10 years of marriage: what does the date mean and what gifts are given for the anniversary?

Is 10 years of marriage a lot or a little? In fact, this is the first big anniversary of life together, but, on the other hand, there is a long joint journey of the spouses ahead. Let's talk about what is customary to give on the 10th anniversary of marriage to emphasize the features of the union.

What is the name of the anniversary?
Ten years of the wedding is one of the "round" dates in the life of the spouses. This anniversary is called "pewter", in some sources it is called "pink". Each of these names has a symbolic explanation.
A ten-year marriage is a relationship where the spouses turned out to be quite flexible and tolerant. in relation to each other, learned to make compromises. Tin has similar properties - it is a malleable and ductile material, which, however, is not afraid of fire.

However, a 10-year-old family is a relatively young union, where romance and tenderness reign. Associated with this are roses, a pink tint.
Ideas for original gifts for spouses
Spouses' surprises usually start in the morning. As a rule, a man congratulates first, presenting a bouquet of roses in the morning. In the Russian tradition, it is not customary to give an even number of flowers, so the bouquet consists of 11 roses. Ten of them symbolize the happily lived 10 years of marriage, and one - the hope for a bright joint future. Shades of flowers - pink, red. The first symbolize tenderness, admiration, romance of relationships, the second - a passionate and deep feeling, respect.

Another traditional present of the spouses to each other is the exchange of tin rings. On the day of the anniversary, they can be put on instead of the usual wedding bands, and then stored as a souvenir. Usually such rings are engraved with a special meaning for the spouses.They can be exchanged both in the morning, being alone, and at guests, for example, at a gala dinner.

In the latter case, you can beautifully play this moment by pronouncing vows or confessions to each other in a symbolic place, accompanied by music that has a special meaning for both spouses.
Another tradition on this day is associated with tin spoons. It is believed that if you carry them in your pocket on the day of your anniversary, it will bring success and goodness. At night, cutlery is put under the pillow, and in the morning they are put away in a box, where they are cherished like a family amulet. According to another version, there should be one spoon. All day long it is carried by the groom in the breast pocket, in the one near the heart. At night, she "migrates" under the pillow to her wife.
However, one of the most expensive and important gifts is special attention and tenderness., which spouses give to each other on this day. If you understand that lately you have been occupied with everyday problems, and life has become mundane, there is a reason to arrange a romantic date. You can invite guests the next day after the anniversary, and if it falls on a weekday, then on a weekend.

Dedicate a holiday to each other - get out to a restaurant or out of town, repeat the most romantic date you've ever had in 10 years of your marriage or premarital period.
Another option is to surprise one of the spouses. It can be a home evening in the spirit of spa care, an oriental night, or an exciting quest through places of "military" glory - the place where they met, the streets where they walked, and so on. You need to start from the nature of your "half", his lifestyle, hobbies.

You can embody a wedding day, and it will be a surprise for the second "newlywed". Sign up for a festive ceremony at the registry office (you can negotiate with its employees), or arrange an exit registration, where you will make an oath of love. You need to take care of a lot - to invite guests in advance, order tin rings, think over a route for car trips, hire a photographer, book a restaurant.

If you make such a surprise for your spouse, remember that on this day she wants to look especially good. Make a note (and pay for) her visit to the makeup artist and beautician, buy a dress (then you will get a real surprise) or give a certificate to a clothing store (do not forget to provide your wife with suggestive clues about the style of her outfit, but not openly about the upcoming surprise speak).

The apotheosis of such a surprise day will be the presented gift - a ticket to rest. The bold and eccentric can even pre-pack their bags for themselves and their half and go to the airport right from the banquet.
Jewelry is a great gift for most women. Earrings, pendant, ring with a pink stone - this is the symbolic present that will delight your spouse. You can add to this gift a jewelry box made of pewter or upholstered in pink velvet.

"Women's" gifts can be called cosmetics, perfumes, beautiful underwear. If you are afraid not to guess with the sizes, smells and brands, it is more logical to donate certificates to these stores. Do not forget about the beautiful design of the gift - it is better to put the certificates in gift envelopes or pink bags.

A "modern" gift is a piece of equipment, for example, a new phone or accessories to it. Today, smartphones with pink cases are on sale, and finding a phone in the same shade is not a problem at all. However, in pursuit of the symbolism of the offering, do not forget about the spouse's taste preferences, the peculiarities of the technique itself. In other words, the shade of the phone is not at all the main selection criterion. As we have already said, you can beat the "pink" wedding by decorating a gift in the appropriate style.

A pink wedding is an opportunity to refresh relationships, fill them with romance and tenderness, so frying pans and pots are not the best choice as a gift for a spouse.Even if she is fond of cooking and herself does not mind getting a fancy kitchen gadget. Leave such a present for another, more prosaic reason, or present it just like that, without it at all.
To husband
You can also buy a gift for your husband in a jewelry store - a ring, cufflinks, a chain will delight most males no less than a woman with a ring or earrings. It is believed that you cannot give a watch, but expensive and stylish wrist options are one of the most coveted gifts.

If your spouse smokes, you can present a tin ashtray or cigarette case. Another option is an alcohol flask. Do not forget that such presentations are not offered "empty". They should be accompanied by quality cigarettes or cigars, cognac or wine.
Almost all men are children at heart, so the donated controlled helicopters, cars and yachts will delight them. It will be interesting if you can find a toy car of the same brand or shade as your husband's four-wheeled friend. A similar option is the collectible car.

A donated weapon, for example, will help to emphasize the masculinity and strength of the spirit of your chosen one. A set of knives or dagger. It is not at all necessary for the spouse to be fond of hunting or hiking, because such gifts can simply become his pride, replenish the collection or decorate the interior.

