100 years from the date of the wedding - what is the name of the date and are there any cases of a record anniversary?

The centenary of living together seems like an almost unattainable borderline, because even those who would simply live to be a hundred years old are very few. However, the tradition that defines the name and the way of celebrating each anniversary even provides for such a celebration.

What is the name of this anniversary?
In our country, 100 years of life together is called a red wedding - it just so happened historically that we love red and consider it completely typical for celebrations, and such an occasion, of course, cannot be ignored. Moreover, in the Old Church Slavonic language the word “red” meant not only color, but also “beautiful”, therefore for a round date such a name is very appropriate.
However, in the modern tradition, which provides for the obligatory binding of each anniversary to a certain material, such a wedding is often called platinum. The decoding is that this precious metal is highly valued, like long-term relationships, for its amazing resistance to wear and tear, in addition, it is a huge rarity, unlike the same gold.

Interestingly, a similar tradition of naming anniversaries exists in Western Europe., however, here the platinum wedding is celebrated "only" seventy years after the wedding, and later anniversaries are already devoid of any names. This is because Europeans, where in our time it is customary to build a career and not rush to get married, are very practical and do not consider it necessary to come up with a tradition for something that is almost impossible.Indeed, even for such a platinum wedding, the couple must be at least ninety years old, and for our understanding of this date they must be about a hundred and twenty years old.

How do I mark the date?
To be honest, such an anniversary does not have any special traditions, since it is very problematic to find a person who has not only become the reason, but who has just attended such a celebration at least once. For this reason, everyone organizes such a date in their own way, but you can beat the names in the design.
Platinum does not possess any special color, therefore the main thematic shade of the color scale of the celebration will be exactly red.as well as its bright hues. In this design, you can make most of the textile accessories for the holiday - from napkins to curtains. To dilute too aggressive colors, you can add white to it, which will symbolize platinum - tablecloths can be white. Balloons of both colors will also be a beautiful addition; you can also add a birthday cake to the overall range.

On various wedding anniversaries, a re-wedding ceremony is often held, but nowhere will it be as appropriate as at a platinum wedding. For a hundred years, the form of government of the country and the documentation confirming the act of marriage have probably changed - the more symbolic it will be to update all this, once again showing that true love remains unchanged. Such an event may seem like a formality for the heroes of the occasion themselves, but for the guests it will definitely become one of the brightest memories for the rest of their lives.
It should be noted that such a holiday should still be interesting for the heroes of the day., and they, presumably, are already at a very old age. This means that they are unlikely to be happy about the opportunity for active pastime, so organizers should consider how to make the event interesting for everyone. The couple themselves on this day will probably most of all be delighted with the attention, because all the numerous descendants and other relatives should abandon any other plans on this day.

What to gift?
It is difficult even to imagine what such a person might need, who is far over a hundred years old, which he has never bought in his entire life. For this reason, in most cases, the only normal gift for such an anniversary is a symbolic present. Old age is precisely the time when a person is very prone to nostalgia. and has enough time to remember the past, so it would be wise to give something that reminds of the best moments of married life. For example, a photo collage of many photographs of a couple of different years will become a gorgeous gift, or, as an option, a photograph of the spouses together with all their descendants who have gathered at once for such an occasion. If someone close has a creative streak or is ready to attract specialists, you can even make a short film about a couple - instead of a plot, you just need to ask each of your loved ones to say a few words to the camera about what the anniversaries mean to him and add congratulations.

In some cases, a rarity that will remind old people of their youth can also be successful, but here it will be quite difficult to guess what it should be that, in fact, it reminds of the youth of such old people, and not of the conditional 50s last century. Another complication of such a gift is that it must necessarily resemble joyful moments, and not certain life difficulties of the turbulent times of the beginning of the last century. Finally, getting the right thing, even with a clear understanding of what it should be, will not be so easy.

Finally, you can start from the symbolic name and just give the spouses some kind of platinum jewelry.Not all guests can afford such a gift, because the symbolism of the presentation can be hidden in something else - for example, you can present a specially made medal or a prize for amazing conjugal love that never fades away.
Cases of the centenary of marriage in history
To many, a platinum wedding does not seem realistic, even in theory. Indeed, for a person to live a hundred years is already a feat, to live a hundred and twenty (so that a hundred of them fall into adulthood) is incredible luck, but for such an anniversary it is necessary that two people live to that age at once! Therefore, it is worth making a reservation that while this not only does not happen to friends, but even the newspapers do not write about it.
The famous Guinness Book of Records, considered the most authoritative in terms of capturing outstanding numbers, indicates that the longest marriage lasted "only" 86 years. Moreover, Russia has its own analogue of such a book, and according to it, the longest marriage within the country as of September 2018 lasts even much less - 62 years.

On the other hand, in 2007, the media from different countries wrote en masse that one couple in Azerbaijan nevertheless celebrated a similar anniversary. The fact that this case was not included in the reference books does not mean that old people or journalists are lying - you just need to understand that to fix a record, you need plausible documentary evidence. For a hundred years, any paper document can become unusable, and in fact in many regions of the world then no such documents were issued on the occasion of marriage.
Finally, it should be understood that not everyone is interested in records, and not everyone dreams of getting there. For old people, their own peace is often of great value, and they may not even suspect that they have broken a record. In other words, it is possible that a couple with a hundred years of experience of living together is even somewhere near you, just no one suspects about it.

See the next video for the Red Wedding.