Choosing plates for wedding photo shoots

Wedding plaques are very popular when organizing photo sessions. They can be made in a classic, elegant way or in a more dramatic way. With their help, you can not only diversify the photos, but also designate the newlyweds and their guests. Depending on the status of the guest, the plates may differ in appearance and inscriptions to create the most stylish and interesting photos.

Wedding photo shoots have been popular in Russia for a long time. This tradition came to us from the west, where they often designate guests or create original unforgettable photos with their help. Depending on the preferences of the newlyweds and the invited photographer, as well as the theme of the wedding, the plates can differ significantly not only in their appearance, but also in content.
Such plates can be rented as props from a wedding photo studio or made to order. The advantage of the latter option is that such plates will most organically fit into the style of the wedding, as well as emphasize the character and style of the newlyweds. However, individual options can be made independently from available tools.

In the manufacture of such props, all kinds of materials and their various combinations can be used.
The most popular are:
- cardboard;
- glass;
- wood;
- foam rubber;
- steel;
- fabric, etc.

The phrases themselves on them can be performed in Russian or English, as well as in any other language, for example, native for newlyweds. Phrases can be decorated on the plate with paint or glitter.It is not uncommon for newlyweds to draw up the signs themselves using markers or other writing objects.
A stick, thread or a special handle on the other side of the product can be used as a support for the plate. In some cases, there is no element for holding the product, so guests can hold the plate at any place free from words.
Nowadays, plates are most often used during professional photography, but recently such products are increasingly being supplemented with a wedding banner or stand. Their appearance can be made in the same design or differ in shape or some separate additional elements.

Design ideas
Most often, newlyweds try to ensure that the sign has an individual design and emphasizes the theme and color of the event. However, not everyone has the opportunity to make custom-made plaques, so they accept the offer to use the props that wedding photographers provide to the celebration.
An integral part of such products is the inscription. It is she who makes the plate special and allows you to create an individual interesting photo with it. Often it is on her that the design of the plate itself depends. The most popular options include some ideas for their design.

For banner
Such a sign usually includes general information about the celebration and acts as an additional props to the wedding banner. In addition to the names of the newlyweds and the date of an important event, it can include various additional elements of a typical wedding theme: hearts, rings, doves, and more. The plate itself can be made in the form of any geometric figure, or simply be a three-dimensional phrase, in the hands of which those who wish can quickly take a picture.

To indicate the status of guests
Another popular option for a photo session are signs with such designations for those present as, for example, "husband", "wives", "mother-in-law", "witness", "cousin" and more. Moreover, such phrases can be even more original, for example, written in English or echoing well-known characters in books or films, as well as corresponding to some narrow direction of the wedding. Thus, with the help of such plates, you can get extremely interesting photographs as a keepsake.

In the form of dialogues
Fans of creative ideas can complement wedding photos with plates with bright inscriptions, which will be depicted in the form of comical dialogues or thoughts. Often, newlyweds themselves undertake to come up with interesting and original phrases for their guests, who can experiment and get even more positive emotions from the photo session.
The most traditional in this case will be congratulatory signs. It can be either a props prepared in advance by the photographer, for example, with the words "happiness", "love and tenderness", "healthy children," photo for young people.

As an addition to the outfit
Among the wedding photos, you can find options in which the newlyweds and their guests emphasize this significant event with the help of plates in the form of hearts, emoticons, kisses and other various bright details. With their help, you can create an original and fun photo for memory.

Often, newlyweds turn to experienced designers to create custom-designed plaques. These can be voluminous words or phrases made using a frame and white lace or other fabric, as well as decorated with sequins and various rhinestones or tassels. In handicrafts, it is also popular to use woodcarving in conjunction with the branches of young trees as a spectacular design touch.With the help of such beautiful props, you can create the highest quality professional photos.

As individual letters
To create an unusual joint photo with friends or relatives, you can use the plates, each of which will contain one letter of each word or phrase, or bulky letters. Thus, more guests will be involved in the creation of the photo, and the photo itself will turn out to be interesting and fun.
A photo session is an important memorable element of any wedding, which is why it is extremely important that even such small elements as plaques are executed neatly and perfectly fit into the overall design concept of the wedding.

You will learn how to make accessories for a wedding photo shoot yourself in the next video.