What is the name and celebration of 1 month from the date of the wedding?

The wedding day is definitely on the list of the most important days in the life of many people. On this day, the bride and groom enter into a marital union based on love and mutual respect. It is with him that the countdown of new anniversaries begins, each of which has its own name and traditions. In this article, we'll talk about when to celebrate the first anniversary, as it is called, and also what its features are.

First date
The first month after the traditional marriage is called green. This is due to the fact that earlier young people entered it inexperienced, immature. They only had to find out the characters and habits of each other, to find points of contact and mutual understanding. Despite the fact that today life has changed somewhat, most traditions do not lose their relevance.
In many cultures, green symbolizes freshness, youth, purity. Therefore, it is not surprising that the myrtle leaves in the wedding crown became the symbol of a green wedding - a reflection of the innocence and naivety of young people who have just entered into a legal relationship, whose feelings, like young greenery, are just blossoming.

Interestingly, the green wedding is celebrated not only after a month, but also after two, three, four months, and so on (until the first anniversary). This holiday is considered to be the longest of all existing wedding events. The countdown of the celebration begins on the day of the wedding, and it is customary to celebrate it every month throughout the year on the same date when the union was concluded.
This is a great opportunity to once again remind each other of your feelings, to show love and care for a loved one.
A green wedding is a real freedom for those who love romance and want to keep it for many years.

Celebration traditions
1 month from the date of the wedding is celebrated in different ways. Many people prefer quiet, cozy family evenings with friends and family. Someone celebrates the holiday only together, not letting anyone into the cramped world of the new family.
In fact, the first month of family relationships is associated with the search for compromises. It is one thing to date a loved one, but it is quite another to share life with him in the same house. For many, many of the partner's habits, his rhythm of life and daily routine come as a surprise. No wonder they say that family life and romantic, albeit long-term, relationships are two different things.

It's not just everyday habits that become visible. Many people live together, binds them with strong bonds. Among everyday worries, love is felt and manifested in a different way, relationships reach a new level. That is why, celebrating the first month lived together, you need to arrange a holiday first of all for each other. The green month is the first stage passed, which must be appreciated and celebrated in a way that is sure to be remembered.
It can be a romantic candlelit dinner. Gentle wedding music, light snacks, delicious wine will remind the newlyweds that they have become a family only recently, and will set them up for a festive atmosphere. If homemade food is a little bored, you can go to your favorite restaurant or, conversely, choose an original institution that you have not been able to visit before.

For young people who spend evenings at home, you can diversify the holiday with a walk or even a trip to another city. It will not be superfluous to visit some significant place for young people, for example, where they first met. The main thing is that this evening was not like all the others spent together.
The first month can be a great start to your monthly wedding celebrations. You can come up with and start your own traditions that will give you a lot of pleasant emotions and memories. For example, you can take a thematic photo every month, and put together an interesting photo collage at the end of the year.
Or you can start the tradition of having breakfast on the waterfront or walking in your favorite park every month on this date. Or you can, on the contrary, come up with something unforgettable for every month (like a parachute jump). Although this option is more suitable for people who cannot imagine their life without change and extreme.

Is the gift important?
A green wedding is too early for a luxurious gift. In addition, sometimes pleasant little things are dear to the heart than an iconic present. At a wedding, a traditional gift from the groom to the bride is a bouquet. A woman, in turn, can emphasize her love for her chosen one with the help of pair dishes or a small souvenir with wedding symbols.
It used to be the custom to plant a myrtle tree on the wedding day as a symbol of a new young family. This interesting tradition can be renewed. It will be simply unforgettable. Throughout the month, you can give all sorts of little things that remind you of love for each other. It is especially good if the accessories are associated with a wedding or, for example, with the number of days spent together.

If finances allow, you can give preference to timeless classics - engraved jewelry, names, dates. Such a gift will never become outdated and can be passed on to future generations.
A souvenir photo is another option that can be quite original. Modern technologies allow you to make photo printing on almost everything: mugs, plates, puzzles, T-shirts, magnets, key chains.

It all depends on the imagination of the donor and the possibilities of the photo studio.
In any case, remember that the gift is not the main thing. Love, sincerity, understanding and caring for each other will become the best manifestations of feelings. It is important to try to make the first month of family life special, so that after years there will be the most tender memories of its beginning.
For how the wedding month affects your future life together, see the next video.