33 years of marriage: what kind of wedding is it and how is it celebrated?

A wedding anniversary is a reason to look down on the path traveled in order to analyze the mistakes made in the process of life and choose a future perspective. According to folk tradition, each wedding anniversary has its own name. This helps to decide on a gift for a spouse for the next little family anniversary.
What is the name of such an anniversary?
A wedding is a turning point in the fate of every person, when two loving hearts unite. From that day on, they will walk through life side by side, overcoming all obstacles in their path.
In the process of living together, they are together looking for a way out of difficult situations, mutually complementing each other.
The thirty-third wedding anniversary is popularly called stone or strawberry. Both names have a subtle meaning.
- Stone. Over the long years of life together, the loyalty and love of the spouses have become as strong as a stone.
- Strawberry. The signature dessert on this festive table is strawberries. The shape and color of the strawberry is very similar to the image of a heart in love pierced by Cupid's arrow. This name of the wedding emphasizes the tender relationship between lovers, which is popularly called "strawberry".

If two people have been married for 33 years, then this will definitely bring many pleasant surprises. During this time, the family went through many trials that strengthened the family union - it became hard as stone, it cannot be destroyed. Simultaneously with this fact, time has allowed to discover new shades of feelings. This explanation gave the second name to the anniversary. The couple will live together until the end.
In the cultures of all peoples, the mystical number 33 has a special meaning.
In Christianity, this figure is associated with the age of Christ.
For pagans, this is a transition to the second half of life.
In fairy tales and legends, after thirty years and three years, real miracles and fabulous transformations take place.
Without delving into the secrets of numerology - you need to celebrate the thirty-third wedding anniversary with dignity.
On their thirty-third wedding anniversary, the couple take one large, ripe strawberry, cut it in half, and eat it at the same time. According to ancient custom, such a ritual on the day of a strawberry wedding refreshes the senses and brings good luck.
The ancient tradition of throwing balloons and candles into the sky on a strawberry wedding day came from China. In the evening, the husband and wife send up small balloons with burning candles attached to them. Each candle is protected from the wind by a small transparent red cap.
According to the ancient custom, thirty-three flashlights should be launched into the sky. If it is not possible to purchase such a number of flashlights, you can limit yourself to three pieces. Such an ancient customary ritual will ensure happiness and lasting family ties for a long time.
Strawberry liqueur is a traditional element of the thirty-third wedding anniversary. The spouses should prepare this tincture together.
For cooking, take one kilogram of fresh strawberries and half a kilogram of fresh raspberries. The fruits are chopped in a glass or enamel bowl with a wooden spoon, a glass of granulated sugar is added and mixed well. As soon as the mixture lets out the juice, it is squeezed through thick gauze, poured into champagne bottles and placed in the cellar for two weeks.
After fourteen days, the liquid from the bottles is carefully poured into an enamel basin, leaving a sediment at the bottom. The container is put on a slow fire, heated to 80 ° C and kept at this temperature for 45 minutes so that excess hops come out of the syrup.
This strawberry liqueur really replaces a bottle of store-bought red wine.

How to celebrate a celebration?
There is no need to try to fit the day of the thirty-third anniversary of the family into a Procrustean bed. In each family, the spouses themselves decide with whom, how and where to celebrate the holiday.
There are several options for celebrating a celebration.
Picnic on the beach
They choose two weeks without cyclones and lingering rains, arrange a vacation, take a tent, sleeping bags, collect things and food in a backpack and go with the other half to the bank of a river or lake.
Fans of comfortable outdoor recreation can use a car for a picnic. To avoid unforeseen situations, a few days before the trip, you need to visit the service station.
From the provisions, it is best to take canned stew, balyk, dried fish, hard cheese, marinated meat and spices for a fragrant barbecue.
Gourmets can buy in advance in the store or cook at home two or three heads of feta cheese or Mozzarella.
Do not forget fresh fruits, sweets and candied fruits for dessert for the second half. Fans of fresh river delicacies can take with them a fishing rod, spinning rod, a cage, and a small fishing net.

To avoid surprises, it is strongly recommended to take mosquito repellents, water disinfectants, a first-aid kit with a full set of medicines for first aid. This can fully insure yourself against most problems.
With this outfit, you can remember your first date and refresh your senses.
A restaurant
Caesar salad, olives, feta cheese, parmesan, mozzarella, kelp, mussels, calamari, red and black caviar, dried fish, carbonate, seafood salad, pickled mushrooms, beef, pork, tobacco chickens form the basis of the festive table.
Dessert includes strawberries, mousse or fruit jelly, ice cream, pudding, dates, papaya, coconut cakes, bananas, oranges, pineapples, rose jam, marshmallows, chocolate, natural juices, candied fruits.
Of the drinks, dessert wine, brut, and nutmeg champagne are put on the festive table.
If the spouses are accustomed to having a rest in complete comfort and having enough free money, then it is best to order a table in a restaurant on the day of the anniversary. This option is best suited for conservatives and lovers of restaurant service.

A trip to the past and gatherings at the samovar
The city has definitely preserved places of romantic dates of youth. You can organize a tour of memorable places, order a retro menu and dive headlong into the past for a while. It will be nice for everyone to remember the first family evenings with friends or relatives.
A good option for celebrating the thirty-third wedding anniversary is a family tea party with loved ones. For such a feast, you can bake a biscuit cake with strawberries and heat a samovar. Sitting over a cup of tea and looking at the family album, they recall the vivid memorable moments of life.

On the thirty-third anniversary of married life, it is not customary to give expensive gifts. Souvenirs and useful things in everyday life are best suited for this purpose. It is desirable that they contain symbolism or be made of stone. You can make strawberry cake, cocktail, mousse, or dessert.
Strawberry sponge cake for the thirty-third wedding anniversary. If the cake is difficult, you can bake a birthday cupcake or pies with strawberry jam or jam.
Watches, glasses and perfume sets
This very practical souvenir will always remind you of the time spent together.
On the surface of the glass, you can engrave with the image of wedding rings, strawberries and write warm sincere words addressed to the other half.
Cosmetics are a great gift for a woman. He will be remembered for a very long time.

Box of chocolates and jewelry
Tea with strawberry jam or jam and a box of chocolates with strawberry filling are a good gift for a woman on her thirty-third wedding anniversary.
A small pendant in the shape of a strawberry with a precious stone will always remind you of the years spent together.
Stone decor and bedding set
A casket, a small vase in the style of the "Mistress of the Copper Mountain", a stone figurine - all these items will be an excellent gift for the second half. The spouse can be presented with a smoking set made of stone.
A glance at the matrimonial bed will always remind the second half of the happy years of marriage.

Tablecloth and a set of dishes
Looking at the tablecloth with an embroidered strawberry berry, one can recall the first kiss, the trills of a nightingale and night walks under the moon. Lovers of evening tea around the samovar will appreciate the gift.
A service or a set of plates with a picture of strawberries will be a beautiful and useful gift for a stone wedding.
If the gift outwardly does not in any way resemble the theme of the holiday, it can be packed in a box with a picture of strawberries or a symbolic decoration in the form of a berry can be attached to the box.
In order not to spoil the celebration, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the intricacies of traditions and gifts for such a big date.
Thanks! Very interesting article and video! And very handy - on September 16 my children, daughter and son-in-law have the 33rd wedding anniversary!