16 years of marriage: what kind of wedding is it and how is it celebrated?

Each married couple has a different attitude towards celebrating their marriage anniversaries. Someone forgets about congratulations in the hustle and bustle of weekdays, while other couples prepare each other unforgettable memorable surprises and expensive gifts. To make your own memorable date unforgettable, you should familiarize yourself with the symbols with which it is associated. Everyone knows about round wedding dates, but not everyone is enlightened about intermediate anniversaries. For example, about the 16th anniversary of joint life.

What is the name of the anniversary?
Traditionally, the 16th wedding anniversary is called topaz in honor of the semi-precious topaz stone. Relationships in this period are compared with a mineral from the family of transparent crystals. Often, the children in the family have already grown up, the passions between the spouses have subsided, the clarification of the relationship has receded into the background. Mutual understanding, comfort and harmony reign in the house. Small cobwebs in the transparent structure of the mineral remind of past difficulties in married life. But without them you cannot build any strong alliance.
Topaz is a talisman of a family, from the day of whose wedding 16 years have passed. In ancient times, people wore an amulet with topaz to raise their spirits. It was believed that this stone has many shades, and it is blue that symbolizes tenderness and purity.
It is not without reason that a topaz wedding has such a name. It precedes a new stage in family relationships, when being together is no longer just important, but necessary, just like breathing.

What can you give?
We need to make a nice gift to each other on the 16th anniversary of the legal union. Of course, there are couples in which it is not customary to give gifts not on round dates. But most families love to celebrate and honor family traditions.Moreover, even a symbolic souvenir can leave the most wonderful and touching emotions in the soul. Considering what this wedding is called, as well as its symbolism - topaz, you can make different presents.

For beloved wife
Jewelry always leads among the gifts to ladies of the heart on special dates. Jewelry with topaz will be the most appropriate and wonderful present from your loving spouse. Charming stones look wonderful in earrings and in rings, presenting graceful ladies' hands in a favorable light.
It is better to refrain from giving the precious half of the kitchen utensils. This can be done on a weekday, and there are special things for a celebration.

Your beloved wife will certainly appreciate the complex of spa treatments in a modern beauty salon or will happily go to cash out a certificate for the purchase of things to update your wardrobe. Tickets for the concert of your favorite band or artist will also cause jubilation. And, of course, perfumes appear on one of the leading places in the ranking of gifts. Favorite scent for the one and only is a great way to show her your attention and love.
As a gift option, you can also consider a silk peignoir for your spouse or luxurious lacy lingerie. If it seems like a daunting task to cope with the choice of the right size on your own, a consultant in the store will help you do it quickly and easily. And the spouse will only have to evaluate his gift on the very hero of the occasion. And to hear the words of well-deserved gratitude on the night of the long-awaited anniversary.

For a beloved spouse
When a man is to congratulate on hobbies, choosing a gift is not a difficult task. But only if you understand the intricacies of his hobby. Because picking up fishing hooks and tackle is beyond the power of most women. Just like choosing car accessories or exhibits in a collection.
You can buy a flask for a fisherman and have it engraved in honor of the memorable anniversary of 16 years of marriage. The hiker will love the versatile flashlight or the folding knife system with bottle openers and screwdrivers. The business spouse will appreciate an expensive quality tool or box for storing repair and construction equipment. A good drill will come in handy in any home, and if your husband is not too skilled, you will have to give up jigsaws and saws. Let him decide when to get to know them better, and whether it is worth doing it at all.

It is much more pleasant for the head of the family to receive from his wife a fragrant cologne, a stylish tie and cufflinks (if he wears suits). The clip also involves wearing ties and neckerchiefs. Here the approach is purely individual. A quality electric razor or shaving machine may come in handy more.
In addition, the fact that a spouse seeks to see a well-groomed man next to her cannot but inspire him to feats in the marriage union.

Gifts from guests
Having received an invitation to a banquet or a dinner party in honor of the 16th anniversary of marriage from friends or relatives, everyone wonders what to give. The invited guests are free to choose a present according to their own discretion. You shouldn't be stingy, but not everyone can afford to show off. Therefore, the gift is chosen by the middle class and is profitable in everyday life or memorable:
- statuette;
- a vase for flowers;
- bedspread in the bedroom;
- tea-set;
- plates (beat for luck);
- wine glasses;
- bouquets;
- poems in honor of the anniversary.

