you will have to travel far beyond the metropolis. In addition, severe frosts often occur in winter, and the bride, as a rule, is dressed in a light airy dress. Therefore, at best, photographers will capture the girl's red nose and ears, and at worst, the weather will cause illness of the young. Of course, you can create several shots outdoors, but the main photoset is best done under a roof.
However, the choice of premises should be approached consciously. It can be a winter garden, a restaurant or another building with an interesting interior.

On warm and dry days, it is worth giving preference to natural landscapes - shots look good on the shore of a reservoir, in a park or square, as well as against the background of some iconic sights of the city. But autumn is considered one of the best seasons for a wedding for a reason. After all, nature, filled with all shades of gold, burgundy and yellow, creates incredibly beautiful and rather atmospheric backgrounds.

However, the weather is very unstable - if the sun is shining now, it is not a fact that in an hour the city will not be covered with rain. If you're planning to shoot outdoors, it's worth considering alternatives in advance. However, a good photographer will most likely be able to beat even a sudden rain and make very interesting shots.
For example, if the rain caught you during a photo shoot in the park, then you can hide under the crown of spreading trees or in a cozy gazebo and continue taking pictures. Or you can portray a romantic in the rain - of course, the dress and hair will get wet, but the atmosphere of the pictures will be indescribable.

Unusual ideas
If young spouses are planning some unusual photo session, then it is better to move away from the usual city routes and arrange filming in interesting places.
- Bowling. If young people like to play this game, then you can take several shots in which they will do their favorite thing. This will not only become an ideal alternative to traditional filming, but will also give the spouses a lot of funny memories and create an atmosphere of unbridled fun and excitement.
- Railway. Very original and stylish shots are obtained in the countryside near railway tracks, such shots look atmospheric and even somewhat symbolic.

- Busy highway. Always win-win views, which depict cars rushing somewhere, hurrying people, neon signs of shops and real posters - and in the middle of this whole race there are lovers who calmly and confidently hold hands. As a rule, such pictures are very stylish and effective.

Sports photo session
Many couples these days are deviating from the usual standards of wedding photography and trying to capture sincere and lively emotions. A skating photo session would be a great idea. Young people, having fun and carefree skating on the rink in their solemn outfits, look quite amusing, but at the same time romantic.A photo shoot on skis or sleds can also be a rather bold, but effective solution.
Of course, the young people will have to change, but the main details of the wedding dress - the veil, the boutonniere and the bridal bouquet can be left - rest assured, the pictures will be truly amazing.

Winter is not the only opportunity to make stylish original shots. In the summer, a photo session in the water will be an interesting idea. These can be shots in large water balls or even underwater. Photos in which young people jump from the pier into the water abyss or stand knee-deep in water look very stylish and bold.
Keep in mind that in this case, the bride and groom will need a spare outfit.

The shots in the trunk of a car turn out to be very funny, for example, when young people kiss in the trunk of a car, and even funnier are the shots where the bride and groom will pose in the back of a truck, which, it would seem, is not at all suitable for a wedding photo.

Beautiful shots can be taken on your own street or forest path - take a picture on bicycles, mopeds and motorcycles, most likely, they will be expressive, atmospheric and dynamic. Pictures with parents and children work very well if the couple already has them. You can photograph young people in colored smoke: lilac, pink, orange - such shots seem to be cut from some saga about wizards and wonderful heroes.

For information on how to prepare for a wedding photo shoot, see the next video.