An intellectual can be presented with a chess set with tin figures, and a serious business person can be presented with a folder or wallet made of genuine leather. Most men will approve of a nice shirt, leather belt.

Various gadgets are another presentation option for a spouse. Phone, laptop, car devices, if you don't understand - a certificate to the appropriate store.
How to congratulate your friends?
Friends who invite you to a pewter wedding can also give gifts associated with this material or roses, a pink tint. Do not forget that they should be intended for both newlyweds at once, ideally they should use the present together.
In the first case, a tin vase, a photo frame made of tin or stylized as it, a mirror in a tin frame, cutlery can become a gift.

Gifts similar to the pink theme are, of course, easier to find. For a family, presents such as table or bed linen, a set of towels, a pair of bathrobes are always relevant. They can have a pink hue (remember that it can be different in saturation - more delicate, to pink - for a woman, close to peach, powdery - for a man) or a floral ornament.

However, even if the gift cannot be attributed to the pink-pewter theme, this is easy to fix. It is enough to pack it in a pink packing box or add a couple of tin spoons to the main present. Now you can even find spoons with names.
Useful gifts include small household appliances - a food processor, an electric kettle, an iron, a coffee maker, as well as sets of pots and pans. Such gifts delight most spouses, since they are always necessary on the farm. If you buy something from household appliances, make sure that the “newlyweds” have not made a similar gift to themselves quite recently.

A way out of the situation can be a present in the form of a certificate to a store of household appliances, dishes, home textiles. In this case, in order for the gift to look more solid and turn out to be really useful, its amount should not be too small. It is assumed that the "young" will be able to buy useful things without adding personal funds to the certificate. Often, gift cards become a collective present.

A lamp or sconce with a pink shade can be a very symbolic gift. It is associated with home comfort and itself contributes a lot to the introduction of a special family atmosphere into the interior.
The lamp shade can be replaced with a rose quartz lamp. It will help rid the room of viruses and bacteria, and emits a warm pink hue when working. In addition, due to the peculiarities of the material, it looks very authentic.

A pewter bell on the front door will be a symbolic and lovely gift. It can carry both a decorative and a practical function. Complement the gift with a horseshoe to be hung with the horns down at random.

Nowadays people take pictures a lot, but rarely print photos. Close friends and relatives can fix this by giving the “young” their photographs from different years. It will not be difficult to do this if you often spend time with the "newlyweds", relax together, or they lead pages on social networks. It is enough to think over the theme or design of the album, pick up photos, print them and place them in the album.

You can make the latter in the spirit of "love story" heroes of the occasion, or take motives from a beautiful book or movie of the bride and groom. By the way, as a supplement, you can present these very book or film, as well as tickets to the theater or cinema based on this story.
A nice gift will be a certificate for going to a restaurant, tickets to a concert or to the theater. You will prove to be true friends if you also invite the newlyweds to sit with their children while they enjoy a concert or socializing in a restaurant.

A bouquet of roses of the appropriate shade can also become a symbolic addition to a gift. You can opt for potted roses, if the owners of the house have the ability and desire to take care of it. However, remember that according to etiquette rules, only ladies with whom you are in a fairly close relationship can present flowers in pots. If the bride is your close friend or relative, then feel free to purchase roses in pots, if a colleague or acquaintance, it is better to limit yourself to a traditional bouquet.
Do not seek to buy a luxurious and voluminous flower arrangement. It is believed that the spouse will "present" roses to the bride on this day, so the rest of the pink bouquets should in no way overshadow his compositions. If the holiday is taking place in a cafe or restaurant, it is better to limit yourself to a composition in a basket or equipped with a special bag, in which flowers can not be put in water, of course, flowers on too high legs will also be inappropriate. If you put them on the table, they will interfere with the communication of guests.

If the holiday is celebrated at home, you can bring cake and sweets to the table. Let the first one have a symbolic design, for example, decorated with live or oil, marshmallow roses. Instead of a cake, you can bring pink (rose petals) jam or wine. They are easy to find in the appropriate stores, but few have tried such delicacies. Both treats have a delicate taste and pleasant lightness.

When choosing a gift, you should always take into account the tastes and lifestyle of the "newlyweds". Pewter figurines can often be found among the recommended gifts in various sources. Of course, this is a good and symbolic present, but it will delight only collectors and lovers of such gizmos. For the majority of modern people, such figurines are nothing more than "dust collectors". The same can be said in most cases about caskets.

Options for surprises for parents
Children should consider gifts that will emphasize both love and respect for their parents celebrating their 10th wedding. If, due to their age, it is still difficult for them to organize congratulations, then grandparents should help the children in this matter.
Perhaps the most pleasant and memorable for the "newlyweds" will be a handmade gift. You can organize a day of surprises starting in the morning. Inflate a lot of balloons (nice if they are filled with helium), draw a large poster-postcard, buy paper garlands-congratulations or make them yourself.

A bouquet should be prepared for the mother, and a festive breakfast for both parents.With the guidance of your grandmother or other close relatives, you can bake a birthday cake or cake. And let it be far from confectionery masterpieces, it is this cake that parents will eat with great pleasure.

Tin cutlery cannot be called too expensive; if desired, even children 10-12 years old can save up on them. As a last resort, adult relatives can finance the gift. The guys can choose not a complete set of instruments, but restrict themselves to the same tin spoons with the names of their parents or purchase such personalized spoons for all family members.
If you are familiar with the history of acquaintance of parents, you can make small dramatizations about it, and in general "highlight" the most significant milestones in their family life.

You can make the day of surprises even more enjoyable by taking on most of the parenting concerns - cleaning the house the day before, washing the dishes all day, and walking the dog.
For information on how to mark and what to give for a pink wedding, see the next video.