You cannot save on the last point. It is simply indecent to hand over a gift in silence, without saying a single pleasant wish to a married couple. So many years of marriage deserve encouraging speeches and delight from couples with less experience of life together. Show the heroes of the occasion that they are the perfect family unit for you. May it be flattering and joyful for them on this day. Sample texts can sound in verse.

Option 1
I congratulate you guys
With the fact that it is already 16 years old
In life you walk alongside
Giving each other happiness light!
Let, like topaz, be transparent
Your dreams together.
And souls believe in the heart, love
For all the invaluable traits!

Option 2
You already have children and common callings.
Appreciate these years and all your efforts.
Let your wishes come true not soon, but rather soon.
And all the memories will warm in life.

Option 3
Children are growing up for joy,
The love of the past has not faded.
It's so good that there is in the world
Such a relationship, honestly!
We wish to look up to you
And it is also easy to live together.
Congratulations on your anniversary,
May God give you strength to continue to love like that!

Option 4
Hearts connected
Sixteen years ago.
Lightning passed
Loving eyes
And passion boiled in my veins
It does not go out until now.
Lead us by example
In spite of the years.

Prose words are also welcome and convenient for sending sms or mailif there is no way to congratulate the couple on a personal visit.
- Topaz is not the greatest jewel, but it attracts the eye with its purity and beauty. Your marriage is more expensive than topaz and just as clean and beautiful! Live in harmony and prosperity!
- Your union cannot be compared with a semiprecious stone, albeit as beautiful as topaz. He is the treasure that you mined together. Protect it from prying hands and eyes, strengthen and celebrate anniversaries more than once!

You can arrange your congratulations on a postcard and attach it to the bouquet. Read in person or leave this mission for the couple who invited you. Both options are pleasant and touching, they will be remembered for their solemnity and unusual approach to congratulations.
Do not spare emotions for worthy people. Let their experience of living together and family wisdom inspire you to walk along the same bright path, arm in arm with your soul mate.

Celebrating a celebration
Consider how couples who decide to make the date a festive one celebrate 16 years of marriage. If you have to decorate a house, then it is better to do it in yellow-blue tones. In the cafe, outdoor decorators or one of your friends can help. Ordering a dozen balls with pearlescent overflow means already to bring festive notes into the atmosphere.
Flowers should not be yellow, so as not to inspire superstitious thoughts about parting and a melancholic mood. Better to choose delicate pastel roses or tulips. Fresh flowers look very beautiful in transparent vases, placed on the banquet table.

You can celebrate the sixteenth anniversary of marriage without fanfare, togetherby organizing a romantic dinner in a small restaurant or at home. But in the latter version, it is desirable and necessary to send the children to visit friends or grandmothers. So that nothing prevents the spouses from indulging in tender memories and dreaming about a joint future.
It is not necessary to design your tete-a-tete in certain colors and fill with symbols. It is enough that there will be a husband, a wife nearby in the flickering of candle lights. This is the most convenient opportunity to exchange gifts dear to your heart, to say your vows and confessions, to admire each other for the umpteenth time.

You can originally celebrate a significant date for a couple in the cafe where their first date took place. Having worried in advance about the "very" table and suitable musical accompaniment, the spouses will receive indelible emotions. Love will light up again in the eyes and glimpse in gestures.
If, nevertheless, a banquet is more acceptable for a couple, then the inviting party will take care of the invitations, the seating of the guests and the festive menu. Topaz wedding has no special traditions in dishes. The main thing is that everything is as the heroes of the occasion wish. Light blue tablecloths or chair covers are enough to create the decor you want. Upon request, guests can be offered a dress code - clothes or accessories in blue shades. Often, the invitees are only happy with such offers and support the color scheme of the event with their jewelry and outfits.

The sweet part of the celebration, the cake, remains the highlight of any festive occasion. It doesn't matter if it is designed for 10 or 50. The dessert should emphasize the essence of the holiday with its decoration. You can order an inscription on the cake in honor of 16 years in a marriage union, write a congratulation for the spouses with cream. The rest depends on the imagination of the customers.The color of the cream can represent topaz, cream roses and rings on the top tier are welcome! Romantic figurines of a husband and wife made of marzipan or mastic - the very charm! Cutting such a delicacy with your spouse and treating each other with hands is a moment permeated with the memories of youth and the wedding day. This is a guarantee of the continuation of a sweet life together and a lot of funny frames for memory in a family album.
Celebrate your dates not according to a template and someone else's standards, but at the behest of your heart and soul. Invest your special meaning in the holiday and live happily as many more times at least twice!

For more on the 16th wedding anniversary, see the next video.